Core Information about this Rapeh
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Core Information about Vishuddha
Overall Description
This is yet another of the chakra blends lovingly crafted by, serving the throat chakra. It's such a potent rapeh, mid-gray in colour with a deep earthy aroma.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
Vishudha was calming, although there was some mind-chatter. This meditation grounded me though.
Vishuddha is so loving. This meditation actually made me so very happy. I feel like I've turned an emotional corner in my life.
Vishuddha was wonderful, but overall a milder meditation than expected. It could be because I had some of my new very strong ambil this morning too, and I'm already very spiritually calm.
Vishuddha is such a potent rapé, bringing profound peace and connectedness. It balanced me completely, and I feel so amazing.
All three rapés were truly loving, and it was a wonderful start to my day and weekend, and my life is in the hands of the divine.
A lovely peaceful and positive ceremony, and my life is so blessed.
A lovely deep and calming meditation to start my Tuesday. I'm blessed and happy, with my life in the hands of the Divine.
I tried the last of my new rapés, Vishuddha. It's one of's chakra blends. It's a grey aromatic rapé. I need to work more with this and find out more about it, but it was a little on the milder side this morning. Hortela was so minty and beautiful. Despite some soundtrack problems, it was a deeply relaxing ceremony.