Reviews of Nawa Goddess

Core Information about this Rapeh

Tribe (and/or maker): Nawa              BROWSE ALL RAPEHS


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Nawa Goddess

Core Information about Goddess

Number of ratings: 33
Country of origin: Brazil
Ingredients: Agueduero, Chaliponga, Tobacco
Sourced from: Shnuff

Overall Description

A wonderful rapeh from this lesser known people. It's not a very strong rapeh, and it can at times be a little too mild, but especially early morning and/or on an empty stomach, it can bring a beautiful spiritual connection.

Further Stats


All Reviews So Far

On 14/05/2024, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Vishuddha. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
Vishudha was calming, although there was some mind-chatter. This meditation grounded me though.

Ceremony score: 65.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 6

On 29/02/2024, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Dragons Blood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Putanny was deep, but actually Goddess was calming too. A reasonably good meditation to clear my mind.

Ceremony score: 63.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 28/08/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Kuntanawa: Jatoba. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
This was a lovely peaceful meditation, but with some burping and mild mind-chatter. It made me happy though.

Ceremony score: 64.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 05/06/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Frankincense. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Goddess was quite mild but calming, and Iban was very deep and I had a good end to my day - very calm and positive.

Ceremony score: 65.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 02/05/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
After a very long day, this was just what I needed. Samauma gave a profound meditation, totally connected, and I feel so blessed.

Ceremony score: 75.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 07/11/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A wonderful end to my busy day with a profound meditation. Lovely.

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 05/09/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior+++. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Goddess was too mild, but somewhat calming. Warrior+++ was profound and very loving - just what I needed during a busy day.

Ceremony score: 62.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 18/05/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Nukini: Floresta. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Such a profound and connected meditation from Floresta. Goddess is still mild.

Ceremony score: 72.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 05/03/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior+++. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
Goddess was mild, but Warrior+++ brought a lovely calm meditation. Some mind-chatter, but otherwise peaceful and loving.

Ceremony score: 62.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 21/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of (unknown - Brazil): Unwind. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
Again this ceremony was a little rushed, but Unwind truly is a profound a very loving blend. It lives up to its name, caressing the soul.

Ceremony score: 69.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 14/01/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Tsunu. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a deep meditation and very loving and calm.

Ceremony score: 66.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 26/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Gesileu: Golden Boa. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
Gesileu is such a unique rapé, but subtle reasons. Despite not being the most potent of blends, but it's so deeply loving and calming. In spite of the spitting and burping, I felt a beautiful sense of peace throughout.

Ceremony score: 60.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 5
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 5 Day score 7

On 27/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Dieta. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
I really do love Dieta. It's a potent rapé and very deep and loving. Some interruptions, e.g. the sound track going into low volume half way through, but I feel very good nevertheless.

Ceremony score: 65.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 6

On 16/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Forca. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Goddess was mild, but Forca was potent and brought a nice deep peaceful meditation. Some mind-chatter, but not too off-putting.

Ceremony score: 63.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 12/06/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
A very pleasant afternoon ceremony, although a little mind-chatter. A mild hangover got in a way a little. I felt love though and it was nice.

Ceremony score: 61.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 21/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Kuntanawa: Corda Tsunu combined with a moderate amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
A very pleasant ceremony, albeit a little mind-chatter. I feel quite good this morning, and there ceremony overall was good, but a little on the mild side.

Ceremony score: 64.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 06/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a moderate amount of Katukina: Samauma combined with a small amount of Yawanawa: Canela do Velho. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
A truly lovely meditation, and one of the best experiences from Goddess yet. I had a beautiful ceremony full of peace, love and presence.

Ceremony score: 79.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 24/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Kuntanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "10000Hz 963Hz 852Hz 528Hz Pineal Gland Third Eye Activation┇ Miracles ❖ 432Hz Metaphysical Powers".
This was a bit of a strange ceremony, in that neither rapés, even Samauma, brought any depth, but I felt completely at peace, and it was more than the sum of its parts. It's a lovely calm day today!

Ceremony score: 58.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 12/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Happiness Frequency: Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Release Negativity - Meditation".
This was an absolutely lovely early morning ceremony. Warrior Princess is truly the best rapé from, bringing a very deep and loving meditation, calming my busy mind and helping me to activate my chakras.

Ceremony score: 79.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 06/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
Goddess was a little mild, but calming. Surprisingly, Iban was also a little bit mild, but it cleared my mind and brought a lovely meditation.

Ceremony score: 61.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 17/02/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very small amount of Kaxinawa: Cumaru de Cheiro combined with a small amount of Yawanawa: Putanny (dark). The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
A pleasant calming meditation that was more than the sum of its parts. I felt a deep sense of peace and love.

Ceremony score: 62.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 02/02/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
I didn't think I'd get much from Goddess, but then it brought on a deep sense of happiness - it's different from other blends. Mulata was amazing, and an excellent start to the morning.

Ceremony score: 68.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 11/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
It was a very good ceremony - very relaxing and peaceful, full of love. There are some strange energies today though, and I had some trouble feeling my chakras. I feel really good in the aftereffect though!

Ceremony score: 70.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 31/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Tornado. The room had a temperature of 15.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
I guess Goddess isn't really an event rapé, as I got little from it. Tornado was really good. A little milder than expected, for the amount, but I felt love and light and actually felt lighter than air. Very relaxing, and I barely wanted to leave the meditation.

Ceremony score: 60.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 21/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary along with 2 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
A mild ceremony. I rarely do Ascend in the right nostril, but it's worth experimenting more with, and I think more is needed. A nice relaxing meditation though and setting the stage for the second ceremony.

Ceremony score: 48.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 6 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 15/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Apurina: Awiry Purus, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Yawanawa: Putanny combined with a very small amount of Nawa: Goddess. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
So I tried the Awiry Purus again and again got very little from it. I guess it's just not that type of rapé. (It's not something I'd buy, if it wasn't a free sample.) The right nostril was an interesting combination I haven't tried before. I was pleasant, but some interruptions lessened the meditation.

Ceremony score: 37.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 2 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 6 Day score 8

On 11/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very small amount of Nawa: Goddess combined with a very small amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Heart, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
I tried to reproduce the best early morning meditation I've had so far. In the best, I did Goddess in the left hand and in the second best I did Warrior Heart, so I did a mix of the two, as well as Putanny in the right. I guess the quality of the ceremony depends on other factors though, as this was just okay. Some mind-chatter this morning! It calmed me somewhat though.

Ceremony score: 55.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 5 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 08/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Katukina: Samauma combined with a very small amount of Shanenawa: Xina. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
An excellent ceremony!! I entered a deep meditation in which I gave love to the world. I feel my pineal area crackling, which I suppose is a good thing - maybe third eye trying to open? I just love life!!

Ceremony score: 70.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 5 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 5 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 06/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Yawanawa: Putanny combined with a very small amount of Katukina: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary along with 2 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
The Goddess calmed gave a pleasant calming sensation laying the base for the right nostril, which was a good combination and sent me into a great meditation where I could really sense my chakras.

Ceremony score: 64.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 6 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 30/11/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Kaxinawa: Cumaru combined with a small amount of Yawanawa: Cumaru. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
So I tried the two Cumaru blends in the right nostril, along with a milder in the left, and it was a milder experience than I expected. The Cumarus definitely are a good mixture though, and it's worth exploring this further.

Ceremony score: 53.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 5 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 27/11/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
I decided to try Goddess as an early morning left-nostril rapé. I didn't have much, and it was quite mild, but calming. The Putanny was surprisingly also mild, but just generally calming. Interruptions never help!

Ceremony score: 32.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 5 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 6
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 7 Day score 8

On 18/11/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
I didn't get much from Goddess, but the Putanny was a very pleasant experience. A little mind-chatter, but overall very good.

Ceremony score: 51.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 4 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 13/11/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Nawa: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Putanny. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
This was an almost perfect rapé ceremony. Both the Goddess and Putanny delivered together a very profound and spiritual experience. Simply wow!

Ceremony score: 81.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 8 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 10 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 6 Interruption 1 Day score 9

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