Meditation, the Ego, and the Chakra System

Silencing the Ego: The Key to Profound Meditation

person meditating peacefully

Many people have the wrong idea about what meditation is, thinking that it only means sitting quietly with your eyes closed. However, the real point of meditation is to quiet the mind's steady chatter. This can be done in many places, such as while walking, riding a bike or even just waiting at a bus stop.

To fully understand what meditation is, you need to know the difference between your mind and your true self. The main thing that gets in the way of meditating is the ego, that inner voice that is always trying to vie for your attention. It makes you think about the past, worry about the future, or get lost in made-up situations, which can lead you down dark mental roads (and potentially create around you a darker reality than you want).

Putting down the ego is a skill that needs time and effort to develop. At first, it might feel like a lot of work to quiet your mind, but with regular practice, it becomes easier. Sacred medicines like rapeh can speed up this process, but the real progress only happens when these aids are used with sincere spiritual work and purpose.

When you know how to calm your ego, sitting in the dark or listening to high-vibrational sounds can change your life. The benefits of this exercise are truly divine. Even though being alone can be very helpful, you can find a lot of music and guided exercises online to help you on your way.

Look through my extensive long list of ceremony sound tracks to find the right tones to play while you meditate. You could also explore the fascinating world of guided meditations, like the amazing Holo Vibes Pineal series on YouTube, to give your sessions more depth and structure.

It's important to become aware of your seven main chakras and the two other energy centres as you progress in your practice, especially during rapeh ceremonies. These spinning vortices of energy inside and outside of your body are very important to your spiritual growth and general health. Without question, you will know that your chakras are real after experiencing their undeniable presence during a rapeh ceremony.

Focus on each chakra while you meditate. You can go from the crown to the base or from the root to the crown, based on what feels right. Spend time with each energy centre and pay attention to how it moves in a clockwise direction. Take note of your spine's anticlockwise energy field as well. Believe that you will manifest what you want in life. (Whatever you do, don't concentrate on what you don't want - the Universe is very literal and doesn't understand negatives.)

If you start to meditate and train your mind to be quiet, you will start a deep journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. You'll find more inner peace, clarity, and link to the divine as you learn about the power of your chakras and use soul-nourishing sounds and guided meditations.

The 7 (or 9) Main Chakras

Learn how the seven main chakras and two other lesser known energy centres can have a big effect on your physical, emotional and spiritual health. You can change your life and feel closer to God by learning and balancing these important energy points.

Earth Star Chakra: Grounding Energy

earth star chakra illustration

The Earth Star Chakra (or super-root chakra) is four inches below the root chakra, connecting all of your chakras to the energy of the earth. It creates a strong sense of security and connection when it is in balance. When out of balance, it can make you feel disconnected and unrooted.

Root Chakra: Security and Balance

root chakra illustration

The Root Chakra, which is just below the genitalia and gives off red light, controls the "fight or flight" reaction and is thought to be where the dormant kundalini energy lives. Working with the Earth Star Chakra, when it is balanced, it makes you feel safe and grounded. Insecurity and a lack of balance can be signs of an unbalanced Root Chakra.

Sacral Chakra: Forgiveness and Freedom

sacral chakra illustration

When it's balanced, the orange Sacral Chakra, which is below the belly button, helps you forget your worries and feel free. When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, it can make you feel guilty, mean, and uncaring about other people. There are those who think that the kundalini energy lives here or between the Sacral and Root Chakras

Solar Plexus Chakra: Vitality and Personal Power

solar plexus chakra illustration

The metabolic and digestive processes are linked to the yellow Solar Plexus Chakra, which is in the upper abdomen. This warm chakra gives life to the whole body when it is balanced. When out of balance, it can cause digestive problems and a sense of suffering (whether real or not).

Heart Chakra: Radiating Love and Compassion

heart chakra illustration

The green/pink Heart Chakra in the chest is a symbol of the divine union of both genders. It helps us feel deep kindness and love when balanced. If your Heart Chakra is out of balance, it can make you feel hateful and selfish. As the link between the physical and spiritual bodies, it is commonly thought to be the most important to keep in balance.

Throat Chakra: Truth and Authentic Communication

throat chakra illustration

The blue Throat Chakra, which is linked to the element of aether, helps you grow as a person and communicate clearly. When balanced, it lets the truth come out and shines a bright light on darkness. If out of balance, it can make it hard to communicate and may even feel like something is stuck in the throat.

Third Eye Chakra (Pineal Gland): Intuition and Inner Wisdom

third eye chakra illustration

The indigo Third Eye Chakra is important for connecting with the divine and getting to the astral world. It is situated between the eyebrows and supported by the pineal gland in the brain (our physical connection to the Divine). It encourages truth and clear focus when balanced. When the Pineal Chakra is out of balance, it can often be hard to see or know what to do in a situation. Through regular spiritual exercise, opening the Third Eye should happen on its own, if it's meant to do so by your Higher Self.

Crown Chakra: Enlightenment and Spiritual Wisdom

crown chakra illustration

The white/violet Crown Chakra, at the very top of the head, stands for complete awareness. To open this chakra, all the other chakras must be balanced, and it means you have genuine spiritual knowledge - part of the very being. For spiritual people, an imbalanced Crown Chakra can interestingly show up as spiritual pride. This shows how important it is to let go and accept the personal journeys of others.

Soul Star Chakra: Connecting to Your Higher Self and Life Purpose

soul star chakra illustration

The Soul Star Chakra is outside of the body, above the Crown Chakra. It is where the soul lives and connects to the higher self, past and future lives and the Akashic records. This little-known chakra is very important for understanding your karmic past and life purpose. It is often linked to the colour gold.

Focusing on these nine main chakras while you meditate and do energy work can help you feel more balanced, connected and help you spiritually grow and become who you're meant to be. I invite you to accept the power of your chakras to reach your full potential, to live a meaningful, enlightened life and emanate love and light to the world.

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