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For this ceremony, I listened to a new soundtrack I found, based on the 111hz frequency. Something something really calming and special about it. The rapés were grounding and wonderful, and I feel so ready for my day.
A bit rushed, but Parika has left me so relaxed.
Bonatur and Clarity 7,0 was actually a good combination and I'll do this again. Parika was truly profound and so deep and loving.
A profound meditation from Parika and a true blessing.
Calming, but just a little bit subtle. I guess it's just generally a calm day anyway.
Despite some mild mind-chatter, it was a calming and positive ceremony that's left me feeling so good about my day.
A meditation filled with hope and love and my life is truly blessed. I'm being guided by the Divine. Always.
I accidentally blew up some of my mixture (runoff) blend into my nose before the meditation, and it had an immediate strong effect, which was very surprising. I had a combination then of the last of the current vials of both Parika and Warrior, giving a deep meditation. A lovely end to my day and I feel so calm.
Both rapés were potent and very loving, and I had a wonderful end to my weekend.
Cumaru gave not just a profound but extreme experience that grew and grew. I felt completely connected with all that is that completely at peace. It left little for to Parika and Canaleiro, but it too was deep and I had a very quiet and calming meditation that's left me almost in another world.
I tried a new rapé, Clarity 8,0, the next in the series after my Clarity 7,0. It's completely different - dark grey and earthy, and very potent. Parika was amazing too. A profound ceremony and a wonderful end to my week.
It was disturbed a little bit by some mind-chatter and an itch on my eye, but otherwise a peaceful ceremony and I feel really good and positive.
Okay, so I think there might be something really special about this rare Cumaru. It was much better this time - so profound and loving, as well as calming. I feel amazing, despite having developed a cold and sore throat last night.
This Parika was the mildest here that I've ever known it - very calming, but almost a nothing. It's just a peaceful day, I suppose.
I tried a new rapé, Jatoba, by Kuntanawa. I've been wanting this one for a while, and indeed it's very rough and potent, and definitely a right nostril blend. Now that I have more of this Parika, and I'll be trying it a lot more. What a blessing this meditation was, and feel so grateful and clear of mind.
What a beautiful early morning meditation - much better than normal. Parika brought such peace and love.
Visionary was really quite calming, but Parika brought a profound and very loving meditation. So hopefuly and optimistic!
Only the second time I've tried Tipy (it completely went off my radar!) It's a wonderfully potent blend and brought deep peace. Parika was, as always, amazing. Some mind-chatter, but a profound experience.
A rather forceful but profound meditation from Floresta, which continues to show itself to be a potent blend. This ceremony what just what I needed and I feel nice and positive and relaxed.
Just a wonderful and very profound ceremony, in spite of some mind-chatter.
The rapés were lovely, and it was a very civilised meditation, although just a little subdued, being this time in the morning, and my body wanted to purge mucus a bit. I feel quite good though!
Both rapés were really good, especially Parika, but it was a little subdued and I had some mind-chatter and burping. Nevertheless, it's a good day and I feel good.
This Pau Pereira is impressing me. It's burning and intense. It was a free sample, but I'll probably buy some. Parika is amazing, but I think it finds its best strength as a left-nostril rapé.
Armous gave me very little, and the right-nostril combination was mild. Generally peaceful though.
Parika again brought a lovely start to the meditation - extremely peaceful. Murici sent me deep and I just feel so lovely and optimistic.
A really peaceful and loving meditation.
A truly wonderful and very loving and peaceful meditation for this time in the morning. Parika is amazing, bringing deep calm and love. I had rapé stuck in my threat, hence all the spitting, but not too disruptive.
This was such a lovely meditation. Some mind mind-chatter, but not overwhelming. I felt a nice stillness.
Again, Parika was a perfect left-nostril rapé, giving very profound experience and deep love and connectedness. A little bit of mind chatter disturbed the Tsunu and the overall experience, but I feel absolutely fantastic!
A pretty decent morning meditation, if a little tricky. I felt a nice calm and some presence. Parika is very nice!
It turns out I absolutely love Parika in the left nostril, not because it's milder, but because it brings a profound peace and love, with utter happiness and well-being. It was even better than Extremos.
There was some burping and mind-chatter, but this quieted my mind in the end and I feel good - ready for the day!
I must say, Parika was absolutely beautiful and extremely profound. I felt deeply connected to all that is, and to my dear mum. Floresta was also amazing, and I had wonderful loving meditation.
A pretty good ceremony. I had mind-chatter, but it was so peaceful and I went quite deep.
The rapés were perfectly fine. In fact Parika brought a deep peaceful and loving sensation straight away. However today is not a good day - I'm just feel very sad and on edge.
The ceremony was mild, but it might be because of the heat this morning! Nevertheless I was nicely calm and deeply grateful for all the blessings in my life.
Some strange energies coming in today, probably the odd astrology tomorrow with the eclipse and full moon. A powerful portal, but these tend to affect my ceremonies. A little subdued, but still very peaceful.
My left nostril was all bunged up, severely hampering the Crystal Clarity, and the right side was also a bit subdued. I had a nice peace, but I can't wait for this cold to soon go away.
A lovely pair of rapés! I felt love and a nice presence. The experience was a little subdued, but i'm so happy and grateful!
Armour was a little mild and very tobacco-ish, but the Parica/Parika combination was really nice. It centered me very pleasantly.
It was a nice ceremony, if a little bit subdued. These early morning meditations have become like this as late, but I did feel a lovely peace.
Crystal Clarity was mild at first, but brought a mounting sense of peace. I'm not sure Parika is a good early morning right-nostril rapé, but I tried the best I could with the meditation. It might be the high temperature this morning that inhibited things a little. Pleasant though.
I decided to try the new rapés, Parika and Cocoa in the opposite palms than previously, and it was fabulous! It was all a little bit subtle, and I had some trouble feeling my chakras, but I felt a type of peace I rarely feel. I sent love to the world and I just know today will be a good day! (I love the candy fruity feel of Parika!)
I tried two two rapés, the first had a strong scent of cocoa, and was just like having a hot cocoa for the nostril! Lovely experience from it. The second, Parika, was also lovely. It was a little bit of a mild ceremony overall, but I can't really judge them at this time of the day. I can't wait to try them both early in the morning!