All Reviews So Far
Despite personal difficulties these few days with my dad being ill in hospital, this was such a calming and grounding meditation. Everything will turn out fine and bright, and the future is blessed.
Just what I needed and a really deep meditation. Some tricky few days, but the next week is bright.
A deep and calm meditation, despite some mild mind-chatter. I feel so hopeful and positive, and it will be a blessed day and week ahead.
My first rapé ceremony of 2024! Some mind-chatter but overall relaxing and a nice start to my year.
It was a lovely ceremony and I feel so relaxed and peaceful, positive for the future.
I don't do Stargate much these days, but it's still a wonderfully deep and loving rapé. Jatoba was as always profound, and this was a wonderful end to my afternoon.
It's a shame it was a bit rushed, but it was a lovely ceremony. It might be the first time I've tried Peace in the right nostril - it's a strong and loving blend.
And back to Stargate after a long break from it. Milder than before, but calming. Despite interruptions, a lovely meditation and very grounding.
Maybe the first time I've done both Machineri rapés in one ceremony - Portal and Stargate - the first time for Stargate in a while. Portal in particular brought a profoundly loving and connected meditation and sense of happiness. What a wonderful ceremony.
This version of Floresta is really good, maybe as good as Nukini's. It's been a while since I've had Stargate, and it continues to be truly potent and very loving - an deep meditation.
A while since I had Stargate, and in the left nostril, it really set up the show well. The meditation was deeply connected and so loving.
Armour was milder than normal, but Stargate was fabulous.
Mulata again brought an extremely profound meditation, straight from the start. Stargate was also wonderful. I was so deep and full of love and peace throughout. I also felt very heavy (in a good way) near the end, and I barely wanted to leave the meditation.
A very pleasant and calming ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but I was mostly at peace and full of love and hope.
Strangely a lovely, beautiful and deep meditation, but somehow lacking. The spitting didn't help. Very strange energies today!
This was a pleasant ceremony, but lots and lots of leg-shaking!! Some mind-chatter too, but I actually feel really good, and it worked to centre me.
This was a beautiful meditation, full of love and peace.
A profound meditation. I went deep, and felt complete oneness with everyone in the world. It's a pity it was a bit rushed, but it was beautiful. (I actually had too much of Warrior Princesse, and it was a forceful meditation, but nice.)
A lovely evening ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but it almost didn't matter. I was filled with love and calmness.
Just a lovely meditation. A little bit on the subdued side, but it almost didn't matter, as I felt so very relaxed! What a lovely time we love in - moving in to the New Earth.
A beautiful evening ceremony, full of love and light.
I really needed this wonderful evening ceremony, and I went deep. It dispelled my worries and I was filled with love and hope.
A really pleasant and quite profound ceremony. Beautiful!
It was a bit of a strange meditation - subdued and a little heavy. The rapés themselves were very good, but the overall ceremony was a little lacking. It might be the high temperature this morning.
A lovely ceremony that re-centered me. I try to avoid spending too much time with people who are negative, and a ceremony like this really helps after doing so. A ceremony at this time of the day is a good idea, and I wish I'd done it sooner (before showering), as my body temperature is just right. What a lovely feeling!
A slightly rushed ceremony, but the combination of rapés brought deep peace.
It was a good meditation, in spite of the interruptions and mucus. Stargate is amazing. I filled my body with light on each in-breath and sent the world love with each exhale.
It was a lovely ceremony. I accidentally swallowed some rapé at the start, causing mucus, but it wasn't too off-putting, and I had a magical experience for this time in the evening.
I haven't tried Stargate for a while, and it's an incredible rapé, bringing a very deep sense of love for the whole world and a profound meditation. The meditation lasted a long time and it was truly amazing!
A strangely slightly mild ceremony, in spite of Stargate, which is normally potent. Nevertheless, it was peaceful and I felt great long afterwards, really clearing my mind.
I felt I had to do this ceremony, as my previous one was lacking. It left me feeling very hopeful for the future, full of love. A fantastic aftereffect that lasted. Lovely.
I'm struggling to have good ceremonies these days at this time, but the combination in the right nostril here pushed it as far as it could go, and it was pleasant, and my body felt light.
Truly a fantastic meditation from the start. Stargate is amazing, especially in this quanity. I felt at deep peace and felt love throughout my body.
The lack of any meditation sound was a little offputting (due to the wifi being down), but it was a peaceful meditation with thankfully few disruptions.
Stargate is truly a fantastic rapé, giving me a profound meditation on this occasion. I truly sent deep love and light the world, hopefully raising that Schumann resonance to whole new levels. I feel absolutely fantastic!!
I tried sitting on a chair on my bedroom for the first time, as opposed to sitting cross-legged on my bed. It's definitely more comfortable and I'll likely continue this. Less effort. The meditation was somewhat deep. I'm struggling today to get really deep - strange energies!
I love the minty (maybe spearmint) sensation of Ascend, and it really brought about a great feeling from the left nostril dosage. The mix of two rapés in the right nostril brought me a great ceremony, in which I really felt my chakras and sent love and light to the world. Wonderful!
I often undererstime Ascend, but it's a fanstic rapé when taken at the right time. I brought me into a deep meditation. Stargate is also absolutely amazing. What a fanstic ceremony!! I feel deeply relaxed and profoundly calm!
A fantastically good-feeling ceremony! Stargate rarely fails to deliver, and I barely wanted to leave the meditation. I feel absolutely fantastic now!
A nice calming sensation from Anchor that was added to by the right nostril mixture, but it was surprisingly a little milder than I'd have expected from this combination. A good aftereffect though, and I feel really good.
I got little from Zenergy, but the Stargate and Mulata combination was deeply relaxing. As a combination, they were a little mild though, though it was a good meditation and I feel great afterwards!
I might just have found a use for the Warrior+, as a first-ceremony evening weekend evening rapé - I was pleasantly relaxing. The Stargate deepened the meditation. Nice, but not the best ceremony.
Stargate is a wonderful rapé and it deeply relaxed me and brought about (with the first ceremony) a wonderful aftereffect. I feel great. It's too cold though - a frosty night!
I loved this ceremony. The left nostril combination worked great, and Uricuri rarely fails to disappoint. Some strange leg-shaking again, but only minor. Lovely!
The Pineal really seems to be a great early morning blend, but the Stargate weirdly resulted in shaking of the legs that gradually subsided. A little offputting, so I probably won't try this pairing again, but it was a fairly pleasant meditation.
Pineal and Warrior Heart, both good early morning rapés, when mixed together, gave a milder experience than either individually, but maybe I should have tried more of each. The Stargate right nostril was also a little subdued. It was relaxing though. I couldn't really feel my crown chakra much.
I've been meaning to try these two most magical blends, Portal and Stargate, together, and her it was! The first one straight away send me in to a deep meditation, and the second brought me deeper into a state of pure bliss. I will do this one again!!
The Cumaru, as normally, gave a profound feeling of peace, and it was was complemented by the Stargate. The overall sensation was a little hampered by the temperature (best to go for around 19.5 celcius in the early morning) and a little mind chatter.
It was a grounding experience, although with some mind-chatter. The Putanny delivered a nice experience, as it always does.
I've had varying experiences with Uricuri, but this was was very grounding, if not actually profound. Unfortunately, I think I got a little spit into the Kuripe, perhaps dampering the effects of the Stargate, and I had a little bit of mind-chatter, but it was a nice experience.
After some mild grounding from the right-hand (mixture), the Stargate delivered a profound and spiritual experience, as expected, clearing mind-chatter and bringing lasting positive effects. Loved it!!