Step-by-Step Guide to a Profound Rapé Meditation

How to Take Shamanic Snuff

Develop your own rapé ceremony process with these step-by-step instructions, based on my personal experience:

Step 1: Prepare Your Sacred Space

meditation seating for rapé ceremony

Create a comfortable seating arrangement, whether cross-legged on a cushion or in a chair with ample back support. Ensure all necessary items are easily accessible. Prioritize comfort to minimize distractions during meditation.

Step 2: Cleanse Your Space with Smudging

palo santo and sage smudge

Light palo santo, rosemary, or sage to clear negative energies and create a sacred atmosphere. Use this time to quiet your mind, fill yourself with love, and set initial intentions. Palo santo preserves positive energies, while rosemary clears all energies. Smoke-free smudge sprays are an alternative.

Step 3: Find Your Seat and Begin Your Soundtrack

headphones for meditation music

Settle into your chosen posture, ensuring your spine is straight for optimal energy flow. Select a high-vibrational soundtrack, such as those featuring Solfeggio frequencies (432Hz, 528Hz, 999Hz, or 12,000Hz), to enhance your rapé journey. Discover our recommended ceremony soundtracks.

Step 4: Measure Your Rapé Dose

rapé powder in palm

Sprinkle a small amount of rapé into your palm. Beginners should start with half a pea-sized dose, gradually increasing as you gain experience. Respect rapé as a sacred substance, and it will present little danger to your health.

Step 5: Prepare Your Kuripe

rapé and kuripe in palm

Use your kuripe to gently pat the rapé flat, then scoop it into the end that will be inserted into your nose. Tap the kuripe to ensure the powder settles into the corner. Familiarize yourself with the proper ends for your nose and mouth.

Step 6: Set Your Intention at the Heart Chakra

heart chakra illustration

Place the kuripe at your heart chakra and express gratitude for your blessings, protection, and the transformation of darkness into love, light, peace, and truth. Treat this as a heartfelt prayer, as gratitude is one of the highest vibrational energies.

Step 7: Reinforce Your Intention at the Third Eye Chakra

third eye chakra illustration

Move the kuripe to your third eye (pineal gland) chakra and continue setting your intention. Express deep gratitude to the spirit of tobacco, plants, and the Divine, knowing you are eternally loved, blessed, and protected. Thank the universe for your wishes already being granted.

Step 8: Practice Mouth Breathing and Clear Your Sinuses

person breathing deeply

Rehearse breathing solely through your mouth, as your nose will be off-limits after administering rapé. Keep the kuripe away from your mouth to avoid accidental inhalation. Use this time to quiet your mind through deep breaths and express gratitude. Ensure your sinuses are clear to allow the rapé to take full effect.

Step 9: Administer the Rapé

person taking rapé with kuripe

Take a deep breath, block nose breathing, and insert the proper ends of the kuripe into your nose and mouth. Blow the rapé into your nostril. For a fast reaction, blow quickly and forcefully; for a gradual, trance-like experience, start slowly and build intensity. Any stinging will subside quickly.

Step 10: Repeat for the Other Nostril

painting of natives using tepe for rapé

After the stinging subsides, administer an equal amount of rapé into the other nostril. Minimize the time between doses by preparing the second dose before setting intentions for the first. Continue breathing through your mouth. Using two kuripes can streamline the process.

Step 11: Don Your Blindfold and Enter Meditation

person wearing blindfold

While not mandatory, a blindfold can facilitate meditation. Dim the room, leaving just enough light to measure your rapé doses. Focus on your chakras or use your preferred meditation technique. If rapé drips down your throat, spit it out. Trust that you are loved and protected as your energy centers activate.

Step 12: Embrace the Ceremony

person meditating peacefully

Meditate for at least 10-30 minutes. The "primary" euphoric phase lasts a few minutes, followed by the "secondary" quiet mind phase. Aim to maintain this peaceful state ("tertiary" phase) as you go about your day. Your experience may vary based on the rapé variety, time of day, mood, and diet. Express gratitude for whatever unfolds.

Step 13: Remove Your Blindfold and Clear Your Nose

painting of natives using tepe for rapé

When ready, remove your blindfold and thoroughly blow your nose into a tissue or cloth. Twist the cloth inside your nostrils to remove all rapé residue. Clear your throat as well. Marvel at the amount of mucus expelled, knowing it contains toxins and represents physical healing.

Step 14: Savor the Afterglow

painting of natives using tepe for rapé

Smile and hold onto the peaceful feeling as you quietly put away your rapé supplies. Proceed with your day, filled with love, light, and peace. Maintain the "tertiary" phase by avoiding negative thoughts or overthinking. Forgive and send love to all, knowing we are one.

Optional: Take a Second Dose (For Experienced Users)

painting of natives using tepe for rapé

Once experienced, you may feel called to take a second dose. This can deepen your meditation and amplify the blessings. Approach with respect and intention, not recreational pursuit. The second dose is often milder than the first.

Optional: Save the Runoff

old t-shirt for capturing mucus and rapé

Tap the ends of your kuripe onto a piece of paper to collect excess rapé. The amount indicates the cleanliness of your kuripe. Fold the paper and pour the rapé into a spare vial for a unique blend. You can also save the rapé from cleaning your kuripe. What I tend to do is respectively mix this with strong pure tobacco, to create my own loving secondary blend.

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Posted by Indigenouslove

Thanks for this . If am using a tepi to perform this for someone , do I need to say any chants or prayers ?

6th November 2022 at 6:13PM

Posted by Neil (site owner)

Hi Indigenouslove, You don't specifically need these, but everyone has their own routine that works for them. Personally, I silently thank the universe for all my blessings.

13th November 2022 at 2:52PM