Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kuntanawa
Core Information about Chamba
Overall Description
A lovely strong rapeh. It has a strong scent (a little bit of peppermint) and aids deep meditation.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
My mind was a bit jittery from my busy day, but overall a deep and relaxing meditation, and I feel blessed. Canela do Velho is amazing, and I'm glad I've now got more of it.
Despite some minor interruption, Parica Cumaru pulled through with a nice calming and rather deep meditation that's cleared my mind and re-aligned my energies.
It was a peaceful and loving meditation, but I expected Nawashahu to be stronger.
A really deep meditation from two such loving rapés. I feel amazing. It's been a very long time since I've tried this sound track, and I should return to it more.
This was truly just what I needed, going very deep with Samauma, and I feel totally relaxed now.
I rarely have these rapés, but both are amazing. I felt a deep sense of calm and connectedness, and totally at ease.
A very pleasant meditation from two good rapés. Particularly Veia de Paje was deep and very loving.
Chamba is good, if a little mild, but it brought a nice calm. Madre was more profound and brought depth. A good day!
This meditation was just what I needed. Despite some mild mind-chatter from my busy day, it was deeply calming and connected. Life is good and the world is healing!
Corda Tsunu brought an amazingly profound and deeply loving meditation. It's been a good day!
This was a nice meditation from two rapés I haven't done in a while. It was mostly peaceful, but maybe a bit lacking.
I just feel so fantastic after this ceremony! Truly it has left my so optimistic!
It was a pleasant ceremony, in spite of the interruptions. The head did subdue it a little, and it was a little rushed, but I felt a nice peace.
This was an amazing ceremony. I truly felt the love and God and truly thankful for everything. The left nostril left the Moy Cumaru a little milder than normal, but it almost didn't matter. Absolutely lovely.
This ceremony was just what I needed to really clear out the negative energy and put my mind completely at ease. I felt love and peace. Beautiful.
I actually got my kuripes mixed up, so did the potent combination in the left nostril. Nevertheless, it almost didn't matter, as I did a shorter intention setting for the right nostril. I had a profound meditation, knowing that all is well.
The temperature is really hot here today, which tends to inhibit the ability to go deep, but Trevo Cumaru was, as always, magical.
In spite of some life difficulties, it's such a good day today. Rapé really helps me cope, and my day is full of love. This ceremony was really good, with a deep meditation from Corda Tsunu. Very happy.
A slightly rushed ceremony, but the combination of rapés brought deep peace.
I had a lovely calming meditation, in which I inhaled light and exhaled love to the UK and the world. Wonderful!
This was a lovely ceremony, filled with the love of God.
Chamba really brought an immediately sense of complete peace and Aya deepened the meditation. I had some trouble feeling my chakras, but it almost did't matter, as it was truly lovely. I send much love and peace out to the world, feeling myself enveloped by a bubble of pure love.
The left nostril combination was just perfect, and I felt completely at peace and full of gratitude. Yopeiro deepened the meditation, but I struggled to get comfortable a little bit and struggled to feel my chakras. I seem to coming down with a minor cold, which dampened it a little.
Not a bad ceremony at all for this time in the evening. I had my bedroom window fully open, and it felt really fresh. Love and light to the world.
An amazing meditation, in which I went deep into a realm of love and light. Canela do Velho and Chambo really worked!
I love Pau Mulata. I brought a peaceful and loving meditation, full of hope.
Corda Tsunu very rarely fails me. It's a truly amazing rapé, bringing deep meditation. Today has some strange energies though, with some mind-chatter. Just a strange time, I suppose.
It got little from Chamba, but Putanny brought a peaceful meditation.
I absolutely love Kundalini as an early morning rapé! It immediately brought a profound sense of peace and love. Chamba was a little milder than expected, but it was a very calming ceremony.
Okay so Tigre is a really nice rapé, bringing a deep sense of peace - total peace of mind. Chamba brought a very plesant, if not intense, meditation, but it cleared my busy mind after stressful night and morning.
The left nostril was a little mild, in spite of the quanity, but I felt very calm. Putanny delivered a wonderful loving meditation.
A very pleasant early morning meditation. I'm thinking that Chamba might even be a good right-nostril rapé (in a little bit greater amount).
A very peaceful and love-filled morning ceremony. I missed Pineal, which of course is best at this time in the morning, and Chamba brought me into a deep meditation.
A truly incredible ceremony, in which I was filledwith the love of God. I've said it before, but Mulata is really a right nostril rapé, as it has immediate profound effects.
A pleasant second meditation, although strange energies these days, and I can't seem to find that profound rapé satisfaction often.
A lovely ceremony. Chamba relaxed me and partly activated my third eye chakra. I also absolutely love Puyanawa Masculine, as it sent me into a lovely, if not profound meditation, in which I just loved the world and all its people.
I haven't done much with Chamba so far, but it's a wonderfully fragrant and profound rapé. Of course Mulata is, as always, amazing. A fantastic accompaniment to the first ceremony, and I feel very relaxed and I just know everything will be fine in the world from now on. All the dark agendas have been alchemised into love and light.
I'm still undecided about Chamba, but it's a gorgeous-smelling blend and brought about a really good meditation. I feel absolutely fantastic!
A nice calming effect from the left nostril and deepened by the right nostril. A good ceremony that cleared my mind somewhat.
The Kundalini and Warrior Heart combination deeply grounded me, and the Chamba deepened the meditation. The burping didn't help, but it was a good ceremony.
Two new rapés! The Chamba has a pleasant peppermint sensation, and brought about a unique sensation of calm and pleasantly slight tightening of the pineal area. The Samauma had a lovely delayed effect of deep relaxation and meditation. I'm very impressed!