All Reviews So Far
Just what I needed to find some inner peace. Some slightly emotionally troubling days, but I'm uplifted by sacred medicine, as always.
Wow, I just feel so happy and at peace. Such a profound meditation and extremely loving.
The rapés were so loving and peaceful, but the overall ceremony was a little on the subtle side. Nevertheless, a wonderful calm and positive start to my day.
Mulata was truly profound and so loving. The right nostril combination was surprisingly a little bit subdued, but overall such a peaceful and positive ceremony.
Such a wonderful and calming meditation and I feel so relaxed and amazing, positive for the week ahead and for the future.
A somewhat mellow, but still very calming and rather deep meditation.
A deep and peaceful meditation, and I feel so calm and positive for the year ahead.
Despite minor interruptions, it was a deep and quiet meditation, and I feel so blessed.
A bit of a strange one - Floresta was really calming, but overall the ceremony was a little bit on the mellower side. I feel so calm and happy though.
A nice peaceful meditation to start my weekend and pretty much start my Christmas break! I feel so wonderful and positive.
I feel as if in another world - totally at ease. Floresta is simply amazing.
Despite some rapé stuck in my throat, causing mucus, it was a very deep and calming meditation, and I feel on top of the world, so ready for my blessed day ahead.
Despite some minor interruptions, this was a deep meditation and a peaeeful start to my weekend. What a blessing.
A lovely peaceful and calm meditation to start my Friday, and I feel so positive and blessed today.
Such a lovely and calming meditation that made me feel so positive and blessed. Mulateiro is probably the best of my Varinawa rapés.
Visionary was mild but calming and Floresta was so profound.
Floresta was so wonderful to begin with and it was such a peaceful, positive and loving ceremony to begin my Tuesday.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a good ceremony with depth and peace.
This meditation was so welcome and so deep. Minor interruptions, but so calming, and I feel amazing.
Tagetes gave a very pleasant and happy mild light-headedness, and Floresta was truly profound and very loving. I feel absoltuely amazing now, almost in another world, and so very blessed, now and forever.
Floresta was so loving, but the meditation as a whole was a little more subdued that I'd hoped.
Floresta brought immeditate depth and peace, but a lot of mucus. This continued on, and I went so deep. What a wonderful start to my day.
A deep meditation and very relaxing, in spite of a slighty busy mind. I feel really good and so positive.
I still had a somewhat jittery mind, but Floresta was very deep and loving.
Murici was surprisingly very good - it brought a lovely sense of quiet and calm, quieting my mind. Floresta was also profound, and I feel amazing. This is such a good sound track!
A generally calming meditation, but Tundo was very mild, and there was some mind-chatter. Floresta was deep.
Nu-nu Extra was just so rough going in and stayed burning, especially in the throat. Floresta was very nice and calming, and this meditation was just what I needed to clear my mind from stress.
A good meditation, if some mind-chatter. It cleared my mind and brought me peace.
Veia de Paje immediately brought an extremely profound meditation and sense of connectedness. What a true blessing and a blessed start to my wonderful and peaceful weekened.
A lovely deep meditation, and both Cocoa and Floresta were good. I feel so calm and positive. And it was my 3000th catalogued meditation!
An excellent meditation from Samauma, bringing deep peace. What a blessed end to my Tuesday afternoon.
A lovely peaceful meditation to end my afternoon. Not incredibly deep, but just very calm, after a lovely bright sunny day. Today has been a blessing.
A lovely meditation from two very loving rapés, bringing deep peace and a wonderful end to my weekend, completely destressing me.
Bother rapés were really nice, deep and loving, but over all a little bit of mind-chatter and a little bit shallow. Neverthless I feel very positive and ready for my busy day.
Both rapés were lovely, and Floresta was really deep. I feel so relaxed and positive - a lovely end to my Saturday afternoon!
Parika caused an awful lot of spitting and mucus, but was so deep nevertheless. Floresta was so calming and I had a lovely and positive meditation that's set me up nicely for my weekend ahead.
Cumaru Grey was the best I've known it, bringing much calm. Floresta was even more profound, and it cleared my mind from my very busy day.
This Samauma was surprisingly midler than normal, but Florsta was very deep and loving. A nice end to my day and I feel very clear of mind now.
A beautiful meditation, albeit a bit rushed. Floresta was perfect, allowing me to deeply activate all my chakras. What a true blessing, and I feel so positive and thankful.
This was a very still and connected meditation that I barely wanted to leave. What a blessing to my day.
And back to Mentolado, after I found it after having mislaid it. A true blessing. I feel so positive and ready for my blessed day ahead.
Another beautiful morning meditation for this early morning. I feel so blessed.
A really wonderful morning meditation full of peace and love. I have a blessed day ahead.
A really peaceful and deep very early morning meditation, filled with such love and calm. I tried Nukini Floresta this time for the right nostril, and it was so beautiful. It could become the norm for this time in the morning.
A calming meditation in spite of a slightly busy mind from my busy day. Two Floresta rapés, which was nice. I feel so calm and positive.
A nice meditation, but with some mild mind-chatter. I feel really grounded though and positive.
Opener was mild, but Floresta was profound and I feel really good.
Floresta was amazing, and it was yet another meditation that left me feeling so positive with my vibration raised to new levels.
A lovely meditation from a combination of two potent rapés. A nice end to the afternoon and a good day.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a good meditation and just what I needed.
Both rapés were rough going in, especially Capim Santo, which brought on so much mucus! More than ever. Despite this lasting somewhat, Floresta had so much love and depth to it, that it was a very satisying meditation and I feel really great.
It's been a very long time since I've had Tigre, as it was better here than ever before (I think), bringing peace and warmth, if still a little mild. Floresta was truly profound and I feel so good.
Vashawa was much milder than normal, but Floresta was potent, loving and profound. The meditation was a little too "conscious", particularly at the start, but I'm generally just so relaxed now I'm off work.
A wonderful and interesting combination of two powerful rapés brought a deep meditation and such a fantastic end to my day. Now, relax...
Pleasantly calmed my mind, but I don't have my earphones, and it's way too hot.
This meditation made me feel so calm and so positive! Lourinho was pleasant, if a little on the milder side, but grounding. FLoresta was potent and amazing.
The first time for Tagetes in a long while, and it was a pleasant experience. Floresta was amazing and brought a lovely deep calm.
A very surprisingly mild meditation, with some mind-chatter. Pixuri was much milder than normal, but Floresta was very claming and really nice.
Yes, I've missed Floresta after a hiatus from us. A new vial, and so potent and profound, with such lasting good feeling from it. I'm so positive and ready for the rest of my day.
A nice ceremony, but a little on the mild side. It's such a bright and happy morning, so I'm already so peaceful.
Two amazing blends, bringing such love. I had some mind-chatter with something, but other than that, a lovely start to my day.
A lovely happy meditation. I'm just feeling so content today. The sun is shining and it's just a wonderful day.
Some mind-chatter, but a generally calm meditation that helped me ground myself and clear my thoughts.
The right-nostril combination was particularly potent and caused some spitting. A lovely deep meditation.
A very calm meditation, but some strange energies are beginning to creep in. This seems to be in cycles.
Such a profound and connected meditation from Floresta. Goddess is still mild.
A deep meditation and something I really needed to clear my mind.
Two really nice rapés, especially Floresta, brought love and peace. Some slightly strange energies today, but all is good and as it's supposed to be.
I tried a new rapé, Comfort (from I was dubious, but it's really amazing, and I can't wait to work more with it. It's an earthy aromatic blend, seemingly with quite a lot of depth. A lovely deep meditation overall and just what I needed after an extremely busy and stressful day.
A busy day, but this was a lovely relaxing and somewhat connected meditation.
Pixuri is a really great left-nostril rapé, being rich and reasonably potent and loving. Floresta brought deep connectedness, and despite some interruptions, I was so at peace.
A lovely peaceful meditation and this has really set me up for my day. Lovely!
A really nice meditation for this lovely Saturday morning. Nice and peaceful, and I'm ready for a positive day.
Somewhat of an excitable mind this afternoon, but this brought some peace and I'm so grateful.
I had some rapé stuck in my throat causing spitting, and there was some burping, but it was a profound meditation and a wonderful start to my day.
A generally peaceful meditation although some mind-chatter. It's a nice calm day.
What a wonderfully calming and loving meditation. We're walking into a bright and loving new world and I'm so blessed to be part of it.
It was a lovely relaxing ceremony. The best thing is to just go with the flow and keep the mind nice and quiet, regardless of anything else. That way comes peace and mastery.
A very nice meditation to end the week's ceremonies. Jungle Magic was a little mild, but Floresta was potent and loving. Some mild mind-chatter, but I'm just positive!
This was a really calming and connected meditation. I love this Floresta rapé, and I'm so glad I have so much of it!
Just too much mind-chatter from my busy day, but at least the week's over now.
A rare meditation involved four rapés. I went quite deep. It wasn't the best ceremony, but it was quite intense, and just what I needed for a very busy day. I feel very good!
Some mind-chatter and burping, but just a very positive and calming meditation.
Two good rapé choices for this early morning meditation. I had a wonderful sense of peace thorughout most of it, and feel so great!
It's a little bit warm in here today, hampering things a bit, but it was a peaceful and loving meditation from these good rapés.
Mainly interrupted by some mind-chatter from my busy day, but such a peaceful meditation and so profound and lovely.
A peaceful morning meditation in which I truly held the line and felt love. These rapés are amazing.
A rather forceful but profound meditation from Floresta, which continues to show itself to be a potent blend. This ceremony what just what I needed and I feel nice and positive and relaxed.
Floresta gave a truly intense meditation - very deep. This sound track requires the right sort of mood, which I was in - it's very trippy! I just feel so good afterwards.
It was a decent meditation, but my mind was a bit jittery for some reason and couldn't settle.
Visionary was mild, as it normally is, but Floresta was profound. I was a in a deep meditation, with so much hope and optimism, and I'm ready for the rest of my day.
Today is a good day for doing rapé ceremonies! Such profound love and gratitude from these two potent blends.
I tried another of my new 10 rapés, Lourinho. It's a very harsh and potent rapé, more suited to the right nostril for the main show. I'm glad to have yet another Puyanawa rapé. I fantastically deep meditation, albeit some mind-chatter. I feel great!
I tried the first of my new rapés, Pixuri. I'm happy to have a new one by Puyanawa, as it's a very good tribe, it seems. It's a quite early but someone aromatic dark rapé. It was a little mild here, but then Floresta was also milder than normal, so I suspect I shouldn't judge it yet. A good calming ceremony, albeit some burping that interrupted it.
Wow, a really profound meditation. I eleminated all my stress from my busy day and brought light and love into my soul. Bonatur was surprisingly very profound in combination with a small amount of Canaleiro for the right nostril. Truly lovely!
One of the most peaceful meditations I've had for a while. The lesson I might have learnt is not to blow the rapé too harshly, otherwise it goes does the sinus. Just lovely and I feel good!
Orchid Fever 3,0 is a good rapé, bringing a nice calm, and I tried Floresta for a first time in a while. This is an amazing rapé. I feel good on this New Years Day.
Floresta really is a profound rapé and I had a very good and peaceful meditation.
Just a really relaxing ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but I ploughed through and feel calm. The dark has lifted in the world, and I'm happy.
It was just such a subdued meditation, but also very calming. A bit of a strange one.
Yes, a really nice meditation. Floresta was a little more subtle than normal but it was very loving, and I feel very good. It was a little bit interrupted though by my body bringing up a chocolate bar from earlier.
The rapés were very good - very relaxing, but the ceremony was less than the sum of its parts - very tricky. Just the nature of doing ceremonies at this time.
A generally good ceremony. Floresta could have been deeper, but it was very loving and I'm ready for my day.
I must say, Parika was absolutely beautiful and extremely profound. I felt deeply connected to all that is, and to my dear mum. Floresta was also amazing, and I had wonderful loving meditation.
Canela do Velho was rough and mucussy but brought a nice calm. I love Floresta, bringing a deep sense of happiness and wellness. Just what I needed.
Unfortunately this ceremony was cut short by a major interruption, but before that, it was really nice and peaceful, and quite profound.
Actually a really nice ceremony, where I felt such peace and love. I really like Floresta.
Floresta is truly a great rapé. Tsunu was surprisingly a little mild. I feel fantastic though!
I tried one of my new rapés, Floresta. It's extremely aromatic and very potent. I'm very pleased with it! I had a very profound and loving meditation, so deeply connected.