Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Yawanawa
Core Information about Chief
Overall Description
This is one of my newer rapehs (at the time of writing). It's aromatic, earthy and grey in colour. So far, I've found it to be lovely and strong, and so grounding.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It was a calming and peaceful meditation to start my Sunday. I'm actually feeling a lot more calm and centred today.
It was a little bit mellow, but the right nostril combination was lovely and deep, and I feel so positive and calm.
This was a really peaceful meditation to start Christmas Day, and I feel so positive and blessed.
A wonderfully profound and very quiet and calm meditation. Chief is amazing. I feel so good.
Chief was really nice. Not the deepest, but I was left feeling relaxed during what generally is a calm day.
I did two of my most recent rapés, Chief and Misto. I think Chief might be stronger than Misto, but I need to experiement more. I was brought such peace from a slightly tricky day, and it's a good end to my day, where rapé ceremonies have helped me resolve my emotions and thoughts. A blessing.
Chief has really shown itself to be an amazing rapé, and it was deeply profound. Tagetes was also amazing. I feel so positive and clear of mind after this very deep meditation.
I tried my new rapé, Chief. It's definitely a powerful blend - grey, slightly aromatic and earthy. Truly loving. A wonderful deep meditation from this and Flor de Jarina.