All Reviews So Far
Despite personal difficulties these few days with my dad being ill in hospital, this was such a calming and grounding meditation. Everything will turn out fine and bright, and the future is blessed.
It was a lovely peaceful meditation. I'm ready for my Sunday and week ahead, and I'm so positive and blessed.
The rapés were rough going in but so profound and loving, and this was a wonderful start to my Saturday.
The rapés were deep and loving. Overall the meditation was a little bit jittery, but I feel really good and clear of mind.
A really peaceful ceremony full of love, and I'm ready for my week ahead.
I just feel so at ease and so positive for the future, and it's so very bright. A wonderfully deep and calming meditation this was.
I'm at the last of my cold now, but it severely hampered this meditation. I felt and feel generally relaxed, and it's cleared my mind nicely though.
Some potent rapés and I feel so at ease and positive for my Sunday and the time ahead. Wonderful.
A nice peaceful meditation to start my blessed day.
Just what I needed to clear my mind and energies.
Osah was very mild surprisingly. Warrior+++ was deep and loving, but overall a little mellow of a meditation, because of the heat.
A peceful meditation, although Warrior+++ was milder than normal.
A wonderfully peaceful meditation to start this new month of August 2023. What a blessing.
A wonderfully profound and very quiet and calm meditation. Chief is amazing. I feel so good.
Very rushed, but although it was short, it was so loving and deep. Such a blessing to my day.
What a wonderful peaceful meditation, and I feel so calm and positive.
A lovely meditation to end my busy day, and I'm so happy and positive.
Just a really peaceful and calming meditation to start my day, which has nicely cleared my mind.
Here, I tried a new soundtrack. It has a certain charm about it, but I think I need to get used to it. Mapacho Tsunu was pretty mild, but Warrior+++ was profound, and I feel so calm.
A pleasant meditation to end my day, but surprisingly not as deep as I'd hoped. I'm very relaxed today though, and it's been a good day.
A really nice meditation to clear my mind and increase my vibration. I feel so good and the weekend has been great.
A nice calming meditation, although not as deep as I'd hoped. Just generally pleasant, and it's cleared my mind.
I didn't expect such a profound and connected meditation here. Gesileu especially was so lovely. Warrior+++ had such a wonderful aroma - candy-line, and was deep. How amazing.
I tried this soundtrack (I think) for the first time in the morning, and it was pleasant. I think I prefer my normal one though. A really calming meditation that cleared my mind. Energies a little strange today, but it'll be a blessed and positive day nevertheless.
Jiboia was milder than normal, but Warrior+++ was very calming. Not quite as deep as I'd hoped, but a good ceremony.
It's Christmas Day, and this was a lovely calm and deep meditation to begin my day. Warrior+++ really is a potent and loving combination with Mentolado, and I feel so blessed and clear of mind, with a cleansed mind and soul.
I bought a rapé called Nukini Cumaru Trevo from, but having compared it to my existing Trevo Cumaru, it's the same, so I'm counting it as such. Just as potent too, and this with Warrior+++ was a true blessing - a deep calming meditation that cleared my mind beautifully.
Just what I needed - a lovely peaceful meditation. Such an early start today, and I'm so tired!
Such an amazing ceremony with two very potent blends. A true blessing and my mind has cleared.
This meditation was truly just what I needed after a stressful and busy time. Cacao is amazing, so obviously so is Warrior+++. I feel calm and ready now. Amazing.
Yet another truly wonderful morning meditation that's left me so at peace and clear-minded. Warrior+++ was a really nice combination with Mentolado.
Again, I prefer a good Yawanawa Samauma meditation at this time, but these rapés brought a nice peace, and a wonderful end my week.
A very good meditation, if a little bit rushed. I have a clear mind and I'm so positive.
Peace really is a wonderful blend and I'm grateful for for giving it to me for free. This and Warrior+++ gave a wonderful and very calming meditation full of love.
A very nice meditation, but Ayoasca was milder than normal, and I would have liked it to be deeper overall. Nevertheless, very relaxing and very grounding.
Warrior+ is still very mild - even more so than before - but Warrior+++ gave a very deep meditation. There was fast-moving energy with tangible chi, activating my chakras.
A peaceful and quite deep meditation, but Flow are mild (if a little calming) and there was some noise. A good end to the after noon though.
Goddess was too mild, but somewhat calming. Warrior+++ was profound and very loving - just what I needed during a busy day.
It was a wonderful meditation, where I was totally at peace (despite no headphones) and I feel just so positive and grateful. A true blessing.
Force was slightly mild, but Warrior+++ was profound, bringing peace. I'm so blessed.
A slightly busy mind, but a deep meditation and I feel relaxed now. Actually 7 Plantas was decent in this meditation.
This was a very nice and loving meditation. Warrior+++ is beautiful.
Nu-nu Extra actually wasn't bad - very calming. Overall a fantatically peaceful meditation so full of love.
A really calming meditation, in spite of some burping and discomfort. I'm so happy and content.
Armour is still on the mild side, but Warrior+++ gave a deep meditation. A slightly jittery mind, but I held it back and it was nice and peaceful.
Some mild mind-chatter, but a loving meditation.
Despite a little burping and mind-chatter, I got a wonderful meditation from Warrior+++. I can just feel its beauty as soon as it starts going in. Samsara was surpringly very mild though.
Despite not having headphones, the soundtrack really worked. Armour was a little mild, as expected, but Warrior+++ was truly profound, and perfectly ends a busy, hot and stressful day.
Another somewhat mild meditation for today, for some reason. Some mind-chatter. Reasonably calming though.
Some mind-chatter from my busy day, but a lovely calm meditation and I feel so positive today!
A very peaceful experience, although I had a very slightly jittery mind. I feel good and today is a good day.
Opener is still mild, but the right-nostril combination of two powerful rapés brought a lovely peace. Some burping and mind-chatter, but a nice meditation.
Mentolado brought immediate peace of mind and depth with connectedness. Warrior+++ brought a nice meditation overall, and I feel so truly grateful, ready for a busy day ahead.
This was a nice peaceful ceremony. So calm. Nothing too special, because I suppose this morning I'm just calm and happy anyway!
Two potent rapés that really helped to ground me. Some strange energies and stress this week overall, but the future is looking brighter and calmer.
A really nice meditation, although some mind-chatter. I just feel so happy this morning!
Flow was mild, but Warrior+++ was profound, loving and brought a deep connection.
A deep and very loving meditation to end my Friday and working week. What a blessing! I tried Ascend for the first time in while, and it's a little mild but very calming.
A beautiful ceremony with two lovely and very grounding rapés. This was truly just what I needed after a very stressful day.
This was a profound meditation and very loving. A little tricky at times, but very deep and I feel so relaxed and positive.
A surprisingly very pleasuring morning meditation, although some mucus trying to build up. I feel really great and ready for my long weekend.
A little bit subtle and "conscious", but as always these two rapés were very good and very loving.
A very peaceful, if a little too "conscious" meditation, and just what I needed to bring deep calm.
Unwind was really deep and loving, but overall the meditation was a little mild and too "conscious". I feel really good afterwards though - totally relaxed.
A good meditation with two wonderful rapés. It was a little lacking, mainly due to some mind-chatter, which I held back. Some strange energies today, but it's a good day nevertheless.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a very grounding meditation and I feel amazing and hopeful.
A jittery mind most of this morning, but this was surprisingly very calm and grounding - just what I needed.
Both rapés were potent and very loving, but it was a bit of a tricky meditation with some burping and mind-chatter. I feel really good though now and very grounded and hopeful.
It was generally a subtle meditation, and I had to fight back some mind-chatter, but it was lovely and calm and beautiful start to my day.
Both rapés were potent and I had a deep meditation. A beautiful start to my Sunday.
A wonderful start to my weekend, grounding me perfectly and setting the scene for a lovely day, full of beauty and hope.
The rapés were fine, but it was a bit of a mild meditation with some burping and mind-chatter. I'm just so relaxed and happy today though already.
7 Plantas really is a very mild rapé, but Warrior+++ brought a profound experience, albeit some mild mind-chatter. I feel so good!
Although there was some mind-chatter, it was a deep and calming meditation that really grounded me, ready for a wonderful weekend.
Despite some mind-chatter, it was a nice peaceful meditation that cleared my mind and set me up for the day. A wonderful morning rapé combination.
It was a bit of a subdued meditation with some mind-chatter, but it helped relax my mind and I feel really good and positive.
It was a really loving and connected meditation, albeit far too much burping!
A lovely morning meditation. Some mild mind-chatter, but I was so calm and so connected.
Warrior+++ brought such connection to all that is and great love. I feel so relaxed now and ready for my Sunday.
This was a really calming and mind-clearning morning meditation, full of so much peace and love.
A peaceful meditation, with only some mild mind-chatter. Comfort is really a good rapé, and I'd consider it for the second nostril at some point. I feel really good with a clear mind.
It was a very mind-clearing and calm meditation, albeit some mild mind-chatter. I'm so optimistic and grateful.
This was a great meditation for settling my mind, although there was some burping and mild mind-chatter. I feel very optimistic now and ready for my busy day.
Such a wonderful morning meditation from these two very loving rapés. I held the line and felt peace.
Ths seems to be a perfect pair of rapés for morning meditations - Unwind and Warrior+++. They work amazingly together to bring a profound meditation and clear mind. What a blessing. I'll probably do this more often.
This was a really wonderful morning meditation. Unwind was very burning, but brought such depth and calmness. Warrior+++ was as always amazing. I'm so ready for my lovely day.
I tried Awiry Purus for the first time in a very long time, but in combination with Vashawa, which was pleasant. Warrior+++ brought a deep meditation, with so much love and gratitude.
Two good hard blows into the nostrils, bringing a deep experience. Some mind-chatter, but I feel so good and optimistic.
The sample was Nukini: Lorim, which I've had for a while. It was very pleasant. Warrior+++ gave a profound meditation, verging on a mystical experience. I give a good hard blow on each rapé, which might be best. I feel truly amazing and so hopefuly.
A wonderfully peaceful and mind-calming meditation. What a blessing.
A very nice and calming meditation. Some strange energies today though.
It was a very pleasant and calming ceremony. This combination is great - two profound blends together. I'm so optimistic and grateful for the wonerful future that awaits.
Armour is still a little mild, but Warrior+++ is amazing. A relaxing ceremony and I feel really good.
I had company, so it was a little bit interrupted (along with my busy day), but it was so very relaxing, loving and connected. Warrior+++ is a truly amazing blend and I'm so grateful.
A lovely deep meditation, and just what I needed to round off my day.
A wonderful and very loving meditation. Warrior+++ is truly one of my best rapés, if not the best at the moment (in close competition with Madre). I went deep and found peace.
This was an absolutely profound and very loving and connected meditation, with a mostly clear mind. I'm just so grateful to rapé, and the healing it brings to my life.
This was such a profound and very loving meditation. Both rapés are amazing, and I feel so positive!
A bit of a strange ceremony, not least because it's a couple of hours after a few beers down the road. A slight risk, but a calming meditation, if not deep.
Warrior+++ was amazing, but it was a bit of a mind-chattery meditation.
Generally a bit of a tricky meditation, surprisingly, but it calmed my mind and I feel great now.
Kundalini was very calming and pleasant and Warrior+++ was really good, but overall (yet again) a somewhat mild meditation.
What a truly beautiful morning ceremony. These two rapés were good choice, and I went deep. I feel just so fantastic now!
This was a really pleasant and deep meditation from Warrior+++ (not so much from Nexus, which was mild). A good end to a busy week, and so very hopeful.
A wonderfully peace and profound meditation after a busy day. I was calm throughout with a mostly clear mind. What a blessing.
Warrior+++ is truly a beautiful and very loving blend. Some minor mind-chatter from my busy day, but this meditation was truly just what I needed. So much love and hope!
A wonderful right-nostril combination of two beautiful blends brought a deep and loving meditation. Shame about the telephone interruption.
Goddess was mild, but Warrior+++ brought a lovely calm meditation. Some mind-chatter, but otherwise peaceful and loving.
What a lovely combination Extremos and Warrior+++ is, bringing a profound calm and a lovely end to the afternoon and working day.
A very loving and profound meditation with Warrior+++. What a beautiful blend, so candy-like and deep. I feel amazing.
An interesting combination of two weaker rapés in the left nostril, bringing some peace, but Warrior+++ brought a profound connectedness to all that is. I felt such well-being and love. What a beautiful ceremony!
I wonderful and very loving and connected meditation from two beautiful rapés. There was some mind-chatter from my busy day, but it set this really reset my spirit and mind.
An unusual ceremony, but in a good way. Nexus, although a little mild, caused a strange giddy light-headedness, but Warrior+++ brought bliss and serenity. A loviving and calming meditation.
Again, Warrior+++ was a very profound rapé and brought connectedness with all that is. A wonderful ceremony.
It was a really good ceremony, in spite of my body wanted to purge mucus, especially at the start. I feel really good and clear now - very relaxed and optimistic. The light is winning in this world.
Warrior+++ gave a wonderfully profound meditation, full of deep love and hope. Amazing.
Warrior+ was again mild, but brought an interesting peaceful energy centered around my head. Warrior+++ was very profound and calming, bringing a very long-lasting meditation. Truly lovely.
After a bit of a mucussy start, I went sent into a deep state of peace and love and sent light to the world. Today has been a very good day and my life is so blessed.
Just a wonderfully peaceful and loving ceremony. I was almost numb with calmness and I feel so good.
Despite some rapé stuck in my throat, it was a calming meditation. There's realy optimistic energies in the air right now, and it's very nice.
I really have to be in the right mood for this soundtrack, and I was - it was wonderful! Gesileu was amazing, bringing deep peace and optimism. The meditation was lovely and beautifully concludes my ceremonies for this Winter Solstice portal.
I tried my new rapé from, Ayoasca. It's very earthy and has a real burn to it going in - it made my eye water. Very nice and potent! A peaceful meditation and really quite deep.
It was a quite relaxing ceremony, but a lot of spitting and burping. MY body had a lot to purge at this time in the morning, especially coming to the end of this cold! I feel really good now - very positive!
Despite the spitting and caughing caused by rapé stuck in my throat, it was a very profound meditation. Gratitude was truly amazing, sending me immediately into a deep and very connected meditation. This lasted throughout. I'm so fortunate!
What a peaceful and deep meditation! Warrior+++ is a great calming and loving rapé! I had complete stillness and peace of mind, with some numbness.
I've ordered more Warrior+++, as it's such an amazing rapé - very potent and deeply loving. What a lovely blessing this is!
Warrior+++ is truly an amazing blend, probably almost or just as good as Warrior Princesse. I had a wonderful deep meditation and am ready for whatever the day brings.
Wow! What a beautiful surprise from Gratitude. Especially in this quantity, it's a very profound and deeply loving blend. Warrior+++ is also showing itself to be an amazing rapé, but I need really to experiment with it more.
A very lovely and calming meditation. Warrior+++ is very good, and of course so is Uricuri.
I tried the last of four new rapés, Warrior+++, lovingly gived to me by It seems really amazing rapé, and I can't wait to work more with it. A deep and loving meditation overall!