Core Information about this Rapeh
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Core Information about Svadhisthana
Overall Description
This is one of the chakra blends by online rapeh vendor in Poland. This is is aimed at the sacral chakra. A very strong rapeh, with a unique kind of candy, spicy, curry aroma. This is a true blessing and work of art.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
I tried another of my new rapés from, Fortitude. It's a light grey and very aromatic blend, and seemingly strong! A good one, I can tell. The ceremony brought peace and it's been a wonderful time off for Easter.
A generally peaceful meditation and very loving, but some mind-chatter.
What a lovely deep meditation, and I feel truly happy and blessed, with hope and knowing for the future.
Some mind-chatter, but not too bad, and it was overall peaceeful.
Despite some minor interruptions, it was a very deep and loving meditation from Svadhisthana. I love my life so much and I'm so grateful for everything.
I'm at the last of my cold now, but it severely hampered this meditation. I felt and feel generally relaxed, and it's cleared my mind nicely though.
A lovely relaxing meditation, in spite of a small interruption. A feel so blessed and positive.
I tried a new soundtrack, and it was beautiful. The rapés were so deep and wonderful, and so loving. A lovely blessing to my Sunday.
A lovely peaceful start ot a happy day, and this was a happy and posotive meditation.
Just a great combination of rapés, and I feel so good, despite there being some mind-chatter there. I'm so ready for my day.
Svadistthana made me so happy, and meditation brought peace. Mild mind-chatter, but I feel so good.
This was a lovely meditation from Svadisthana, bringing me so deep into relaxation and good vibration, and I feel amazing.
As normal, Visionary was mild, but Svadisthana was deep and loving.
Overall calming but a little mild, allowing my mind to wander a bit. I feel really peaceful afterwards though.
This was a very deep and very peaceful meditation, where my mind was completely clear, and still is. What a true blessing to my weekend.
I mixed it up this morning with Samauma and Svadisthana. Both brought great peace.
A really deep meditation to start my Wednesday, and I feel so blessed and positive.
Svadhisthana was good, but overall a little mellow. Some slightly strange energies today (either that, or I'm just so calm anyway).
Svadhisthana is truly a wonderful and very deep and loving blend, bringing such peace and love. A beautiful end to my Saturday afternoon.
This was a really calming meditation and I feel so calm and positive now. A nice and interesting pair of rapés.
Both rapés were a little on the milder side, but Svadisthana brought a lovely peace and a nice end to my weekend, on a very positive note.
I tried the last of my new rapés from the latest batch, Kapakuru. Another great blend - grey and earthy, very loving and potent. Svadistithana was also profound. I true blessing to my Sunday.
Yet again, a slightly mild meditation, in spite of both rapés being really good. This was the last meditation of my Christmas break, and it's been such a peaceful time.
A strange meditation that was somehow more than the sum of its parts, bringing a very nice sense of calm. I gave Svadhisthana a chance in the right nostril, but it was more mellow than I thought it would be. I think though i need to give it a go again. Today is such a peaceful day anyway.
I tried another of my new rapés, Svadhisthana, from (their own blend, it seems, but I need to check). A lovely rapé that has a strange candy spicy curry aroma. Really good. I feel blessed and now relaxed.