Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Yaminawa
Core Information about Clarity
Overall Description
This is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of its effects. Sometimes quite mild and gentle, and really potent at other times. It has quite a strong tobacco aroma, but it's not too harsh. I'm still working with this blend, and I recommend it.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
Clarity was mild, but Warrior was deep and has left me calmer.
A really nice and deep meditation that's relaxed me.
Calming, but just a little bit subtle. I guess it's just generally a calm day anyway.
I decided to try Portal in the right nostril for the first time in a very long time, and it's amazing. I had such a peaceful meditation, despite some burping.
Some headphone problems, but overall peaceful, although not as deep as I'd hoped.
7 Ervas sent me into a very deep and calm meditation that I barely wanted to leave. I just went so quiet and deep within. So lovely.
A wonderful meditation overall, mainly from Tarzan, and Ifeel amazing. Some mind-chatter, but it was fine.
A really pleasant and calming meditation from two nice rapés.
Extremos was amazing, bringing such love, peace and quiet. I had some quite severe leg-shaking, but that's okay. I went so deep, and my mind is so clear.
A lovely meditation to end my busy day, and I'm so happy and positive.
A lovely deep meditation to end my day. Some discomfort, but still relaxing.
Despite Clarity being very mild, it was a really calm and very quiet meditation from Moy Cumaru. I don't often do this in the right nostril any more, but I should. It really worked to quiet my mind and I felt so connected and peaceful.
Jatoba is a truly loving rapé and brought a lovely peace.
I tried a new rapé, Cumaru, by an independing Shaman and traveller called Carlos. He is friends with Philip from, who lovingly gifted this to me all the way from the USA. It's a grey-brown rapé with a nice earthy scent. This first time round, it was quite mellow, but so was the whole meditation, and indeed it brought a lovely sense of peace.
It was a bit of a strange meditation. I was so peaceful, but it was a little shallower than expected. I feel very positive afterwards.
Clarity was again a little mild (it's a very unpredictable rapé!), but Warrior Princesse was again extremely strong and brought such peace.
It was disturbed by noise outside, but I went deep nevertheless and it was so calming and mind-clearning. Such a blessed day.
Clarity was actually really deep in this meditation. It seems a little hit and miss, but this was a hit. Jopo brought a very still and almost numb meditation - so profound.
Again for today, a little bit shallow (and a little warm), but I feel relaxed. I'm still not sure about Clarity (only the second time for it, I think), but maybe a little on the milder side. We'll see.
I tried the fourth of my new rapés, Yaminawa Clarity, from a tribe I've not heard of before. It's a somewhat tobacco-ish rapé, but slightly aromatic, and it has real potential. Can't wait to work more with it. A deep and loving meditation, albeit rushed, and with some mind-chatter. Just what I needed though.