All Reviews So Far
Tarzan was really loving, but overall a milder meditation. I guess it's because of the quite intense ambil meditation this morning.
A bit mind-chattery, but a very deep and loving meditation that's really cleared my thoughts and raised my vibration.
The rapés were rough going in, but brought a wonderfully profound and peaceful meditation, and I feel amazing and so positive for the future.
This was an extremely deep meditation, and quite rough with both rapés, causing mucus, but it feel absolutely at ease now and clear of mind, with love in my heart and positivity.
My first rapé ceremony of 2024! Some mind-chatter but overall relaxing and a nice start to my year.
I have a sore throat today and I thought this ceremony would be difficult, but it was so easy and calming, bringing such depth and love. I feel so at peace and amazing.
Both rapés were lovely and peaceful. The meditation as a whole was somewhat subdued by still calm and loving. My mind is clear and I'm so positive.
Despite it being so cold, I had a wonderuflly peaceful meditation and it was a blessing to the start of my weekend.
Both rapés were so loving and deep. Gesileu is amazing.
I don't do Nawashahu nearly as much as I should and I should have it in the right nostril. A lovely deep and very loving meditation.
Such a lovely peaceful meditation from Tarzan, and Tonka Lush was calming. I really nice Saturday.
Such a peaceful and profound meditation to start my weekend. I feel so calm and clear of mind, and so positive for the future.
There was too much mind chatter from my busy day, but this was just what I needed to put my energies right and raise my vibration.
A wonderful meditation overall, mainly from Tarzan, and Ifeel amazing. Some mind-chatter, but it was fine.
Divine Union was surprisingly milder than normal. Tarzan was nice and deep - very peaceful, but with some mild mind-chatter and burping. Overall a little mellow, but I feel good.
This was a lovely intense meditation that brought peace to my morning. Tarzan was good.
Such a wonderful and very deep meditation from Tarzan. What a blessing to my day.
Wow, what a deep meditation to end my Saturday afternoon. A true blessing..
A really wonderful and positive, deep meditation from two rapés I don't often have. What a blessed end to my weekend.
This meditation was so needed to clear my mind and balance my energies. A lovely happy and deep meditation.
It's the first time I've had Tarzan in a very long time, and have opened a new vial. It was profound and very loving, bringing peace, although there was some mind-chatter.
Mainly interrupted by some mind-chatter from my busy day, but such a peaceful meditation and so profound and lovely.
An interesting pair - Pineal and Tarzan. Pineal, although normally quite mild, was lovely and relaxing here after a busy day, and Tarzan was quite profound. Just a great ceremony!
Just a wonderful and very calm morning ceremony. I felt a peace I rarely feel at this time in the morning - so much love.
This was a peaceful meditation, but some mind-chatter, but not too bad, and it was generally calm, if a little subdued. It was nevertheless just what I needed.
I tried JIboia for the first time in the right nostril. It's certainly a strong blend, but I need to experiment more with it this way to come to a decision. A lovely ceremony overall.
It was a pretty decent meditation for this time in the morning. A little tricky with the spitting, but I felt at peace and went quite deep. Lovely.
Despite the spitting, it was a lovely meditation. I haven't tried Tarzan for a while, and it's a really good blend, if a little forceful.
Capim Santo was a little mild, but Tarzan was very pleasant and loving. I had mind-chatter though and am still off-balance.
I opened my new packet of Divine Untion, and it was really potent and gorgeous. Tarzan brought a deep meditation, albeit some mind-chatter. Very nice.
A wonderful ceremony, albeit some strange energies. I just feel so relaxed and present today, and this helped tremendously.
Another really pleasant ceremony, although some slightly strange energies at the moment. I had a really nice presence and calmness.
Yes, not a bad ceremony at all! I've decided that Tarzan is truly beautiful, and really worthy of the right nostril at any time of the day. Divine Union is really good, although a little tricky.
It was a very pleasant ceremony. A tiny little bit subdued, but completely at peace. I'm at the start of my annual leave, and I feel so good, and so hopeful for the world.
Such a beautiful ceremony. I was so filled with hope, transmuting all the darkness in the world into pure love and light. I love Corda Tsunu!
What a lovely combination - Tsunu and Tarzan. It was potent and sent me into a deep, loving meditation.
It was a very pleasant meditation, but too much mind-chatter - strange times for me at the moment, with matters of the heart. I'll work through it and the future is so bright and hopeful!!
I prefer doing the rapés in the left palm, as they set the stage wonderfully. Uricuri brought a loving meditation, and I feel great!
Finally, a lovely early morning ceremony! I had the loving energy flow easily through me.
The left-nostril combination brought a wonderful sense of well-being and calm. Tarzan was a little on the mild side, but today is going to be such a good day, with the sun shining bright and everything in the world just as it should be.
The left nostril combination was very rich! It brought a nice peace, but even with Tarzan, I struggled to go deep or really feel my chakras. A strange meditation, but these early morning ceremonies have become hit and miss of late. A nice calming meditation nevertheless.
The ceremony was mild, but it might be because of the heat this morning! Nevertheless I was nicely calm and deeply grateful for all the blessings in my life.
The whole meditation was a little bit mild, but that's okay. I had a nice peace and sent love to the collective.
This was a very nice morning ceremony, full of love and light. It brought me great peace.
It was a wonderful experience. A little rushed maybe, but I was filled with peace and love.
Connection was nice, bringing a lovely peace, but Tarzan was very mild, especially for this time in the morning. I guess I'm just so at peace anyway.
I didn't get much from Suave Luz on this one, but I love its mild aromatic sensation going in. The right nostril combination was lovely, and I anchored in the light from God.
Connection brought a nice calm, and Tarzan brought a deep meditation. Some mind-chatter. A pleasant ceremony.
The sample was Shanenawa. (I'm not sure of the precise variety of Shanenawa.) It was a strange meditation and fell short of my expectation. It was pleasant, and although I went quite deep, it was just a little bit weird.
I'm beginning to think that Trevo Cumaru is actually a good right-nostril rapé, as it almost steals the show from the right nostril. It filled me with pure love and light - the love of God and connectedness with all that is! The Tarzan brought furthered the profound meditation. I just know that all will be well and that life is magical.
This was a beautiful ceremony, full of love and light. I felt completely at peace.
A nice meditation from the right nostril, but I'm continuing to get almost nothing from Hoska. Very peaceful, if a little mild overall.
A good ceremony, although a little bit on the subtle side. It brought calm though.
A thoroughly lovely and peaceful meditation, if a little but subtle. I wish I could go really deep, but I seem to have trouble these days. Nevertheless a really good ceremony.
A subdued ceremony, in which I couldn't go deep nor feel my chakras. Perhaps my slight hangover hampered it. It was relaxing, but some mind-chatter.
An interesting combination in the right nostril of Warrior and Tarzan, two strong rapés. Some strange energies still today, and I struggled to go very deep, but it was a loving meditation full of hope.
Kundalini was a little mild this time, but Tarzan brought a very pleasant and somewhat deep meditation. My mind is so rushed this morning, and I'm finding it difficult to center myself, but this ceremony helped to calm my mind and bring me to the sacred present moment.
Tarzan brought a very deep and loving meditation, in which I felt one with the universe and deep gratitude. The meditation video stopped, hence the interruption, which was bad, but it was a lovely ceremony.
This was a strange ceremony. I don't know if it was the heat in the room, but I felt a little discomfort during the meditation. Still a pleasant one, but not the best.
Both rapés were surprisingly mild, even Tarzan. Zenergy, although very mild, brought a sense of alertness, which wasn't offputting. Tarzan brought a relaxed, loving sensation. It was a strange ceremony that nevertheless left me full of hope and feeling good.
I tried the last two of my new rapés. Aya was pleasant, but I didn't have much, so it was a little bit mild. Tarzan brought a beautiful calming meditation. I can't wait to experiment more with these two.