Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kaxinawa
Core Information about Forca
Overall Description
### I have tried this both in the right and left nostril quite a few times each. It is a potent blend that brings about a lovely calmness and sensation, centeredness, and a tightness in the pineal gland area. During some meditations, I’ve had some leg-shaking from the depth and intensity of the meditation. I find Forca to be a very pleasant rapeh that leaves me feeling full of love and gratitude. Especially in combination with Mulata, I’ve found it to bring about a deep sense of love and light in lasting meditations that I’ve barely want to leave.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
Despite rapé stuck in my throat, causing some disturbance, it was a loving and deep meditation, and I feel amazing ahead of my very busy day ahead.
I feel so amazing after this deep meditation. I don't often have Kaxinawa Forca, but it's such a potent rapé. The right nostril combination was quite unique and truly worked.
This was a deep meditation from two strong rapés. Forca straight away brought a lovely calmness. I'm so grateful.
Wow, a really profound meditation. I eleminated all my stress from my busy day and brought light and love into my soul. Bonatur was surprisingly very profound in combination with a small amount of Canaleiro for the right nostril. Truly lovely!
This was a generally really lovely meditation, where I felt calm. I used one of my rarely used sound tracks, because I was in just the right mood.
I had a lovely calming presence almost throughout. Still coming to terms with my loss, but the future is so bright.
Yes, a lovely ceremony. A tiny little bit subdued, but very peaceful and hopeful.
Yes, a nice meditation. Some strange energies today, or maybe just busy and overthinking a little but. I squashed the thoughts though and had a relaxing ceremony. Very nice.
What a lovely ceremony. I was just so at peace and with love, hope and gratitude for all my wishes coming true. The future is so bright!
I rarely try Forca these days, but it's a very pleasant rapé. I didn't go very deep, but it really centered me and I feel just lovely.
An absolutely lovely evening meditation. The rapés were potent, and I had a wonderful ceremony.
I actually got my kuripes mixed up, so did the potent combination in the left nostril. Nevertheless, it almost didn't matter, as I did a shorter intention setting for the right nostril. I had a profound meditation, knowing that all is well.
A lovely peaceful meditation. I was filled full of love and a great sense of calmness.
I haven't tried Forca in a very long time, and never in the right nostril, but it's definitely a good potent blend. I felt really peace and full of love afterwards.
What an amazing ceremony. Forca brought a lovely sensation and Mulata brought a deep sense of love and light. It was a lasting meditation and one that I didn't want to leave.
Another mild ceremony, but lovely nevertheless. Some itching didn't help, but I feel nice and calm.
An expectedly milder meditation, but it was very pleasing. The left nostril really relaxed me and the Putanny was really good. My mind is cleared and I'm fully ready for the day ahead. Lovely.
A nice calming effect from the left nostril and deepened by the right nostril. A good ceremony that cleared my mind somewhat.
Very mild, but I suppose expectedly so. Good aftereffect feeling after both ceremonies together though.
The Forca gave a nice sensation, with a tighness in the pineal gland area, which was nice. During the meditation, I had that strange shaking of the legs, but it was less intense than earlier in the day.
The Warrior Heart has certainly redeemed itself. It gave a deep meditation and calming of the mind. Well complemented by the Forca, giving a very relaxing ceremony overall. Very impressive.
Despite interruptions, a very pleasant experience from both palms. Quite profound and relaxing, clearing the mind and bringing peace.