Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Nukini
Core Information about Onca
Overall Description
This is a light grey, aromatic blend that slightly gentle, but can be really potent. I love this rapeh.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
A lovely peaceful meditation to start my Sunday. Despite some mental turmoil, all is okay, and the future is bright.
Pau Pereura was so profound and loving. The right nostril combination was rough going in, causing mucus, but brought a deep meditation and mostly calming. I feel really positivie and amazing afterwards. Everything is so bright and wonderful.
Both rapés were so smooth going in, and Onca gave such a loving meditation.
Such a deep meditation and so loving, thanks to Onca. I wonderful end to my blessed day.
A nice peaceful meditation to start my blessed day.
Onca was much milder in this small quantity, but the right nostril combination brought such depth and peace. I live a blessed life and the future is so bright.
Such a lovely meditation. Onca is so loving. It's a shame about the rapé in my throat cauusing interruption.
7 Plantas was mild as nomral, but Onca was truly profound and loving.
I accidentally got my kuripes mixed up and had the Jopo and Onca combination in the left nostril, with Goddess in the right. I didn't think it'd work, but it really did. Jopo and Onca immediately brought an absolutely profound meditation that lasted throughout, bringing very strong crown chakra activation. Goddess was also good, and didn't diminish the feeling. What a blessing.
I tried the interesting combination of Onca and Samauma, which sent me into deep meditation. A blessed end to my afternoon.
Ascension was mild, but Onca was so loving and deep. I almost felt a wave of calm roll over me. A nice blessing to my day.
A wonderful end to my day from two very loving rapés. Onca immediately brough such peace and connectedness. I feel so positive and blessed to have truth and goodness on my side.
Just what I needed. Onca is truly a beautiful and loving blend, and my mind is cleared, with such positivity.
Such a loving and calming meditation. I tried a combination of Onca with Pixuri, and it was amazing. A lovely start to my day.
Onca was so deeply relaxing and made me so happy and calm, almost stealing the show away from Samauma, but that too was truly beautiful. A wonderful and positive end to a blessed week.
A little bit interrupted by discomfortand mind-chatter from my busy day, but a decent meditation, and this Cumaru is a very good blend.
Both rapés were deep and very loving. A peaceful ceremony, so blessed.
Two really loving rapés and a lovely meditation. Onca is really nice and calming.
I was totally at peace straight from t he start, and so still and happy. This has completely cleared my mind. I feel a little bit strange at the end of this, but still very positive.
Two beautiful rapés. Some mind-chatter from a busy day, but this relaxed me perfectly.
Onca is a very loving and strong blend, and I'm so grateful to for gifting it to me. What a blessing.
Just a really lovely meditation. It put my mind at ease and made me so very positive. Everything is just fine.
A rather deep meditation, but a bit odd. A little too "conscious", although both rapés were strong. Nevertheless, I feel really relaxed with a clear mind.
Onca really is a charming rapé. Gentle but so loving. I had a wonderful meditation overall, but with mind-chatter from my busy day.
A truly lovely and calming meditation, and I was connected with the universe. What a blessing.
Another very good meditation, mainly from Jopo, my new rapé. I'm so glad I got so much of it. This meditation was just what I needed after a rather stressful day.
I tried the second of my new rapés, Nukini Onca. It's a light grey, slightly aromatic blend, which seems quite gentle, but not too mild, and I need to work more with this. I suspect it's a good rapé. I tried my new Jopo for the second time today, this time in the right nostril, and it's definitely a strong blend - very satisfying. I just had a general feeling of contentness, and I'm so thankful.