All Reviews So Far
This was a ceremony that brought happiness and peace on this wonderfully hot sunny morning.
Just what I needed to start my Saturday and I feel positive and blessed, despite my dad being in hospital, but thankfully recovering. I send loe to him and the world.
Murici was so grounding and loving. I feel amazing.
Such potent rapés (with a new vial of Cumaru source from Aureus Horum, labelled as Huni Kuin). Some minor mind-chatter, but I'm left feeling in a different world and so good.
A really peaceful and connected meditation, and a wonderful start to my week.
I tried the third and last of my Boa rapé, by Kaxinawa. A blessing and so calming. The right nostril combination was profound and brought the peace I needed.
A lovely peaceful meditation and I feel truly blessed.
I only had a small amount of Murici, because the bottom part of my stone kuripe has fallen off, and I didn't realise it was falling through the bottom. Regardless, it was still so calming, even in this small amount. Cumaru de Cheiro was truly profound. An amazing and such loving rapé. I feel so calm and at peace with All That Is.
A lovely early morning meditation that's left me so relaxed and at pace.
Such a wonderful and deep meditation, and I'm ready for a blessed weekend.
I tried the fifth and last of my rapés, Focus. It's a dark grey blend and smells very strong. It has the hint of being quite a forceful rapé, a bit like Jopo, and brought quiet and peace. Murici was, as always, very profound. A wonderful start to my Wednesday and I feel so blessed and like in another world.
A really peaceful and calming meditation. Minor mind-chatter, but very loving. A nice start to my Bank Holiday Monday.
What a truly amazing rapé Murici is. It could easily rise to be my best. I had a truly profound and very loving meditation and life is so good. I'm sending love to the world.
This was by far one of the best meditations of late and of all time. Murici was truly perfect, making me numb and forming a profound connnected with the Universe and all that is good. This continued on and I felt numb and so wonderful. I feel amazing now. What a true blessing and the future is so very bright and wonderful.
Both rapés were calming and beautiful, especially Warrior, despite being rough going in and causing mucus. I feel so positive, and I felt rather a wave of love washing over me.
Peu was one of the best it's been, and Murici was truly profound. A wonderfully deep meditation.
The rapés were so loving and peaceful, but the overall ceremony was a little on the subtle side. Nevertheless, a wonderful calm and positive start to my day.
Despite some mild mind-chatter, it was a calming and positive ceremony that's left me feeling so good about my day.
A deep and calming meditation that's left me with a positive and clear mind.
Such a wonderful and calming meditation and I feel so relaxed and amazing, positive for the week ahead and for the future.
It's been an emotional week and a bit, but this meditation helped to centre me, and I feel blessed.
Murici is so profund and loving ,and I feel in a different world.
I tried my two new vials from of Murici and Mulata and both were so loving and calming. I feel amazing and positive, and so at ease.
A peaceful meditation to start my day. Lovely!
A bit of mind-chatter, but Resolve helped me resolve that and I feel so peaceful now and so positive.
Such a wonderful meditation and so loving. Both rapés brought such peace and positivity.
The extreme cold really does hamper meditation, as it did here, but the right nostril combination brought peace.
Murici was surprisingly much milder than normal, but brought some subtle peace. The right nostril combination brought great depth and quiet, and I feel amazing.
A lovely deep meditation to start my weekend, and I'm so blessed and positive.
This was just what I needed at this very early time in the morning to calm my mind completely and raise my vibration. All negativity and lies in the world are being dissolved, and the future is so bright.
This was a gorgeous meditation that sent me deep and I was relaxed.
This was a lovely deep meditation to start my week, and such a blessing.
Both rapés were on the milder side than normal, but still good, and I feel relaxed, happy the week is over.
Tornado was the mildest I've ever known it, but again, this Murici was so loving and deep. I feel amazing during this very positive and calm day.
Suave Luz was very mild but mildly calming. As for Murici, I really ought to have this more, as I feel I've not let it shine for all the time I've had it. It's truly potent and loving.
A really peaceful meditation to start my Sunday. Samsara was really, really rough going in, but brought such depth of peace and calm. Murici with Mentolado really worked to bring positivity and I feel so clear of mind and amazing. Such a lovely future ahead, and I'm so protected.
So far, I really haven't given this Murcii a chance to shine, and I really should, as it's a deep rapé and really beautiful Kanaro brought a very deep meditation, and I'm so blessed.
An excellent end-of-day meditation with deep breaths. I feel so relaxed and positive, ready for anything.
I completely mixed it up with morning with three different rapés, and it really worked. I also tried for the first time taking a sip of water after the second dose, to alleviate the roughness in the throat, and this too work really well. A blessing to start my sunday, and I feel so relaxed and thankful.
A bit of a mixed bag. I felt such peace, but was a little interrupted by burping and some rapé in my mouth. A nice start to the day, if a little bit of a shallow meditation. Nice and peaceful though.
Pau Pereira was so deep and lovely. What a blessing. I don't do this Murici enough, and it was truly profound, and my mind is clear and so very positive.
A had some mind-chatter and discomfort, but it was a lovely and quite deep meditation. I decided to give Murici a try as the star of the show, and it's certainly a good blend.
A lovely peaceful meditation, albeit with some rapé stuck in my throat. A wonderful start to my week and I'm so positive - a true warrior.
The first time for Mulata in a while, and it's amazing. I lovely end to the afternoon and I'm so thankful for everything.
Both rapés were wonderful, especially Samauma, which was very profound and brought deep connectedness. I felt so much hope and gratitude.
It was the first time for Uricuri in a very long time, and it's a lovely potent rapé. I feel fantastic, very positive and ready for my day.
It was a very loving and connected meditation. This Samauma is amazing.
Two absolutely wonderful and very profound rapés. I really ought to do these more, and Murici is an excellent right-nostril blend. Orchid Fever 3,0 is fabulous and sent me into a dream-line state.
I've missed these two beautiful and deeply connecting blends, especially Trevo Cumaru (it's been a while!). They're back, and I feel so blessed and grateful for everything in my life.
It was an almost dream-like meditation - very calm.
This is a nice soundtrack, but a little but trippy. Maybe I'll leave it for a while and use others. Regardless, a deep meditation and so loving. A peaceful day!
It was a very loving and connected meditation where I went deep. Some mind-chatter, but just lovely nevertheless.
Two wonderful blends that gave a loving and peaceful meditation. I feel so relaxed.
Yet again today, the rapés were fine, but I had a slightly busy mind. Just a generally busy day. This really helped though and I felt happy and full of love.
A very nice ceremony, and really peaceful, but I'm a bit excitable at the moment. My mind is cleared and I feel really positive.
Just a wonderful ceremony. Both rapés were potent, and Tsunu was incredible to set the meditation in motion. In a small way, it took some of the thunder from Murici, but it too was profound. I'm so blessed.
It was a very peaceful meditation, and I'm so thankful for this being a loving and calm day. The power to transmute negative into positive is real and amazing.
Parika again brought a lovely start to the meditation - extremely peaceful. Murici sent me deep and I just feel so lovely and optimistic.
Some mind-chatter, but the rapés were profound and loving.
A nice peaceful meditation. Nothing outstanding, but just a nice calm.
I had rapé stuck in my throat, hence all the spitting, but it was a nice relaxing meditation, albeit a little subdued and interrupted. It's been a good day!
A really lovely meditation, full of love and I was so happy. It's just generally a good day.
I really do like Murici at this time in the evening. I had a lovely relaxing ceremony.
Tornado was a little heavy and rough, but quite potent, and I tried Murici again, which is an incredible rapé. I know this is going to be amazing moving forward! What a blessing!
I tried another new rapé, a new Murici. It has an earthy aroma, but a delicious candy sensation going in. I just know this is going to be one of my favourite rapés, as it brought a deep peace. I had some headphone problems, which great disturbed the ceremony, but it was just so peaceful and one of the better early morning ceremonies of late.