All Reviews So Far
Jatoba was truly profound. What a blessing to my day.
A really deep and calming meditation to help me thorugh these difficult times with my dad being ill in hospital. I'm keeping a positive and loving mindset, and all will turn out fine.
This was a really deep and loving meditation. This Boa (as with all three) continues to be so loving, if a little rough. It's been a peaceful and happy day.
Samauma was so potent and so deep, and Jatoba was loving and amazing. A blessed start to my Tuesday.
I really needed this meditation. My emotions are all over the place today - out of sorts - but Jatoba was truly profound.
It's been an emotionally difficult couple of days, but this meditation helped to clear my energies and raise my vibration. Jope with Jabota is a powerful combination.
A good peaceful ceremony and Jatoba was profound. I feel so good and blessed.
What a truly profound and wonderful ceremony. I'm over my emotional difficulties now and the future is so bright, as I delve deeper and deeper into my spirituality.
It was a peaceful and calming ceremony, and I feel so very blessed.
My first rapé ceremony of 2024! Some mind-chatter but overall relaxing and a nice start to my year.
It was a little bit mellow, but the right nostril combination was lovely and deep, and I feel so positive and calm.
Despite some rapé in my throat causing spitting, it was such a lovely peaceful meditation and a blessed start to my week.
Nu-nu Extra had a very long lasting burn in the nostril, which was not unpleasant, and it was calming. Jatoba, as always, was truly profound, and it's left me in anotherworld. I'm so positive about life and the future.
A slightly busy mind, but not too bad, and it was a very relaxing and deep meditation to begin my Thursday.
Such a wonderful combination with Jatoba, bringing such peace, and I feel amazing.
A good meditation to start my weekend, and I feel so clear of mind and positive.
It was a shame I couldn't play a soundtrack here, but it was a deep and peaceful meditation.
Tornado was calming and had a lasting burn in the nose. Jabota was truly profound and so loving. What a lovely peaceful ceremony that left me so positive and full of hope.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a relaxing ceremony that brought peace to my soul.
Jatoba was so rought and potent going in and it brought such amazing depth and peace, although mucus. This continued and I had such a profound and peaceful meditation. A wonderful start to my Sunday.
It took my mind a while to settle, but Jatoba brought a lovely meditation. Mapacho Tsunu was very mild - almost a nothing.
I just love Jatoba so much. It was so perfect, bringing total peace and quietness, where i was connected with all that is, and increasing my vibration. Wonderful.
A lovely meditation, and Jatoba really sent me quite deep to begin with. What a blessing and lovely start to my weekend.
This was a lovely peaceful meditation, but with some burping and mild mind-chatter. It made me happy though.
A lovely peaceful and profound meditation, despite some itching and mild mind-chatter. What a blessing and I feel so amazing.
A lovely combination of rapés. Parika was especially deep and loving, and it was a truly blessed start to my day.
It was a really calming meditation from both rapés, where I went deep and I feel so positive and blessed.
Bonatur was calming and Jatoba was profound. A lovely meditation to clear my mind and raise my vibration.
Two really profound and loving rapés. Some strange energy today, but overall I feel peaceful and so good afterwards.
Such a wonderfully quiet and deep meditation. Jaboba was amazing and so peaceful.
Wow, what a deep meditation to end my Saturday afternoon. A true blessing..
A really peaceful and deep meditation to end my week and I feel so positive and blessed.
Moy was mild but calming and Jatoba was lovely and deep. It's such a lovely sunny and positive day.
Nexus was nice and calming and the right-nostril combination of Jatoba and Muladhara was truly profound, bringing great depth, peace and connectedness. A wonderful end to my Saturday afternoon.
My mixture rapé brought such peace to begin with and this was continued by the interesting combination of two powerful blends in the right nostril. A truly wonderful and peaceful, positive end to my week.
Although Purify was a little mild, it brought peace, and Jatoba was much deeper, bringing a wonderful end to my long weekend.
Jatoba yet again brought a very deep and connected meditation. This truly is an amazing rapé. I feel clear of mind and so positive.
I've hardly ever needed a rapé meditation as much as this one. It cleared all my stress and brought me into deep state, eventually clearing my mind. Jaboba is amazing.
Such a wonderful two rapés and a deep mediation to start my Sunday. A true blessing, and my mind is completely clear and positive.
I tried the first of my five new rapés, Muladhara, made by in Poland, one of their chakra blends. It's a grey blend, earthy but sweet-ish. What a blessing it is, bringing such depth and peace. As always, Jatoba was amazing.
It took a bit of time for my mind to settle, and Tonka Lush was a little on the milder side, but Jatoba brought a truly wonderful and mind-clearing meditation, where I was totally at peace and barely wanted to leave the meditation.
I don't do Stargate much these days, but it's still a wonderfully deep and loving rapé. Jatoba was as always profound, and this was a wonderful end to my afternoon.
Again, Veia de Paje was truly profound and calming. It left little room for Jatoba's effect, which was milder than normal. Some mild interruptions, but a good start to my blessed day.
I decided to mix it up this morning with Jatoba and Uricuri, which I've not done in the early mornign before. It was really deep and potent, but I think I prefer the rapés from Amazon Spirit, as they're far deeper in the morning.
Jatoba was deep and so calming, bringing such positivity and peace. Even Hoska was quite good, bringing calm.
Jungle Magic was very mild (maybe due to Kuripe problems), but Jatoba was as always very profound.. Today is just so calm, positive and peaceful, and everything is as it should be with a bright future ahead.
A wondeful meditation to end my day. Pitaica actually brought about an immeditate sense of happiness and peace, and Jatoba deepened this.
It was a lovely meditation to end my weekend, with Jatoba bringing such calm.
After a very stressful time, this was just what I needed - two very powerful rapés. Kanaro immeditately brought a deep sense of connetedness with all that is and complete peace. Jatoba was truly profound.
Kapakuru has really proven its worth by now, and I'll try it in the right nostril soon. A truly peaceful and deep meditation and my mind is so clear and positive, with a raised vibration.
A lovely meditation from an interesting combination of Extremos and Jatoba. Two strong blends and a wonderful end to the week.
Jatoba is a truly loving rapé and brought a lovely peace.
Tigre here was the best I've known it, bringing immediate depth of peace. Jatoba was truly profound and sent me into a very deep space of calm and connectedness. It's a pity this meditation was so rushed.
Jatoba truly is amazing, and one of the most potent rapés I have. I'm so blessed, and my mind is now clear.
I tried Jatoba for the first time as the main show early morning, and it really worked. It wasn't too rough, and I felt so relaxed. Minor mind-chatter, but I felt and feel so amazing, thankful and positive. What a blessing.
Hoska was by far the best I've ever know it to be. It seems to have massively improved!! Jatoba was profound, and the meditation was really deep, but I had a little bit of discomfort.
Jatoba really is a very potent rapé. The ceremony was interrupted by rapé stuck in my throat and burping. I feel amazing now though, with a completely clear mind.
The first time for Jatoba in the right nostril (and only the second time I've had it). It's a loving and strong blend, and it calmed my mind beautifully.
I tried a new rapé, Jatoba, by Kuntanawa. I've been wanting this one for a while, and indeed it's very rough and potent, and definitely a right nostril blend. Now that I have more of this Parika, and I'll be trying it a lot more. What a blessing this meditation was, and feel so grateful and clear of mind.