Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kaxinawa
Core Information about Cumaru
Overall Description
I love Cumaru-based rapehs, and this is no exception. Its aroma is beautiful, and it brings profound spiritual connection, with deep meditation and activation of the chakras.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
A wonderfully peaceful meditation that grounded me and cleared my thoughts. A blessing.
This meditation was just what I needed to centre my energies. It was overall less than it could have been, but the rapés sent me so much love, and I know I'm blessed.
Such potent rapés (with a new vial of Cumaru source from Aureus Horum, labelled as Huni Kuin). Some minor mind-chatter, but I'm left feeling in a different world and so good.
Just a nice peaceful and loving meditation, and I feel so blessed.
This was by far one of the best meditations of late and of all time. Murici was truly perfect, making me numb and forming a profound connnected with the Universe and all that is good. This continued on and I felt numb and so wonderful. I feel amazing now. What a true blessing and the future is so very bright and wonderful.
I haven't had this Cumaru for a very long time, but I have a brand new large vial of it. I think it's the second best one from, and it's truly amazing. What a lovely ceremony and lovely day.
The right-nostril combination was particularly potent and caused some spitting. A lovely deep meditation.
A lovely deep meditation, but it's a pity it was so rushed.
I'm reminded of how potent Jiboia is. I should promote it to right nostril next time! I had a profound meditation from this and Cumaru.
It was a little subtle, but very peaceful. Today is a good day!
Flow is still mild, but this Cumaru is amazing. I'm glad I've got another vial of it. I went deep and felt at peace.
This was a generally really lovely meditation, where I felt calm. I used one of my rarely used sound tracks, because I was in just the right mood.
A really nice meditation, with another interesting Clarity 7,0 combination. I feel really good and optimistic.
This was a wonderful ceremony, and I had a fantastic sense of calm and well-being throughout. Things are turning out so well!!
A lovely ceremony and just what I needed. I went deep with both these wonderful cumaru-based rapés, and felt such love, especially for my dear mum.
I have a cold and possibly a fever this morning and feel really off, but this ceremony really helped. The menthol crystals in Menta help with that type of thing, which was why I chose it. Cumaru gave a deep and loving meditation and I feel really centered and somewhat relieved.
Given I have a brand new vial of this Cumaru, I had a rather large amount of it, and it brought quite a deep meditation, full of love and hope. I seemed to be sitting wrong, which was a minor disturbance, but it was a good ceremony.
I don't do this Cumaru much these days (because it's running low), but what a beautiful rapé. Maybe I'll buy more. I was filled to the brim with love and hope.
I didn't expect that! Not long after getting out the shower, so my body temperature hadn't normalised yet, and yet and I had a wonderful ceremony! I went very deep straight from the start, absolutely brimming with gratitude and love.
This was a truly lovely evening ceremony, full of love and presence. I'm so optimistic!
I haven't tried this variety of Cumaru in a long while, and its a wonderful blend. It dispelled all my worries and sent me to a very beautiful place.
Just an all round good ceremony from Cumaru rapés. It left a very long lasting feeling of warming and goodness.
Warrior Heart is a good early morning blend, bringing deep peace. Cumaru activated my chakras and brought a loving meditation.
The Canela do Velho was a little bit milder than expected, but I just felt so very peaceful and connected.
I'd normally say that Cumaru is a right-nostril rapé, but it really worked in this case, because Portal (as well as the Cumaru) brought about a profound meditation and sense of peace, love and light. Some leg-shaking, but not too off-putting. Absolutely amazing!
A beautifully relaxing meditation from two Cumaru blends.
A very good second ceremony in a sequence. It cleared my mind more and I feel lovely.
The Cumaru combination was amazing and brought about a profound meditation.
I felt a profound peace that I rarely feel. It was truly amazing, and I barely wanted to leave the meditation.
A lovely meditation. I felt my chakras and feel really relaxed.
The Connection immediately brought about a profound meditation and the Cumaru (as always) was absolutely amazing. This was about as deep a ceremony as I'm comfortable going into at this time in the morning, but it really worked and was incredible! (I'm glad I put the heating down beforehand!)
Pineal taken early morning is a good blend and by far the best time to take it, bringing about a very calming meditation. Cumaru blends in the right nostril also never fail to deliver a deeply calming meditation.
The Warrior Princess again didn't fail me, sending me into a meditation where I could absolutely feel all my chakras. A little mind chatter though.
So I tried the two Cumaru blends in the right nostril, along with a milder in the left, and it was a milder experience than I expected. The Cumarus definitely are a good mixture though, and it's worth exploring this further.
Okay, so I think mixing the the Cumaru varieties together in the left nostril is really best for the right nostril. It brought about an extremely profound experience, but too early! I still had the Uricuri in the right nostril to do, and it was offputting for it. I had to turn down the heat and delay the intention for it (as I've learnt to do, for precaution's sake. It was a pleasant ceremony, but would have been so much better had I done it the other way round.
Flow and Cumaru in the left hand worked very well, sending me into a deeply relaxed state. The Putanny further deepened the sensation and it was a great ceremony.
The mixture in the left nostril was deeply meditative and the Cumaru brought about a relaxing meditation.
I got little from the left nostril, but Cumuru always delivers a wonderful meditation.
A mild but calming ceremony, following immediately from the previous one. As these second ceremonies often do, it supplemented the first, and really cleared my mind. Very nice.
A very good ceremony. My rapé mixture gave a good grounding effect, and it was well complemented by the Cumaru. The Kaxinawa tribe are really great rapé-blenders, and this was an absolutely lovely ceremony!