Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Nukini
Core Information about Parika
Overall Description
A dark gray and forcefully potent blend, this brings deep peace. It kind of reminds me of Uricuri in its depth. Highly recommended.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
A lovely deep meditation to start my long weekend, and I'm blessed.
Both rapés were deep and so loving. I just feel yesterday and today a sense of forboding in the world - almost like a sense of "calm before the storm". I sense this year we're on the cusp of a world "event". If it happens, it will be backed by deceit, but for larger spiritual purposes to wake up the masses. It could be something geopolitical, a fake disease, climate change fraud, something space-related, or something I can't even imagine yet. It's important that we're spiritually ready for this if and when it happens, we see iti for what it is, and that we're ready to come out of it stronger than before.
I couldn't quite quiet my mind, but happy thoughts nevertheless. Parika was strong and deep. A nice joyful meditation.
A wonderfully peaceful meditation that grounded me and cleared my thoughts. A blessing.
Two wonderful strong rapés, and a good start to my Saturday.
I tried two of my new rapés from Aureus Horum. this Pau Pereira is mid-gray in colour and earthy in aroma, and quite strong, but I need to work more with it. It brought peace. This Parika by the amazing Nukini is much darker, and seems forcefully potent. It reminds me of Uricuri. I know this is a special one. I feel blessed.