Reviews of Katukina Guayasa

Core Information about this Rapeh

Tribe (and/or maker): Katukina              BROWSE ALL RAPEHS


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Katukina Guayasa

Core Information about Guayasa

Number of ratings: 34
Country of origin: Brazil
Ingredients: Arapiraca Tobacco, Guayasa, Paricà, Xixá
Sourced from: Katukina

Overall Description

A rather unique blend that snaps me to the present moment. It has a lovely aroma that reminds me heavily of guayasa, which is lovely as a green tea. It's really quite potent and I go deep with this one.

Further Stats


All Reviews So Far

On 09/12/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Cabolco: Tarzan. The room had a temperature of 16.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Both rapés were lovely and peaceful. The meditation as a whole was somewhat subdued by still calm and loving. My mind is clear and I'm so positive.

Ceremony score: 61.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 28/10/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Vynya. The room had a temperature of 16.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
Guayasa was quite mild here, but Vynya was really profound and calming, and it was a lovely quiet peaceful ceremony.

Ceremony score: 67.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 04/08/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Cabolco: Kanaro. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
Such a deep meditation from both rapés, even Guayasa, which brought great peace. A lovely addition to my day.

Ceremony score: 73.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 27/04/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Orchid Fever 3,0, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Guayasa. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Meditation Music to create an Altered State of Consciousness".
An interesting meditation. Not overly deep, but it was an interesting experiment to try Guayasa in the right nostril. Along with this new sound track, it gave quite a unique experience and still very calming and positive.

Ceremony score: 64.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 13/04/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Parica Cumaru. The room had a temperature of 14.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A really good meditation. I've said this before, but Guayasa is a really good rapé, bringing a lovely sense of calm.

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 22/03/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
A good meditation to end my day - very calming, in spite of some mind chatter from my busy day. Guayasa was very good and brought deep peace.

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 19/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "144,000 hz octave (7.5 hz theta binaural beat) Tune into the energy of 144,000".
I cracked open a new vial of Samauma, and it was really profound and brought peace. I'm so restful and positive.

Ceremony score: 70.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 17/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Parica. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Two Katukina rapés brought a lovely peace during a busy day.

Ceremony score: 68.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 03/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Cabolco: Kanaro. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
A really nice meditation to end my week. Guayasa was nice and calming, and Kanaro was much deeper. Pity about the mind-chatter from my busy day, and some itching, but I feel so quiet of mind now and so positive.

Ceremony score: 69.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 02/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
It was interrupted by some mind-chatter and burping, but Putanny was very calming.

Ceremony score: 62.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 5 Day score 7

On 26/01/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Clarity 8,0. The room had a temperature of 26.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Just a really good meditation to calm my already peaceful mind. A really nice positive day!

Ceremony score: 68.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 18/01/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
It was badly interrupted at the end, but while it lasted, it was a deep meditation. Guayasa was particularly amazing and truly sent me into a profound state of peace. A lovely end to my day.

Ceremony score: 70.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 5 Day score 8

On 10/01/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Puyanawa: Pixuri, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Guayasa. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Although rushed, this was just such a profound meditation. This Pixuri was the best I've ever know it, and Guayasa really seems to have something special about it.

Ceremony score: 73.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 13/12/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Kaxinawa: Osha. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
I decided to risk Osha in the right nostril, and it was pleasant and calming, if a tiny little bit on the milder side. Guayasa was actually quite potent and I now feel so relaxed and positive, with a high vibration.

Ceremony score: 68.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 30/08/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Forca. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "144,000 hz octave (7.5 hz theta binaural beat) Tune into the energy of 144,000".
Two wonderful rapés. It's been a while since I've had this Forca blend, and it's potent, albeit with a slighly different feel to it than other strong rapés of late. I feel totally at peace and really grounded.

Ceremony score: 73.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 26/08/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Cumaru. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THETA WAVES Reality Shifting Quantum Jumping Music Subliminal (Audio 2 Hrs)".
I opened my new vial of Cumaru, which I assume is the same as the Yawanawa Cumaru from Schnuff, but I need to check. (This was from Ebay's Amazon Spirit.) I lovely blend and I feel very relaxed, despite having had some mind-chatter during meditation.

Ceremony score: 70.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 31/07/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Kaxinawa: Osha. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
I took a risk with two lesser-used rapés. I do love the subtle earthiness of Osha, but both blends were a little mild. Nevertheless, it's been such a bright and happy day, and I'm so very content.

Ceremony score: 60.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 15/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Cabolco: Extremos. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Guayasa was a little bit stronger this time, and this with Extremes brought a profound peace and connectedness. Shame it was a little bit rushed.

Ceremony score: 82.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 15/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
It was a little rushed, but Madre brought so much profound peace and love.

Ceremony score: 66.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 11/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Guayasa cleared my mind beautiful and was so profoundly peaceful. Madre was also excellent, bringing love, hope and knowing.

Ceremony score: 69.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 31/01/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
It's a pity it was a bit rushed, but nevertheless it was a profound and deeply connected meditation, sending out high-frequency vibes to the world. Lovely.

Ceremony score: 78.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 29/01/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
What a truly profound and loving ceremony. Guayasa really needs to be promoted to the right nostril, as it's so potent.

Ceremony score: 79.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 30/12/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Kuntanawa: Ayoasca. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
I just feel so good after this ceremony. Ayoasca is truly a potent rapé, filling me with light. Lovely!

Ceremony score: 75.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 28/12/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Ayoasca. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A very deep and connected meditation. Guayasa was surprisingly profound, and Ayoasca definitely deserves to remain a right-nostril rapé from now on - very potent!

Ceremony score: 82.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 20/11/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Parica. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
This was a fantastically loving pair of rapés. I haven't done this Parica much, and it's so profound. The world is wonderful, and so is life!

Ceremony score: 74.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 5
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 21/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
Just a really deep and loving meditation. There was lots of crown chakra action going on here - in fact my energy was almost stuck there throughout for some reason.

Ceremony score: 74.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 7

On 20/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Uricuri. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
I need to learn better to calm my mind during these busy times, but I know I'll get there. It was a really nice and somewhat deep meditation.

Ceremony score: 67.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 10/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Nukini: Floresta. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
A generally good ceremony. Floresta could have been deeper, but it was very loving and I'm ready for my day.

Ceremony score: 67.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 06/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Canaleiro. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
A lovely ceremony. Guayasa is a really pleasant hapen and maybe worthy of the right nostril. Canaleiro continues to be wonderful. I went quite deep and feel great afterwards.

Ceremony score: 71.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 7

On 15/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Clarity 7,0. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
A nice ceremony, but my mind is just full of things at the moment, like when the hell do they plan to discharge my mum from hospital????!!!!!

Ceremony score: 66.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 04/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Just too much mind-chatter in this one, and Mulata was far weaker than normal. Nevertheless rather calming, during and afterwards.

Ceremony score: 55.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 27/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Kuntanawa: Corda Tsunu combined with a small amount of Katukina: Guayasa. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
What a lovely ceremony to finish off the day. I went quite deep and was full of so much gratitude.

Ceremony score: 76.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 24/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo along with 3 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
I'm still making my mind up about Guayasa, but it was very pleasant. Divine Union was mild (maybe because coming to the very end of the packet). I feel very good and calm afterward.

Ceremony score: 63.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 7

On 22/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Guayasa, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Clarity 7,0. The room had a temperature of 27.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
I tried two new rapés. Guayasa had (surprisingly) an earthy cocoa feel to it and had the effect of immediately centering me, bringing me to presence. Clarity 7,0 (made by themselves) was a little milder, but had a lovely minty (perhaps spearmint) sensation, pleasantly lasting in the nostril. I had a really profound sense of well-being and optimism throughout.

Ceremony score: 75.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

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