Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Huichol
Core Information about Tagetes
Overall Description
A gray blend that brings a profound and loving meditation. I love this rapeh, as it's rather gentle, yet brings me into a deep and beautiful meditation. It's brings me to the present and clears my mind.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
A lovely deep meditation from Tagetes, despite some mind-chatter and burping. I feel totally clear of mind now.
Bonatur was very mild yet again, but I gave Tagetes a chance at the main show here, and it really worked. It's such a loving and calming rapé.
A deep and peaceful meditation, and I feel so calm and positive for the year ahead.
Tagetes gave a very pleasant and happy mild light-headedness, and Floresta was truly profound and very loving. I feel absoltuely amazing now, almost in another world, and so very blessed, now and forever.
It was a really calming meditation from both rapés, where I went deep and I feel so positive and blessed.
It's been such a peaceful and positive few days, and today is no different. What a really nice and nice meditation, and I feel so good.
Chief has really shown itself to be an amazing rapé, and it was deeply profound. Tagetes was also amazing. I feel so positive and clear of mind after this very deep meditation.
A tried a new combination of rapés with Huichol, and this was really nice. A lovely and blessed start to my day.
This was a really nice meditation to start my evening. A blessing, although a little bit of mild mind-chatter. 7 Ervas is amazing.
A had some mind-chatter and discomfort, but it was a lovely and quite deep meditation. I decided to give Murici a try as the star of the show, and it's certainly a good blend.
An extremely deep meditation, but also rushed. For just a few minutes I reached into the depths of my conscious and felt so amazing, raising my vibration to new levels. Even Tagetes was very deep in this ceremony.
Actually, I only intended this to be on the milder side, as I knew it'd be rushed, but it was pleasant and cleared my mind.
Tagetes gave a really deep and loving meditation, and I should do this more, especially in the right nostril. I feel so positive and know the truth is coming out in the world.
I just feel amazing and so positive after this deeply connected and loving meditation. Tagetes is a good rapé!
The first time for Tagetes in a long while, and it was a pleasant experience. Floresta was amazing and brought a lovely deep calm.
Clarity 7,0 seems to really heighten any rapé it's in combination with. It brought a very deep sense of happiness and calm. I love Yemanja, and the meditation was just what I needed!
I decided to give Tagetes a chance as the main star of the show. It was surprisingly a little mild. Overall a nice peaceful meditation though.
It was just what I needed, with the potency of two rapés. It centered me.
I really don't know why Tundo was so mild - it was so surprising, especially at this time in the morning. My first day in work after seven weeks, so maybe a little off. Fairly peaceful though.
I tried a new sound track. I like it, but I need to get used to it. Both rapés were fine, and brought quite a deep meditation, although a little bit shallow.
This was a pretty decent and peaceful meditation. I felt really good, in spite of still being very off-balance. I just feel down today, but good things are coming - I just know it.
Huichol was strong. Putann was lovely. I had some mind-chatter and I'm a little off-balance this morning, but this really helped.
Just a really calming and lovely ceremony. I went quite deep and felt totally relaxed, ready for my day.
This ceremony really centered me. I need to learn better to surrender completely and of course I do have great hope for the future and deep knowing everything will be fine.
A lovely ceremony. I just feel so wonderful and full of love and hope!
An overall very nice mediation that brought me peace. Not the deepest, but it was really pleasant and I feel very grateful and hopeful. It later brought a long-lasting feeling of true happiness that I rarely feel!
Just a lovely early morning meditation, full of gratitude. Tagetes is actually a wonderful rapé, bringing deep peace, even in its small amount.
I tried two of my new rapés, but unfortunately I made the mistake of putting both the same kuripe. The left nostril was therefore very intense, and actually extremely beautiful, but it's a shame I did this mistake. I can't wait to actually try these rapés properly!