What is Rapé / Hapé / Hapeh / Rapeh?

rapeh in bowl

Rapeh: Connecting with Ancient Wisdom for Spiritual Growth and Well-being

Welcome to the world of rapé (and yes, its several spellings), a sacred shamanic snuff used for ages by indigenous cultures to raise consciousness and support well-being. My goal is to share with those trying to increase their vibration and connect with the wisdom of ancient traditions the amazing advantages of this legal, natural medicine.

Often including sacred tobacco as a main component, rapé is a potent mix of therapeutic plants. Although tobacco has been stigmatised in modern society, indigenous civilizations have long known its ability for spiritual development and healing when used with respect and intent. Indeed, its addictiveness has been hugely overstated. Rapé provides a pure and deep experience free from the damaging additions present in commercial cigarettes.

Based on my own journey with rapé since mid-2020, this website offers a wealth of material. Discover reliable sources for rapé, advice on appropriate use and procedures, an explanation of the several blends and their special effects, and insights into the tribes and customs underlying this incredible medicine by browsing the menu. I'm keen to help you find reliable sellers, although I personally don't sell rapé.

Rapé is the technique whereby a small amount of the fine powder is blown into the nostrils either using a tepi pipe by another person or using a kuripe, a specialised pipe for individual use. Usually described as a rush of energy, clarity, and a connection to All That Is, the effects can be instantaneous and strong. Many users claim a great sense of love, light, and unity.

Whether you know nothing about shamanic techniques or are a seasoned user of plant medicines, I welcome you to learn about and experience the enchantment and possibilities of rapé. Travel with me on this path of healing, development, and transformation as we help to increase the collective vibration of mankind.

my journey in rapeh

My Journey to Discovering the Sacred Power of Rapeh

As a teacher in Liverpool, England, I have come a long way from the soul-destroying jobs of my former life. My turning moment was late in 2007 when I started to wake to the true reality of the world. This set me on a spiritual road that, in spite of many distractions, finally brought me to my meditation practice in March 2020.

I soon came to see that releasing the darkness and dishonesty that was engulfing the world could be dispelled (at least in large part) by meditation. With consistent effort, I discovered how to quiet my mind during normal everyday pursuits such as cycling and walking. Thanks to effective meditation sounds and guided meditations from channels like Holo Vibes (very good!), I found it simpler as my skills developed to meditate in solitude and darkness.

My interest was sparked in June 2020 by a chance discovery of a Youtube video about rapé, a revered shamanic snuff. I found a lone vendor on eBay and rapé from shnuff.co.uk. Little did I realise that this incredible sacred medicine from native South American cultures' sacred tobacco, herbs, and bark, would fundamentally change my life my for the better.

In late June, my first rapé experience was the start of a life-changing adventure. Having a fairly good background in meditation by that point, rapé deepened my practice and helped me reach higher states of consciousness. My inner and outer environment changed for the better as I grew my collection of rapé blends, each with its own impacts on the body's energy field.

Rapé can make one's body a beacon of love and light. Through regular use and meditation, I have committed myself to alchemical transformation of the darkness on the earth plane into love, light, peace, and truth. I invite you to look deeper into the sacred power of rapé and travel with me on this path of healing and awakening as we all walk together into a better future.

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Posted by Neil Bukley

This is the first message posted on Hape Hour! Please feel free to post, discuss and/or get in contact with me. If you wish to leave your email address, then you can, and we can talk. Much blessing.

12th September 2021 at 8:34AM

Posted by Lee (lbennett66@outlook.com)

Hi Neil. I liked the blog. I am about to start my rapé journey, after being led to it intuitively. I want a strain/type particularly useful for releasing negativity/stuck energy in mind, body, spirit? I am asking because I think you may be able to advise me Since you are experienced in this field. Thanks, and please continue with the blog. 👍

2nd June 2022 at 12:53PM

Posted by CaliCali J Linehan

Thank you so much. What you are doing is awesome. The world needs You, the world needs, this, people heal with Plant Medicine. All medical science comes from plant medicine. Science is the baby measure. Nature is the one that knows it all. They are just trying to kid us into thinking that we evolve and all though we do as a species, Mother Natrue / Pachamana has always known. It is us that have been slow to wake up.

10th October 2022 at 4:24AM

Posted by Neil B

Thank you all again for your amazing comments sharing experiences about shamanic snuff and seeking advice.

25th May 2024 at 12:06PM