Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kuntanawa
Core Information about Misto
Overall Description
At the time of writing, this is one of my newest rapehs. It's grey and very potent. It's a very rare blend and limited edition, made exclusively for Shnuff. I'm very impressed.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It was a peaceful meditation to start my Christmas Eve, and I feel so blessed and positive.
A loveful peaceful meditation, and so positive.
Two wonderful rapés that I should have more. My mind cleared and my energiy raised.
It was a good meditation and very relaxing, in spite of some burping and a minor soundtrack problem. Jopo brought great peace.
I did two of my most recent rapés, Chief and Misto. I think Chief might be stronger than Misto, but I need to experiement more. I was brought such peace from a slightly tricky day, and it's a good end to my day, where rapé ceremonies have helped me resolve my emotions and thoughts. A blessing.
Not the deepest of meditation, but relaxing and it clear my mind and heightened my energies. I feel very positive.
I tried one of my two new rapés, Misto (which apparently means mixture). I bit the bullet and tried it in the right nostril here. It seems aromatic and a little earthy, and was very easy going in. A little bit overtaken by the wonderful Samauma, but it seems to be a very loving blend and I can't wait to have it again.