Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Shanenawa
Core Information about Xina
Overall Description
This rapeh is slightly mild but has deeply pleasing spiritual effects in higher dosages. Absolutely recommended.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It was a nice calming meditation to end my weekend. Not particularly deep, but very pleasant and grounding.
This was a good meditation, with this version of Parica that I very rarely have. Very pleasant.
Madre was so peaceful, calming and wonderful. I feel so relaxed.
Such a deep meditation. Some minor interuptions, but I feel so positive and knowing that all evil in the world is being eradicated, leaving only light and positivity.
I tried the fifth and final of my new rapés, Baymuka. I chanced it in the right nostril, and it's very strong and profound. It's a lovely aromatic limey blend, and so lovely.
Two really nice blends, especially Madre, which is a classically lovely rapé. I feel totally refreshed, clear of mind and so positive.
Somewhat of an excitable mind this afternoon, but this brought some peace and I'm so grateful.
A generally peaceful meditation although some mind-chatter. It's a nice calm day.
This was a truly wonderful meditation. The Putanny (dark) sent me gave me a great sense of peace and increased my vibration. What a lovely blessing!
Quite a deep and peaceful meditation, albeit a bit marred by all the spitting. I feel great and am ready for the day.
Canaleiro really is a good blend, bringing depth and peace. Some mind-chatter, but it was a really pleasant ceremony.
The rapés were fine, and Mulata was beautiful, but I don't know - something was just a lacking.
It was pleasant, althouh some strange energy and a little bit subdued. Xina has a lovely mintiness to it, but was also mild on this one.
An absolutely gorgesous meditation from Trevo Cumaru (my favourite version!). I was so peaceful and barely wanted to leave the meditation.
This was a ceremony that was left a little subdued, probably by the heat in here today! Nevertheless, it brought a beautiful peace and a sense of knowing that everything is okay. I'm so very grateful for the world situation being over and for all the blessings!
I was just overwhelmed with love straight from the start of the second rapé, surrendering to it profoundly. What a lovely ceremony!
Xina was subdued, and so was the right nostril combination, but only a little bit. A lovely ceremony overall, with a pleasance calmness.
I did this ceremony on a full stomach, and I thought it would hamper it, but not too much. I felt the love of God and truly connected.
A really lovely final ceremony of the day, filled with love and hope.
The sample was Yawanawa: Nova Esperança. (I've decided to log the small samples like this.) The left nostril brought deep peace, and the right nostril brought a deep meditation, in spite of the interruptions. I was filled with deep peace and love.
A beautiful morning ceremony, filled with love and hope. I had the epithany that I should never feed the beast. A lot of negative energies in the world right now even from well-meaning sources, but I should always have love for the world.
A good ceremony, although a little bit on the subtle side. It brought calm though.
A very subtle meditation. I expected more from these rapés, but today is a good day, and I feel relaxed.
This was a lovely ceremony, in which I sent love to the world and everybody in it. I'm so grateful for all the blessings the Universe has sent me. A little rushed in the meditation, but it cleared my mind and set up me up the day.
I just don't know why I'm having such trouble, especially at this time in the day, going deep with rapé. Even with an enormous quanity in the right nostril, it was just mild.
Just an okay meditation, in which I struggled to go deep, in spite of Moy Cumaru normally being excellent. Very strange energies at this time!!
Somewhat calming, but the Samauma was, for some reason, severely dampened. Maybe some mucus in the right nostril? I felt very little from it. This was almost a lost ceremony.
I decided to have Xina in the right nostril for the first time. I normally don't, as I've considered it on the somewhat mild side, but am still undecided. It was a peaceful meditation.
I lovely ceremony in which I felt a depth of peace I rarely feel. Truly amazing.
Surprisingly mild ceremony given the amount of Samauma. Some strange energies today.
The Tornado was surprisingly a little milder than expected, especially for the amount, but I felt a deep sense of peace and calm and really felt my chakras. I feel great afterwards.
I felt a profound peace that I rarely feel. It was truly amazing, and I barely wanted to leave the meditation.
A pleasant second meditation, although strange energies these days, and I can't seem to find that profound rapé satisfaction often.
A truly amazing ceremony! The left nostril gave me a deep meditation and relaxation straight away, and I just love the smoothness yet intensity of the Puyanawa Masculine blend. I really felt my chakras and sent out love and light. I felt really light, light floating on air.
Both rapés were very good. I tried Force in the right nostril for the first time, and it's a worth right nostril blend! I had a deeply relaxing meditation.
An excellent ceremony!! I entered a deep meditation in which I gave love to the world. I feel my pineal area crackling, which I suppose is a good thing - maybe third eye trying to open? I just love life!!
This ceremony was a little hit-and-miss, with some mind-chatter. The left nostril combination was pleasant but the meditation seems to fizzle out a little too quickly.
I underestimated Xina at first, but it's an excellent blend. A little milder than some of the stronger varieties, but it sent me into meditation quickly. The right nostril mixture really sent me into a great ceremony, where I could feel my chakras strongly.
Xina, being the first one I had in this ceremony, was beautiful - sent me into a deeply relaxed state immediately. The Samauma then finished the job and it was a beautiful ceremony.
And another two new rapés! The Xina was a pleasantly quite soft and a little minty, but mild. The Flor de Jarina was more profound and deeply meditative. I'd need to try these as a first ceremony to get the proper judgements on them though. I suspect both are fantastic blends. The meditation left me deeply relaxed and cleared my mind.