Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Shawandawa
Core Information about Rawaputu
Overall Description
This is a dark grey blend from a tribe I haven't had many rapehs from. It's truly beautiful and very strong, sometimes almost stinging. It's so deeply healing and I'm blessed to have this blend.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It was a bit mellow overall, but still relaxing and I feel so bright and good now.
Lourinho was mild but Rawaputu was much more potent, bringing a lovely end to my day, despite some mild mind-chatter.
This was a wonderful and very deep and loving combination of rapés, and I feel so peaceful and blessed to be on this positive and enlightened timeline.
Isku Kua was just so profound here. What a true blessing. I might start doing it as first rapé first thing in the morning once a week from now on. Rawaputu was also lovely and calming, and I feel so positive for the future.
Such a peaceful and mind-clearing meditation, and I feel totally calm and positive for the future. Rawaputu is really deep, and PIxuri was also amazing.
It was a nice meditation, and I think this was only the second time I've had Nawashahu, which was calming. Rawaputu was deeper, but overall the meditation was a little on the light side. I feel very calm and positive though.
A good meditation, and I really need to give Gesileu Traditional Tsunu more of a chance to shine. Rawaputu was much deeper here though.
Moy Cumaru was surprisingly a little bit on the milder side, but I suppose it would have been better in greater quantity. Rawaputu brought deep peace and a profound and connected meditation. A lovely end to my day.
Rawaputu gave a really wonderful meditation full of peace. Such a blessing.
A lovely deep meditation to end Friday, ready for my weekend! I feel so relaxed.
Warrior Heart was decent here, bringing peace, and Rawaputu brought a very deep meditation with a wonderful sense of stillness.
I haven't had Ascend in a long while, and it's quite a good rapé, bringing peace. Rawaputu I need to try more, as it's so profound. I feel fantastic and very grounded and positive.
Both rapés were potent and loving, but the meditation was overall a little bit tricky. I kept my mind still though and held the line.
Portal was milder than expected but brought a nice calm. Rawaputu was a bit more profound and I was very still, almost to the point of being numb. What a lovely blessing.
A very calming meditation and a perfect start to the day! Rawaputu was so mind-clearning.
This was a relaxing meditation and very grounding. A true bless from two nice blends.
A bit of overthinking, but Rawaputu brought a profound and loving meditation. Purify was a little mild but pleasant.
This was a truly profound and very loving and connected meditation. I was so grateful for all my blessings and the world returning to normal (better than normal). Some mind-chatter, but Rawaputu is a truly fabulous blend.
A really peaceful ceremony, with just some mild mind-chatter. I feel so positive today. All is good.
It was a calming meditation, but just so much mind-chatter from my extremely busy day. It helped me ground myself somewhat.
A deep meditation. Some mind-chatter, but I was in a dream-line state and it was so calming.
A truly loving and connected meditation to end the weekend. What a blessing. This soundtrack is really interesting and I should use it more.
A generally good morning meditation, although there was mind-chatter and spitting. I just needed to purge it, and I do feel much better now with a clear mind.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a really wonderful and happy meditation. I feel so good this morning - so positive and optimistic!
A lovely peaceful meditation and this has really set me up for my day. Lovely!
It was a nice calming meditation. I went quite deep, but there was some mind-chatter from my busy day. I'm so thankful though.
It was a mild meditation, but nice and relaxing and set me up just perfectly for my day.
A rare meditation involved four rapés. I went quite deep. It wasn't the best ceremony, but it was quite intense, and just what I needed for a very busy day. I feel very good!
Rawaputu is a really great rapé, bringing deep peace, love and connectedness. A good day!
I don't know if these two rapés are so good for the first ceremony of the day, because it was a very subdued meditation. Nevertheless peaceful.
Rawaputu really needs to be exclusively a right-nostril rapé, as it's truly profound. This would have been better with the rapés the other way round, but what an incredible experience this was!
A really peaceful morning meditation. Some mind-chatter and burping, but overall a really good sensation that's set me up nicely for the day ahead.
Some mind-chatter from my busy day, but a lovely relaxing meditation. Rawaputu is such a good blend!
These rapés are very good, but again my mind is a little jittery.
I tried the last two of my 10 new rapés. Rawaputu is a scenty blend that has a somewhat candy feel going in. It was quite profound and deeply calming. Tsunu Nisural on the other hand, quite earth and mellow in nature, was surprinsgly mild for a tsunu-based rapé. I don't know if this might be left-nostril rapé in the future. I feel very good, even though it was quite a subdued meditation. I held the line, and it was nice and calming.