All Reviews So Far
What a beautiful ceremony, full of love and hope. I feel good.
Tsunu was surprisingly very rough going in, but brought great depth. Samauma was also amazingly deep. A good day ahead. I just want peace.
I tried the third of my new rapés, Nukini's version of Pixuri. Truly potent and calming, if maybe a little forceful. Samauma brought such depth too, and a bright light to my day.
Although 7 Plantas was again very mild, Samauma was truly perfect, bringing deep connectedness with All That Is, and I feel so wonderful and positive.
It's been a very long time since I've had the original Pau Pereira. It brought peace. Samauma was profound, and this was a wonderful end to my Thursday afternoon of the Easter break.
A lovely combination of rapés and a blessed and calm meditation, where I made sense of things and cleared my energies.
Absolutely and truly profound.
A bit of an emotionally challenging day, but this helped to ground me and raise my vibration. I feel relaxed.
Another truly profound ceremony with Samauma. It made me feel so happy and warm.
This ceremony was so welcome and needed. I was sent into a profound state of peace. Cumaru with Samauma is an excellent combination.
A lovely peaceful end to my busy day.
Just what I needed from Samauma, which was truly profound. I feel so blessed.
Both rapés were truly profound and so loving. A nice end to a very tricky and emotional few days, and I now feel positive and so blessed.
Despite some minor discomfort, Samauma was truly perfect and profound. I was deeply connected with all that is and sent love to the world. Everything will be fine.
A lovely deeply connected meditation, and I feel so blessed.
This was just what I needed and I'm full of gratitude.
Such a wonderful and calming positive ceremony from Samauma, and a fantastic end to my blessed weekend.
I'm a little off-kilter this morning, but this was such a peaceful and loving meditation. I feel so much love.
Such a peaceful and loving meditation to start my busy day, and I'm blessed, always.
Wow, such a profound meditation yet again from Samauma, surely the best rapé I have. A true blessing, and I feel so positive and at ease.
Some mild mind-chatter, but 7 Ervas so so calming and grounding, and so loving.
I found my vial of Mentolado, and it was lovely again, and Samauma was of course profound. I feel so amazing and clear of mind, with all negativity in the world dissipating.
A lovely end to my Saturday.
Such a blessedly deep meditation, and I'm so happy and know the future is bright, with all evil forces dissipating.
This was a lovely deep meditation to end my day. Minor discomfort, but nothing too much to distract from this feeling of being totally positive and blessed.
A little bit mellower than expected, but deeply calm and I'm blessed.
A profound meditation and such a blessed, after a busy day.
It was a very peaceful and rather deep meditation, and it was a wonderfully positive and blessed end to my weekend.
This was a very peaceful meditation, and I was clear of mind and sent love to the world.
It was a peaceful and deep meditation, and I feel amazing after a busy week.
Samauma was amazing yet again, and very profound and loving. I feel in another world.
A little bit of mind-chatter, but overall a profound meditation, and a wonderful endto my Wednesday.
There was rapé stuck in my throat, which disturbed the ceremony, but it was very deep and peaceful overall and a lovely end to my day.
Such a deep meditation from Samauma, and I feel like I'm in a different world.
Such a happy and wonderful meditation, and a wonderful end to my week. I feel so amazing and content!
Samauma gave a very deep meditation, and finally an excellent ceremony overall, where I felt so positive and quiet, despite minor interruptions.
A wonderful meditation to end my Christmas break, and I feel so positive and blessed.
Samauma was truly profound, and I feel so amazing at the end of this New Years Day 2024!
It was a (mostly) peaceful and loving meditation, and indeed the final one of 2023! What a wonderful and blessed year it's been, and I'm ready for an equally blessed year ahead.
Samauma gave a wonderfully deep meditation, where I gave love and positivity to the world. I feel so calm and amazing.
Pineal was very mild, but Samauma made up for it and was so very loving and profound. This ceremony has really corrected my energies and raised my vibration.
Samauma was so profound and so loving, and this was such a lovely, psoitive and peaceful end to my day.
Warrior Heart was very mild - almost nothing - but Samauma was really profound and loving, and this was a wonderful end to my Christmas Eve - I'm so blessed.
Samauma was so deep and loving, and I feel in another world.
It was a peaceful meditation to end my Saturday, but I didn't reach the depths I'm used to.
It took a small while for my mind to fully settle, but Samauma was so profound and so loving. A blessed end to my week.
Such a wonderful meditation and so loving. Both rapés brought such peace and positivity.
Samauma was so deep and loving, and it's always a wonderful end to a day.
There was really fast-moving energy here, and I felt and feel so at ease and so positive.
Cacao brought a nice calm feeling - so at peace, and Samauma brought depth. Overall dampened a little bit by the cold, but overall a lovely end to my weekend.
A nice meditation from Samauma. Not as deep as I'd hoped, but very relaxing.
What a wonderful meditation to end my week, and I feel so blessed and positive.
It was such a calming meditation from Samauma, complemently nicely by Cumaru Grey. A lovely positive day and I feel amazing.
It was a really deep meditation and I feel so relaxed, positive and peaceful.
A lovely ceremony and a nice end to my day.
It was a lovely meditation from Samauma that's left me feeling so calm.
Such a deep meditation from Samauma, and I feel so wonderfully positive and blessed. All evil in the world is dissipating the the people of the world are waking up.
Both rapés were surprisingly milder than normal, even Samauma. I feel really good at and peace afterwards though.
Such a deep meditation and just what I needed after an extremely busy day. A blessing.
I feel so positive and relaxed after this ceremony, and it was such a blessing to end my day.
A very deep meditation, interrupted mainly by burping, but still so wonderful, and I feel absolutely in another world now. Amazing.
This was so deep that I now feel in a different world and so at peace.
Such a profound meditation from Samauma, and I feel absolutely at peace, on a positive timeline, and amazing.
Samauma yet again brought an incredibly profound meditation, and this was a wonderful end to my weekend.
Samauma was so deep and loving. What a wonderful end to my Saturday afternoon.
Two wonderful and very potent rapés. I'm in another world - a lovely bright one with such a positive future. So blessed and wonderful.
Such a wonderful meditation, although some mild-chatter and burping. I went so deep and I feel so happy and positive.
This meditation was truly out of this world, and I went so deep into state of complete and utter connectedness. I still feel as if in a different world - a positive one full of light and love. Samauma is truly amazing.
Yet again, Samauma gave a perfect and extremely profound and deeply connected meditation, and I feel absolutely amazing.
Another wonderful meditation from Samauma, and what a blessed end to my peaceful weekend.
And yet again, Samauma was utterly perfect, bringing such peace. The end of the week, and I'm so happy and positive.
Yet again, Samauma was truly profound. The meditation was mainly interrupted by burping.
Yet again, Samauma gave a profound meditation, and I feel so good.
Samauma was so deep, and I feel complete and total peace and connectedness with All That Is. A truly wonderful end to my busy day.
7 Ervas brought some peace, and Samauma was absolutely profound, bringing deep connectedness with All That Is. It was perfect and brought so much peace of mind and love. A beautiful end to my week.
Again this was a meditation that I truly needed to completely clear up my energies and clear my mind, and Samauma was so deep.
This was a deep and mysterious meditation from Samauma, which quieted my mind and sent me to a profound place. Wonderful.
Just a lovely meditation to end my afternoon. What a true blessing. So peaceful and loving.
Just a lovely meditation, although some mind-chatter. I feel relaxed and very positive.
Again some mild mind-chatter, but Samauma sent me into a profound and peaceful state, and I feel amazing.
Yes, it was another gorgeous meditation from Samauma after a very busy day.
A tiny bit of mind-chatter from my very busy day, but overall it was so deep and loving. Yet again, Samaum brought such peace, positivity and connectedness.
Samauma brought a lovely sense of peace, and it was a calm and positive end to my weekend.
I had major sound track problems (with weak wifi) but both rapés brought such peace, especially Samauma. I feel blessed.
What a truly beautiful meditation yet again to end day, from Samauma. I feel totally connected and calm, so positive!
This was surely one of the best ceremonies I've had in recent times, bringing such depth of pure peace and connectedness with All That Is. I feel so blessed. Samauma is truly one of the best rapés I have.
Yet again, a perfect and extremely profound and connected meditation from Samauma that brought such peace. My mind took a while to fully settle, but I feel so positive and clear of mind now.
This was such a perfect experience from Samauma, and a blessed end to my busy day. Even Anchor was so calming.
Some small mind-chatter, but overall very profound and calming. Just what I needed to restore my high vibration and positive outlook.
Samauma sent me into a very deep and mysterious state of being, and I feel so blessed and calm.
This ceremony was just what I needed to completely calm my mind and raise my vibration. There was a little bit of mind-chatter, but I feel amazing and so positive.
Kundalini was mild but calming, and Samauma brought such a profound state and peace and love.
I wanted a deep meditation, and this brought satisfaction. It was just what I needed, and I feel so calm and positive.
What a truly profound and loving meditation from Samauma. I was connected with all that is and in a different world. Totally relaxed and my mind is now completely clear.
Samauma was so very profound, perfect in fact. I was in another world, so calm and positive, knowing I'm on the enlightened timeline.
Whata beautiful profound meditation from Samauma. I was in a different world and so calm.
Again, a little too much mind-chatter, but it's just so hot! Both rapés were calming though and my mind is now cleared.
This was truly just what I needed, going very deep with Samauma, and I feel totally relaxed now.
Pineal Flush 3,0 was so relaxing and beautiful. Not very potent, but just lovely. Samauma was profound. Some rapé stuck in my throat, but overall a good meditation to end my busy day.
It was somewhat of a tricky meditation. Both rapés were relaxing, but I had a rather busy mind.
As expected, a very deep, and actually quite mysterious and loving meditation from Samauma. This is just what I needed.
I feel so wonderful after this meditation, as it brought such depth, quiet and calm. Vashawa was actually very calming too.
Some mind-chatter and burping, but overall a very deep meditation, with Samauma bringing great peace. Even Ascension was good, bringing calm to begin with. A lovely positive end to my afternoon on this rainy day.
This was an amazingly quiet and deep meditation, and was such a blessing to my day.
Connection was very calming, but Samauma was truly profound and sent me into a deep meditation that lasted, to the extent that I barely wanted to leave it. A wonderful end to my week.
Such a wonderful meditation, and Samauma sent me into a deep quiet state. Lovely.
Both rapés were good, but Samauma was a little lacking, as was the meditation as a whole. Nevertheless, I feel relaxed and ready for my day. (I got up way too early!)
What a truly beautiful meditation. Tornado brought peace, but Samauma sent me into a very deep meditation, where I was connected with All That Is and my body was numb. A true blessing, and I feel so amazing and positive.
Warrior+ was yet again very mild, but Samauma gave a very deep meditation, and a wonderful end to my Friday.
Putanny was surprisingly mild, but Samauma was so perfect, and sent me into a very deep meditation, where everything was quiet and I was so connected with all that is. A wonderful end to day and week.
Tipy was surprisingly profound and very loving - more potent than normal I think. Samauma was also really calming.
A wonderful quiet meditation to start my day.
This was such a quiet and calming, very deep meditation. What a blessing.
What a wonderful start to my early morning Saturday, and I feel so relaxed, in generally this morning. My mind is so calm and I feel so positive, ready for a wonderful July ahead.
Again for today, such a happy meditation, and Samauma was so very profound. A truly lovely and positive end to my week.
Bolden Boa (Gesileu) wss really calming and beautiful - I should od it more. Samauma was very profound, and I feel so blessed. What a wonderful end to my peaceful weekend.
I tried a new sound track. It's binaural, I think, causing brief flashes of light in my inner vision at the start. It's really interesting and I can't wait to try it again. Pedro was a little mild but calming, and Samauma was deeply loving and peaceful.
Some mind-chatter, but both rapés were deep, and it's a wonderful end to my Monday.
It might be only the second time I've had Baymuka, and it's a wonderfully calming and loving rapé. Samauma was amazing as always, and it's a wonderful end to my weekend.
A wonderful meditation to end my day. Even Lourinho was really calming. Samauma was amazing.
What a beautiful meditation from Samauma, and even Warrior Heart was quite calming and pleasant. A truly positive end to my day, and I was totally connected and peaceful.
Pau Pereira was really potent and rough going in, but brought a deep meditation, continued by Samauma. What a true blessing.
A lovely meditation to end my day, although some mind-chatter. I feel really good and clear-minded now though.
Kapakuru was a little milder than normal, but Samauma again gave a truly profound end-of-day meditation. A true blessing, and my mind is cleared.
I mixed it up this morning with Samauma and Svadisthana. Both brought great peace.
I tried the second of my five new rapés, Sahasrara, again made by, and again one of their chakra blends. It's a grey blend and quite earthy. It's another profound rapé, bringing peace. Surprisingly, Samauma was milder than normal, but still calming. A wonderful end to my weekend, and such a peaceful day.
A wonderful meditation from Samauma, but I'm surprising that the Masculine Rape wasn't stronger (it used to be). A wonderful end to my week.
I felt so happy and my mind cleared straight away, and Samauma deepened this. A little discomfort, but overall a good meditation to end my day.
After a very long day, this was just what I needed. Samauma gave a profound meditation, totally connected, and I feel so blessed.
This was a truly profound and connected meditation from Samauma. I wonderful end to my Sunday afternoon, and I feel so blessed, positive for the future, and quiet of mind. I'm so blessed to have this wonderful sacred medicine in my life.
I tried the interesting combination of Onca and Samauma, which sent me into deep meditation. A blessed end to my afternoon.
This was the best I've known Tonka Lush - maybe this is a good time in the day to have it. Samauma as always brought a very, very deep and connected meditation, I'm so positive for the future.
It was a really deep and peaceful meditation from Samauma, an amazing blend yet again. I feel so calm and positive for my week ahead.
Although Mapacho Tsunu was again very mild, Samauma was very profound and brought a blessed and wonderful end to my Saturday afternoon. I feel totally calm.
Samauma gave a beautfully profound meditation to end my week and clear my energies.
What a lovely profound meditation to end my day. I'm so blessed to have this sacred medicine in my life.
It was a really nice meditation and feel so happy!
A generally good meditation, but much shallower than expected. I had a very good meditation earlier, and I'm just so relaxed anyway, so this didn't take me very far. Nevertheless, I feel so positive and happy.
A really nice meditation to end my day, in spite of some discomfort. I feel so blessed, with a quiet mind.
Samauma gave such deep and positive experience. With all issues resolved, I'm so happy and at peace now, and I feel absolutely amazing.
A really good and peaceful meditation that's cleared my mind. Cacao was really calming. A bit of a tricky day, but I feel so good now.
Such a wonderful end-of-day meditation from two good rapés (even my mixture rapé!). I feel totallyy relaxed and at peace.
A good meditation to end my day - very calming, in spite of some mind chatter from my busy day. Guayasa was very good and brought deep peace.
I tried one of my two new rapés, Misto (which apparently means mixture). I bit the bullet and tried it in the right nostril here. It seems aromatic and a little earthy, and was very easy going in. A little bit overtaken by the wonderful Samauma, but it seems to be a very loving blend and I can't wait to have it again.
A wonderful end to a very busy day, and I'm so peaceful and relaxed.
A wonderfully deep and calming meditation to end my day. A true blessing, and I feel almost in another world.
A really deep meditation to end my weekend, and a true blessing.
This meditation was so calming, and I felt and feel totally at peace, just knowing the world will be okay and everyone will take up to truth. A wonderful end to my day and I'm so positive.
A very early morning meditation, and a wonderful and loving start to my day. Both rapés were so potent and profound.
This was a very deep early morning meditation to kick my week off nicely. I feel so at peace and positive, rady for my day and week.
Another really deep meditation from two potent rapés, and a wonderfully peaceful start to my day.
This meditation so very deep - surprisingly so. Two extremely powerful rapés! I felt and feel numb and with a completely clear mind - like in another world. Whata true blessing.
It was an extremely peaceful and quiet meditation from two wonderful blends. I was immediately sent into a deeply connected and calm state that lasted throughout. What a true blessing.
A wonderful early morning ceremony, this time with Kapaxanba in the right nostril. This is a really good rapé, and I'd glad I've got to try it.
A really nice meditation, and a nice calm end to my day.
I haven't had Pau Mulata in a while, but it was a little mild. Samauma was, as always, very deep, and this was a wonderful ceremony to end my weekend. What a blessing. (I used insense from Japan, which is supposed to be one of the best in the world.)
Such a deep meditation for early morning. Samauma immediately brought such love and calm. A lovely ceremony.
A lovely profound and peaceful meditation from Samauma (again) and I feel so relaxed and at peace. Truly lovely.
My mixture rapé was the best I've ever known it - very profound and bringing deep peace, and almost taking the wind out of Samauma. Very surprising. Overall a really nice meditation to end my very busy day.
Another pleasant morning meditation that calmed my mind and completely relaxed me.
A generally peaceful and calming meditation, but lacking somewhat in something. I feel a tiny little but nausiated afterwards, but my mind is clear. I had a disturbed night's sleep, which never helps.
I cracked open a new vial of Samauma, and it was really profound and brought peace. I'm so restful and positive.
I decided to do one last meditation at home before bed, and what will hopefully be a relaxing and sleepful night. A very strange day today, but this meditation with the two Samauma rapés was really calming and brought deep peace.
Some mind-chatter, but Samauma was very profound, and I feel so positive and grounded now.
A deep meditation to start my day. A feel blessed and positive.
Despite rapé stuck in my throat, causing interruption, it was a deep meditation and a lovely start to my day and week.
It was a lovely meditation. Nowhere near as intense as yesterday morning, but probably because I did ambil when I first woke up, so I'm already quite calm. A lovely start to my day nevertheless.
I mixed it up this morning with Samauma and Parica Cumaru. What a loving pair of potent rapés. Interrupted by noises, but such a deep meditation.
A wonderful end to my day. Kundalini can indeed be a nice calming rapé, and it did give me slight crackling in the pineal area.
Warrior Heart is still mild, but what a wonderful end to my weekend with Samauma, a truly potent and deep blend. I feel so relaxed and ready for a new week ahead.
Despite some mild mind-chatter, it was a lovely calm and loving meditation to end my day, and I feel absolutely fantastic.
This was rushed, and I had lots of rapé stuck in my throat causing gagging, spitting and burping, but it settled down, and I went very deep near the end. This Pixuri rapé has really improved!
Yet another profound meditation from Samauma, despite a small amount of mind-chatter from my busy day. I'm all set now for my blessed evening.
An unusual ceremony. It was very rushed, and I had relatively smaller amounts, but Cumaru immediately brought on a deep feeling of love and relaxation. Samauma only deepened this. This really cleared my mind and raised my vibration. A true blessing.
Onca was so deeply relaxing and made me so happy and calm, almost stealing the show away from Samauma, but that too was truly beautiful. A wonderful and positive end to a blessed week.
This was a truly profound meditation and the best one of late. Samauma is amazing, and I felt numb and connected with the Universe. What a blessing and I'm so grateful.
A good meditation to start my working week, and I feel so relaxed and blessed.
7 Plantas was, as always, very mild. Samauma was gorgeous, but the meditation itself was a little mild. Nice and peaceful though, and I feel so positive.
A lovely deep meditation from two potent rapés. Samauma was particularly profound and just what I needed during this very strange day, in which I'm just so tired (and have a cold). It was mainly interrupted by my crackling headphones.
It was another mellow meditation for today. Samauma was nice and calming, but just much milder than mormal. I suspect it's because my mind is so very calm and clear today. I've learned to forgive and surrender, and it's giving me such peace.
Divine Union has become a little mellow for me, but here brought a really nice sense of calm and peace. Samauma was profound, and I'm so grateful for everything, including a clear mind now.
A really pleasant morning meditation. My mind is clear and I'm ready for my blessed day.
Samauma was fantastic as always, although a little on the mild side, given the enormous amount of it. It went in surprisingly smoothly. I feel really strange - like on a strange sugar rush. Nevertheless, no ill effects from this meditation, and it really calmed me down.
It was a very deep and calm meditation, clear of mind, but I strangely feel queezy afterwards. It'll pass, and everything is just as it should be.
I tried yet another new rapé, Kanaro. I'm undecided about it at the moment, as it was a little bit on the milder side, but has potential - a nice earthy and calming blend. Samauma gave a profound meditation.
Just a wonderful meditation to end my day and week. A true blessing, and I'm so happy and positive.
A truly wonderful meditation from Samauma to end my long day. What a blessing.
This version of Pau Pereira is really nice. It's a pity I have so little of it. Samauma was, as normal, truly profound. A little bit of mind chatter, but a lovely peaceful experience.
A beautiful Samauma meditation to end my day and I feel so blessed and calm.
Both rapés were truly profound and I was totally connected with all that is. Cumaru was surprisingly amazing.
This was truly just what I needed to calm my mind and soul. I feel really positive now, ready for my blessed day.
Just a lovely profound meditation to start my weekend. So calming and lovely, and my mind is clear.
There was some caughing and mild mind-chatter, but it was an incredible deep and calming meditation to end my week and I feel so blessed.
Despite an itch on my ankle, it was a wonderfully peaceful and calm meditation and I'm ready for my blessed day ahead.
What a blessing and this was just what I needed. I tried Samauma this time as a combination, as it was good. A lovely start to my blessed day.
What a blessing Samauma is. A wonderful peace and positive end to my week.
Yet another peaceful and lovingly connected meditation from Samauma, where I went so deep. Mostly likely my best rapé.
What an amzing meditation. I was just so calm and connected to the universe. I'm so blessed and the world I see is so wonderful, with a bright future.
This was an incredibly deep meditation, where I felt totally connected to all that is. A wonderful end to a blessed day.
A really calming meditation to end my day, interrupted only by some spluttering. What a blessing and a good weekend.
Another truly profound meditation from Samauma. Mapacho Tsunu was mild again though. A wonderful end to my day, and I feel totally relaxed and very positive and happy.
This was just what I needed after a stressful day. I feel totally relaxed now and really positive, letting my worries wash away. Some mind-chatter, but so deep.
It was a very good meditation - very deep and so connected, but a bit of a mixed bag, with coughing and rapé stuck in my throat. My mind is so clear now, and very positive. I'm just so happy!
A wonderful meditation to end my day. A true blessing.
I had quite a large amount of rapé in this one, and had a wonderfully deep experience. My mind is now clear and I feel amazing, so thankful for everything.
I tried Connection for the first time in a while, and it's still on the mild side, but brought a nice peace. Samauma was extremely strong and gave a wonderful and very positive end to my busy day.
Both were Samauma-based rapés, and although Ascend was a little mild, Samauma was truly amazing, bringing deep peace. A wonderful end to my blessed weekend.
It's been a bit of a strange day, with some negative thoughts and energies, but I put my mind at ease with this meditation, and it was just what I needed. Lovely.
This was an excellent meditation to end my week and a very busy day. A little bit of a jittery mind, but my talk was to clear it, and I did. Orchid Fever 3,0 is a good blend - quite potent!
I tried the third of my new rapés, Resolve. What a beautifully potent blend. I wasn't expect it to be so good. It almost dampened the wonderful effectiveness of Samauma. My vibration is completely raised up and I'm so calm. Truly lovely.
Some mild mind-chatter, but a peaceful and really calming meditation to end my day, now with a nice clear mind.
A superb meditation to end my day, and I feel so uplifted.
What a lovely meditation to end my weekend. Again Samauma was amazing - very deep and potent. It brought such peace.
It was a wonderfully deep meditation, relaxing me completely and I feel so grateful and blessed.
This was a lovely meditation to end my week. A blessing and I feel really relaxed. The first time for the Masculine rapé after a long time, after I seem to have mislaid a packet of it. I open by second one. Milder than expected though for the left nostril.
A really profound meditation to end my day. A felt and feel totally relaxed and very positive, clear of mind.
Despite some burping, it was a very deep and relaxing meditation, completely destressing me from my busy day and clearing my mind. Again, Samauma is spectacular.
A truly profound meditation from Samauma again, and a wonderful mind-clearer from my busy day. I feel like I'm floating on air.
A wonderful end to my busy day with a profound meditation. Lovely.
Far too much mucus, but Samauma brought on a very profound meditation. A lovely end to my weekend and I'm looking forward to a blessed week ahead.
A beautiful meditation from Samauma (a new vial), and a lovely end to my afternoon. What a blessed day.
Not as good as full Samauma meditation, but it was relaxing, and I feel so good.
It's a shame about the interruptions, but it was a truly profound and very connected meditation. I've said it many time, but this Samauma is so loving and deep.
This meditation left me totally at peace and at one with the universe. I feel so amazing and positive, not least clear minded.
My mixture rapé was honestly the most potent it's ever been, bringing a lot of peace. Samauma was truly potent and profound. I feel so blessed.
A beautiful meditation and end to my weekend. I'm so blessed, the my future is so bright.
Another beautiful and loving meditation from Samauma. A true blessing.
Just a truly profound meditation, completely clearing my mind from my stressful and busy day. What a blessing - I feel amazing.
Despite a bit of mind-chatter, Samauma brought a very deep meditation and managed to clear my mind. A nice end to a stressful day, and I feel great.
Anchor was just so mild, but Samauma was very potent and brought a lovely meditation, albeit with mind-chatter from my busy day. I feel clear of mind now though and so good.
A really nice end to my day with a deep meditation, again thanks to this Samauma blend. A true blessing.
I beautiful end to my day and I feel so blessed and clear minded.
I tried my mixture rapé again after a long time, this time with some Thiwru ash and Mapacho powder added, and it brought a lovely calm, if a little mild. I had an enormours amount of Samauma (maximum possible within my system), and it brought an extremely profound meditiation in which I was almost numb and in a dream-like state. I feel absolutely fantastic and ready for my day and week ahead. Amazing.
Both rapés were strong, but I had sound track problems (wifi cutting out). Nevertheless, a gorgeous meditation and I feel totally relaxed.
Yet again, Samauma was perfect, and I was sent into a place of perfect peace, allowing my day's worries to wash away. What a blessing.
An extremely deep meditation, but also rushed. For just a few minutes I reached into the depths of my conscious and felt so amazing, raising my vibration to new levels. Even Tagetes was very deep in this ceremony.
Yet another deep meditation to end the day. My mind is lovely and clear, and I feel so positive. Lourinho was surprisingly good in this one.
Again, one of the best meditation of the past year, and I feel totally mindful, relaxed and present. A true blessing.
Despite some mind-chatter from my busy day, it really put my mind at ease. Zenergy was mild but somehow brought happiness, and Samauma was strong. A true blessing.
An absolutely wonderful and very profound meditation. A superb end to my day and I'm so blessed. I feel absolutely fantastic - very positive with a clear mind, like I'm in another world.
Samauma gave a very profound meditation. It's surely one of the strongest rapés I have. I feel totally clear of mind and positive.
Just a wonderful deep meditation and I'm so blessed.
A lovely start to my day with a deep meditation. Some rapé stuck in my throat, and mild mind-chatter planning for my day, but this really cleared my mind.
Just a really lovely meditation. It put my mind at ease and made me so very positive. Everything is just fine.
A deep meditation and I feel totally relaxed with a clear mind. So positive and grateful!
What a truly deep and loving meditation. Hoska was surprisingly not too mild - best it's ever been - I need to give it more opportunity to shine. Samauma was very potent, and it was a lovely end to a busy and stressful day.
Tipy was surprisingly midler than normal but Samauma was truly profound. I went totally numb, even a little sleepy, and this really cleared my energy. Lovely.
Parika is definitely stronger than PIxuri, and brought on a very deep and loving meditation. I was so at ease, grateful and positive and I just feel so calm now, ready for my Sunday.
A truly lovely and calming meditation, and I was connected with the universe. What a blessing.
I tried the fourth of my new rapés, Yaminawa Clarity, from a tribe I've not heard of before. It's a somewhat tobacco-ish rapé, but slightly aromatic, and it has real potential. Can't wait to work more with it. A deep and loving meditation, albeit rushed, and with some mind-chatter. Just what I needed though.
I tried the third of new rapés, Nukini Peace. It's a grey rapé with a strong with lovely early aromatic quality to it. Definitely far better than I thought, and brought on a deep sense of peace and gratitude. Samauma was surprisingly mellow going in, but still deep. A lovely end to my day and I'm so very blessed.
7 Ervas is truly a beautiful and very strong rapé, even in this small amount. It might even be better than Samauma and the best one I have! I'll buy more soon. A truly connected and very deep medtation - just what I needed. Wonderful!
Pineal is still a little mild, but again a wonderful and profound meditation from Samauma. A nice end to my weekend.
I tried a new rapé, Yawanawa 7 Ervas, which has just arrived, lovingly giving as a sample from Amazon Spirit. Even in this small amount, it was profound. I was reluctant to buy it, because I thought it'd be similar to 7 Plantas, but it's very different and far more profound. An amazing meditation overall, completely grounding, and I feel so positive.
A very stressful day, and this was just what I needed. Interrupted by mind-chatter, but it's fine. I'm happy.
Wow, truly one of the best meditations of late, and certainly one of the deepest and most connected I can remember. So profound, and my body went numb. I had a deep knowing that everything is just as it's supposed to be and the future is so blindingly bright. Amazing!!
A really loving meditation from some beautiful blends. I feel so positive and ready for my working week.
This was an incredibly peaceful and calming meditation. Energies were a little shallow and odd, but still very nice, and I'm in an almost dream-like state - so calm.
This was a really nice meditation that sent me deep into state of peace and love.
It was mainly disturbed by burping, but a deep and very loving and connected meditation that kept my virbration high.
Both rapés were powerful. I decided to mix it up this morning with Pixuri and Samauma. Pixuri is just as good as Parika at this time, if not better, and my impression of it has increased! I lovely meditation and I feel so positive and grateful for everything.
Both rapés were wonderful, especially Samauma, which was very profound and brought deep connectedness. I felt so much hope and gratitude.
A really nice meditation, if a little bit rushed. An interesting combination of Madre and Samauma that I'll do again.
Yet another extremely beautiful meditation from Samuma (although Ascension was quite mild). I felt completely connected, bringing love to the world on this occult day.
Samauma gave a truly calming and connected meditation and I was at peace. I'm so blessed.
I just feel amazing and so positive after this deeply connected and loving meditation. Tagetes is a good rapé!
It was a very loving and connected meditation. This Samauma is amazing.
Despite an interruption and no headphones, this was a very deep meditation and left me completely grounded and positive.
I had an enormous quantity of Samauma, and it was absolutely profound, bringing deep connection with all that is and a lovely calm. I feel so blessed and grateful for my life.
I had more Bonatur than ever before, and it really worked, as it was quite potent and brought peace, although a real burn in the throat because of stuck rapé there. Samauma was profound and loving, although I had some mind-chatter. I feel fantastic now and very positive and grounded.
Yet another truly loving and profound meditation from Samauma. I feel grounded and very positive.
A beautiful meditation yet again from Samauma, which is a true blessing. I feel totally grounded with a lovely clear mind.
Yet another amazing meditation from this Samauma blend from Yawanawa. What a true blessing. I was totally connected and calm, and feel so much gratitude.
A truly pieceful and loving meditation. Minor mind-chatter, but just a lovely connected meditation and I feel fantastic and hopeful.
This was a truly wonderful and calm meditation. Samsara was actually really good, bringing deep peace and connectedness. Samauma was as always amazing, and I feel absolutely fantastic.
I intended to have a deep meditation, and it certainly was! Samauma was so amazing, and I was completely connected to the Universe and all that is. Absolutely amazing, and I activated all my chakras.
Just a wonderful morning ceremony, filling me with so much hope and allowing me process my life and past. I'm so blessed to have rapé in my life.
I tried a different combination this time, and it was really profound. A lovely morning meditation.
I had two of my Samauma rapés! Obviously the one from Yawanawa is far superperior, but both brought peace. I feel very positive.
Warrior Heart was mild as always, but gave some interesting crown chakra activation. Samauma was deep and potent. I'm a little out of sorts today, with a hangover from yesterday, but now I feel more grounded.
This was a bit of an odd meditation - I was sent into an almost trance-like state, numb even, that was both mellow and profound at the same time. I feel totally grounded and relaxed. Tsunu Nisural was actually really good in this one, but Samauma was amazing.
This Samauma is surely one of the best rapés I have! It was truly profound - very very potent and loving. I feel fantastic.
This really relaxed me after a slightly busy day. Samauma was profound, and I feel so grounded and happy.
I found so much peace in this ceremony. It's a peaceful day, despite being rainy. Cumaru Grey was nicer than normal, and I noticed its candy-line aroma going in. Samauma was profound as always.
Despite the spitting, it was a profound meditation and I was so connected with all that is, raising my vibration to pure love and gratitude. Samauma is amazing.
I don't think I've noticed the raw tobacco aroma of Tipy before, but it's there. Nevertheless a good blend. Samauma was amazing as always and sent me very deep. It's a wonderful hot sunny day and the future is so bright.
Just a truly amazing and very connected meditation, which is just what I need before my trip away for a couple of days. I just feel so good and positive.
This Samauma was yet again absolutely amazing. It's surely one of my best rapés. It brought such profound peace and connectedness.
Samauma was absolutely profound and I was connected with all that is with great love. Even my mixture rapé was quite strong, probably given the yopo seeds I've added to it. I feel absolutely fantastic!
Today has been such a lovely peaceful day and so very happy. This meditation was amazing. Samsana, although a little mild, brought deep calm, and samauma was very profound and absolutely beautiful. What a truly blessed life and wonderful world.
Pixuri was nice and calming and Samauma was profound and very loving, filling me with hope and gratitude.
Apart from a small noise volume disturbance, it was a very calm and connected ceremony. I went so deep. Samauma is amazing.
Jungle Magic was again on the mild side but calming, and Samauma was truly profound with a lasting aftereffect.
Suave luz (first time in a while) was still mild, but actually calming and set the scene well for Samauma, which was perfect and sent me into a very deep and loving meditation. I feel truly amazing!
I feel so truly blessed and this was a very peaceful meditation from two wonderful blends.
Some interruption at the start with spitting, but a deep and very loving and connected meditation. I just feel so at peace and grateful. Samauma is amazing.
A slightly jittery mind, but I kept it mostly at bay, and it was a good meditation overall. Nice and peaceful.
I decided to mix Mentolado with Samauma to give it some extra kick, and it was very pleasant. A nice meditation, although some rapé stuck in my throat at the start. Overall a little mild, but Parika (Parica) was lovely.
I tried a new rapé, Goddess, which is a sample from Shamanic Snuff. It's a gray and very aromatic blend, but very grainy. It was mild, but I need to work more with it. The right-nostril combination brought great depth, but I had some rapé stuck in my throat and some mind-chatter.
Samauma is just really good! Some rapé stuck in my throat, but a positive experience overall and I feel so good!
This was a beautiful and loving meditation from two potent Yawanawa rapés. Some mild mind-chatter, but so calm and mind-clearing at the same time.
Two powerful and very loving rapés, bringing depth and peace. Some heavy energy though, for some reason. It cleared my mind wonderfully though.
Just some mind-chatter, but otherwise a deep meditation and so relaxing and loving.
A lovely end to a hectic day. I went deep and was so grateful, releasing all the built-up negative energy finally.
Such a beautiful meditation, so optimistic and grateful for my life and the wonderful world I live in.
Samauma was really potent and grounding, and Putanny was as always amazing. Despite some burping and rapé in my throat, I was sent into a deep meditation - so loving and connected.
It was a very loving and connected meditation where I went deep. Some mind-chatter, but just lovely nevertheless.
A really wonderful meditation to round off my Saturday. So connected and loving.
What an experience! I thought Love was a little mild, but it brought such happiness and knowing that everything is just fine. Samauma brought a very profound stillness and connectedness and is so amazing.
A very pleasant morning meditation, if a little subdued and "conscious". I lovely start to a lovely day.
This was a little bit of a tricky meditation with burping and some mild mind-chatter, but I felt peaceful. Parika (Parica) had a real burn to it, and Samauma was quite profound. A lovely start to my day and Easter Sunday.
This was a nice peaceful meditation. A little bit mellow, but the key really is surrender and acceptance of whatever comes.
What a lovely meditation. After a couple of beers, which (although not generally recommended) definitely enhanced the meditation. I feel so grateful and so hopeful, and I surrender completely.
Wow, even Nu-nu Extra was the most potent it's ever been in this meditation, and Samauma brought me into a deep, almost mystic sensation and pure love and connectedness.
The rapés were good - quite potent and very loving and calming - but it was a little marred by some burping and spitting.
It was a peaceful meditation that cleared my mind beautifully. A little mild, but to be expected from this time in the morning.
A nice meditation that calmed my mind. What a blessing.
A wonderful early morning meditation with two lovely blends!
This Samauma is such a beautiful blend, bringing such a sense of love and connectedness. What a beautiful end to a magical day.
I feel quite off-balance this morning, and it was a bit of a tricky ceremony, but it calmed my mind, and I feel good.
There was a major interruption at the start with internet connection for the sound track, and the rest of the meditation was a little mild, but it was nice and peaceful, and I feel great now.
Two potent and loving rapés for this one. Samauma truly is profound. I feel totally at ease and ready for my day.
It's a shame this was a tiny bit rushed, but it was very profound. I've been on the fence about this Kuntanawa version of Veia de Paje, but certainly in the left nostril, it's very potent, and indeed harsh going in. Samauma is also amazing.
Despite all the spitting, this ceremony was incredibly peaceful and profound. I felt so much love and calmness. Everything is just as it should be in the world and in my life.
A lovely profound ceremony, full of love and light. This Samauma is very potent!
A loving and quite profound meditation that's left me feeling very positive and happy. It's been a good day, and things are looking up!
This was a tricky morning meditation, with lots of spitting. Samauma especially was very rough, and although potent, surprisingly a little milder than expected. Nevertheless, it cleared me, and I'm ready for a good day ahead.
The rapés were fine, but it was a subdued meditation. Nevertheless, it was lovely and peaceful, full of hope. To be expected mild at this very early time in the morning.
I tried two new rapés from a new Ebay seller, including a second Veia de Paje. It was a slightly tricky ceremony, being the first one of the day, but I'm impressed with both. Veija de Paje is quite earthy and dark, and brought peace. The new Samauma was profound (especially in this very large amount!) and is also dark and earthy, but has a slightly aromatic feel to it. A very good start to my weekend!