The World of Sacred Medicines: Traditional Uses and Cultural Significance

healing sacred medicines

Medicines for the Soul

Sacred medicines have been integral to the spiritual and healing practices of indigenous cultures across the world for centuries. These natural substances, revered for their profound psychoactive and medicinal properties, offer a deep connection to the spiritual realm and facilitate physical, mental, and emotional healing. From the potent Ayahuasca brew of the Amazon basin to the revered Peyote cactus used by Native American tribes, each sacred medicine holds unique cultural significance and traditional uses that have been passed down through generations.

This page is about the diverse world of sacred medicines, exploring their traditional preparation and uses. Learn about the Amazonian Ambil, the powerful Sananga eye drops, and San Pedro cactus, among others. Discover how these ancient practices continue to provide invaluable insights into holistic well-being.

(I will build up this page over the coming weeks, so please bear with me.)

ambil tobacco paste

Ambil (tobacco paste)

Ambil, also known as Amazonian tobacco syrup, is a potent and sacred preparation used by various indigenous tribes in the Amazon Basin. Made from the leaves of the Nicotiana rustica plant, ambil is revered for its powerful purifying and grounding effects. This thick, concentrated syrup is traditionally used in rituals and ceremonies to cleanse the body and spirit, clear negative energies, and enhance spiritual communication. Deeply embedded in the spiritual and community life of these tribes, ambil serves as a crucial element in their healing practices, offering a profound connection to the natural world and their ancestral heritage.

How to take it: Use an applicator such as a blunt utensil to scoop a small amount from the tub onto your gum beneath your tongue, then another on your tongue, and press both down.

I personally first discovered ambil in 2021, about a year after I established my relationship with rapeh. I obtained one from NaturaCurandera, a webshop based in Italy. It was very potent and brought such profound peace.

After that ran out, I discovered the strong ambil sold by Shamanic Snuff, based on Peru (in the Sacred Valley). It does vary in potency, but is high quality. These days it's become extremely popular and sells out within an hour of new stock being announced. You can get product availability notifications though, and act fast.

One of my favourite UK sellers, Shnuff, then began selling the ambil made by the Matses tribe. It's based on mapacho tobacco, so is less potent than others I've tried, but still grounding and loving. (I tend to mix some very strong Perique tobacco powder into it.)

I've also tried a couple of ambils available from Polish webshop, They used to have a variable, including a potent one with Parika, but at the time of writing, only the Mapacho is available. It's a more subtle blend than others I've tried, and of a different texture (quite crumbly), but has its place.

Finally, I must mention the absolutely incredible rapeh supplied by the amazing man known as Keyahu. You can email him at and give discount code HapeHour10 for a 10% discount as one of my valued visitors. By far his most potent ambil is Koreguaje. This is not at all a casual blend, and all it takes is a very small amount to bring a profound experience. He also has the slightly better known Huitito, which is also very, very strong. I know he also has Bora and Andean.

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