Rapeh Ingredients: Sacred Components of Shamanic Snuff

rapeh ingredients

Comprehensive List of Ingredients

Learn about the different components of rapeh, the sacred snuff that native South American tribes have used for generations. Rapeh is a mix of sacred tobacco and other plants, herbs, ashes, seeds, and other natural ingredients that have been chosen for their healing and spiritual properties. Sacred tobacco is often the main ingredient, but there are many others. This complete guide will talk about all the different ingredients commonly (or not so commonly) found in rapeh, from the highly revered sacred tobacco to the strong ashes and medicinal plants that make its effects stronger. Whether you've used rapeh for years or are just learning about it, breaking it down into its components can help you honour the spiritual traditions built up over centuries.

Rapeh Ingredients A-Z

Agueduero is highlighted for its significant role in Nawa Feminine Energy Rapé, where it is combined with Chalipanga (Diplopterys cabrerana) and Nicotiana rustica, a type of potent tobacco. This blend is crafted by the Nawa people, a tribe from the Brazilian Amazon, known for their deep connection with nature and shamanic practices.

Ajos Sacha
Known as 'opener of the way' to the shamans, it's considered as dispelling evil and bringing good luck. It's anti-inflammatory and is used against ailments such as arthritis.

Alfavaca da Mata
A herb used by certain tribal people to dispel negative energy from the body's energy field.

These are seeds ground to ash, also known as Emburana and Imburana. They carry a strong scent.

A local Brazilian plant medicine.

Arapiraca Tobacco
Named after a city in Northeastern Brazil, this is a string tobacco.

A mild green tobacco that grows wild alongside the river.

Banisteriopsis caapi
One of the main ingredients of sacred medicine Ayohuasca, it is a green plant that's been used entheogenically for centuries. A rare rapeh ingredient and a true blessing.

Some types of rapé contain wood from the baxawa tree, which is also known as baxuá or paxuá. It comes from a type of tree that grows in the Amazon. In Amazonian spiritual beliefs, baxawa is seen as a sacred wood because it has a deep ability to centre and ground. People think that it makes the connection between their body and the earth stronger. It is said that adding Baxawa to rapé will make the snuff more calming, which will help the individual who uses it feel more in the present. There is also a link between Baxawa and cleansing and making oneself pure. Some of its supposed benefits are eliminating problems and making a strong base for spiritual pursuits. In religious settings, the wood is often used to bring about a sense of stability, focus, and inner strength. For Rapé, Baxawa is used. Many believe that the finished mixture mixes the calming effects of Baxawa with the healing and energising effects of the other herbs. It is also believed that adding Baxawa can help create a deep sense of being connected to and grounded in the earth, which can then make meditation and spiritual travels easier.

A flowering plant native to South America, known for helping bring deep spiritual connection and for opening the heart chakras, bringing greater compassion and connection to the spirit realm.

This is a very rare herb that's used by some tribal people to ease headaches and related ailments, such as dizziness.

Cacao ash
Ashes from the cacao plant, known to be anti-inflammatory and anti-aging.

Canela Leaves (Canaleiro)
Canela is the Portugese word for cinnamon, not least because they have a similar taste. They're common used in teas, and the bark is also commonly used. It is known for its antioxidant properties.

Carapanaúba (Pitaica)
Pitaica, also known as Carapanaúba, is a herbal medicine, although its ashes are seldom utilized. Carapanaúba's primary role is to shield against a myriad of health issues such as diabetes, gastritis, hepatitis, inflmmation, bronchitis, fever, malaria, poor digestion and nephritis.

A tropical tree whose ashes are known to be anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting.

Cenostigma macrphyllum
A tree with yellow flowers, known to help with wounds and being investigated for its possible anti-malarial properties.

Ceremonial Cocoa
This is the sacred version of cocoa, of course the main ingredient of chocolate. You can buy ceremonial cocoa by itself for consumption in hot drinks. I love this drink and normally sweeten it with honey. It brings a unique aroma to rapeh!

This is a tree also known as cecropia, and it is known to have physical healing effects, such as healing wounds.

Leaves traditional used to make aya, they elevate consciousness and activating the senses. It's also known as Psychiotria Viridis.

This is a psychedelic vine from the Amazing that contains high amounts of DMT.

Chiric Sanango
A plant with purple flowers from Peru, 'Chiric' means cold, and it's used as a medicine against colds and flus, as well as body purification and sexual stimulation.

This tree is also known as Pau Pereira and is known to have healing properties.

Cipó Jibóia
A vine named after the Jiboia, or boa constrictor, likely due to the resemblance. It's seen a great teacher, having strength.

Coffee beans
Clearly a well-known substance that is very rarely used in rapeh blends, but add a unique aroma and feel. It's a seed of the Coffea plant.

Corda tobacco
A variety of tobacco and that is stronger than the more usual types.

A magical substance, it is ash from the Cumaru tree, and helps to bring bring a deep trance in rapeh ceremonies.

Also known as Camashero, it's known to sharpen the senses.

Epipremnum pinnatum
A trailing or climbing species of flowering vines in the Araceae family. It goes by various other names, such as Silver Vine and Dragon Tail.

Erythrina mulungu
A beautiful tree native to Brazil, whose parts are used as a natural sedative, easing anxiety and related ailments, such as insomnia.

Evergreen hardwood trees generally found in Australasia, they live a long time. Its ash has a very aromatic scent and as an ingredient provides profound grounding and meditative mindset.

This is a generic ingredient, used when the precise flowers used in the blend are unknown.

Goiaba is Portugese for guava, and this is ash from its tree. It generally provides feminine energy.

This is widely sold and consumed as an alternative to green tea. It contains caffeine, but which a real energy to a rapeh, but when in a tea, it's not as pushy as coffee - subtle and effective, as well as delicious.

This is a generic use of (generally) sacred herbs that are kept a secret and/or not given.

A type of flower sacred to the Kuntawana tribe. Few know how to work with them as a medicine, but when used correctly, they drive away negative energies.

Ashes sourced from the Jatobá tree, a renowned forest giant with exceptional wood and a resin that doubles as incense and has curative properties. This medicinal plant possesses potent healing capabilities that not only cure ailments but also boost vitality. With its rich ancestral heritage, Jatobá's reddish hue represents the life force of the forest, which can alleviate conditions such as gastritis, inflammation, and other diseases.

Jungle cacao
A sacred form of cacao.

jungle vine
A generic ingredient, but specifically added here, as it's an ingredient of Puyanawa Madre. The precise species is unknown.

Kambo Secretion
This is obtained from frogs in the Amazon, and is much revered for its ability to sharpen the senses and clear the mind. It's most often taken using kambo sticks, applying small "dots" to the skin, enabling purging.

This has multiple medicinal applications. The Shawadawa people utilize Kapayuba for treating physical ailments such as headaches, flu, insomnia, mental disorders, and fatigue. This suggests that it may possess analgesic, sedative, or therapeutic properties. Additionally, Kapayuba is noted for its spiritual significance; it is believed to enhance strength during laborious activities like working in the fields, fishing, and hunting, and to facilitate a connection with the spiritual world. This dual role in both physical and spiritual healing is common in many indigenous medicines, reflecting a holistic approach to health and well-being. The preparation and exact nature of Kapayuba are likely closely tied to the traditional knowledge and practices of the Shawadawa tribe.

Kawarani extract is obtained from the leaves and vines of a plant. It is commonly used in everyday life for cleansing and purification purposes while taking a bath or participating in sacred spiritual ceremonies. In rapeh, it is used as a remedy to treat headaches and soothe a troubled heart that's affected by emotions such as anger and heartbreak. It enables a person to welcome love and happiness while offering spiritual protection. It is a potent tool for combating and calming the spirits that are nourished by the intense emotional energy of fear.

Lemongrass (Capim Santo)
A very well known and commonly available ingredient of many things. I like this in tea, as it's very healthy. The same perfectly encapsulates what it's like - grassy lemon.

A sacred herb, often recognised as being able to treat headaches and clear the nasal passage.

This is a plant bearing a type of bean that can be eaten and has enormous health benefits. It's an antioxidant and stimulates a feeling of well-being and alertness.

A flowering shrub that's highly praised for its ability to open the heart to the spiritual realm, and it has anti-inflammatory effects.

A rarer alternative to the tobacco plant, rarely smoked, but used for deep healing.

Mapacho Seeds
Seeds of the mapacho rustica tobacco plant. They're often toasted beforehand.

Mapacho Tobacco
An alternative tobacco, pure and non-harmful, used by tribespeople in many traditional ceremonies. It's more powerful than traditional tobacco.

Menthol Crystals
Soluble crystals made from peppermint oil, they're known to relieve colds and flus.

This is a generic ingredient name, where the ingredient used was something in the mint family, often imparting a lovely menthol quality to rapehs.

Moy Tobacco
An alternative Brazilian tobacco, strong and cleasing, tending to bring up a lot of fluids in the sinuses. Healing.

Also known as Anamu, this is a sacred herb, long used in ceremonies, traditional medicine and magic. It's known to have immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory traits.

Mugwort (also known as artemesia or artemisia) is considered a sacred plant with powerful spiritual properties. It is believed to enhance intuition, facilitate spiritual journeys, and provide protection against negative energies. The use of Artemisia in rapé blends is thought to promote deep introspection, spiritual cleansing, and connection with the divine feminine energy. The plant is associated with the moon and is often used in ceremonies and rituals to invoke the guidance and wisdom of ancestral spirits. Amazonian tribes revere Artemisia as a teacher plant that can help individuals navigate the mysteries of the spirit world and gain profound insights into the self and the universe.

The bark of a tall Amazonian tree, sometimes used in Amazonian Ayahuasca. It has ancient origins and is common used to treat infections, burns and wounds.

This is a herb, also known as Mulata, that is known to deeply calm the nerves and bring peace, aiding meditation.

Muña (Andean Mint)
A bright green shrub grown widely in parts of the Andes mountains. It is a hardy plant with white flowers, even growing during the cold season. It's often used in delicious teas, and is beneficial for the teeth and bones, as well as helping ease pain and arthritis, including sore throats. It's very widely used in the area and seen as a sacred, powerful medicine.

Ash from the sacred Murici tree. It's been used since ancient times to cure problems with the abdomen, and in general clear negative energies from the lower abdomen..

An ingredient added to some rapehs, said to dispel negative energies.

Old Cinnamon (Miconia albicans)
A plant from Bahia and Sergia states of north-eastern Brazil and a popular plant medicine.

Osha Root
A herb often used as incense, eliminating illness and negative energies in the room. It has an enchanting fragrance and is associated with deep dreaming.

Also known as Parika or Angico, ash from the Parika tree known to release stuck energies.

Otherwise known as purple passionflower, this is a MAOI, used in aya ceremonies, and is considered as a gateway to the dream world.

Pau Pereira
A very sacred plant containing DMT, and as such can bring entheogenic effects when taken in quantity.

Piri Piri
A variety of chilli, adding amazing aroma to a rapeh and intense strength.

A plant rich in safrole, eucalyptol, alpha-terpineol, and eugenol, used mainly to flavour to rapeh.

A local plant that is used as a natural medicine against mild ailments such as flu, and brings strength for day-to-day activities.

A shrub that is a member of coffee family, also known as amyruca, it is regarded by many locals as a magical plant.

A local plant that is used as a natural medicine against mild ailments such as flu, and brings strength for day-to-day activities.

Rope tobacco
An ancient method of processing tobacco leaves. The process is labour-intensive and involves various techniques to create a thick rope or lanyard. The tobaccos are typically twisted by hand and can be chewed, smoked in a pipe, or (more rarely) used to enhance beautiful rapehs!

Sabiá tobacco
A strong variety of tobacco and an excellent alternative to the more common types.

This is a giant sacred tree, seen as a gateway between earth and heaven. The ash from this tree is a wonderful ingredient in rapeh, bringing a profound connection to the divine.

Sananga root
Sananga root, derived from the Tabernaemontana undulata plant, is a highly revered ingredient in Amazonian rapé blends. In traditional Amazonian spirituality, Sananga is believed to possess powerful cleansing and healing properties. It is said to clear negative energies, purify the mind and spirit, and enhance mental clarity and focus. Sananga is often used in ceremonies to facilitate deep spiritual insights and visions, helping individuals to connect with higher states of consciousness. It is also believed to strengthen the energetic field, providing protection against negative influences and promoting overall well-being. Amazonian tribes consider Sananga root a sacred medicine that can guide individuals through profound spiritual transformations and awaken their inner wisdom. The use of Sananga in rapé blends is thought to intensify the purifying and visionary effects, supporting deep spiritual work and personal growth.

Sansara is a plant known to ease colds and flus and bring healing to the body and mind. It's also known as Samsara.

Sapota ash
This is an ash from a fruiting tree. It's used to give strength to rapeh and aid in meditation.

Sapota tobacco
This is an a rarer variety of tobacco from a fruiting tree, the sapota.

Sharamasha, also known as 'mashi-hiri', is a plant closely related to 'piri piri' (Justicia pectoralis). It is considered an entheogen, a substance used in spiritual and shamanic practices to induce altered states of consciousness. In Amazonian traditions, Sharamasha is believed to promote emotional healing and integration. It is thought to help individuals confront and process difficult emotions, traumas, and psychological blocks. By facilitating a deep inner journey, Sharamasha is said to bring about a sense of emotional balance, clarity, and well-being. The plant is often used in ceremonial contexts to support personal growth, self-discovery, and the resolution of emotional conflicts. Amazonian tribes revere Sharamasha as a powerful ally in the journey towards emotional wholeness and spiritual awakening.

A generic ingredient, meaning that one or more spices are used in the blend, but the precises spices are unknown or not disclosed.

Tagetes Lucida (Mexican Tarragon)
This is a herb used ritually to bring clarity and lucidity, bringing the emotions under control. It is often used instead of normal tarragon and is known to purify the soul.

Ash taken from the sacred Thiwru tree, seen a highly visionary.

This is a herb that seems specific to the Kuntanawa people (and is their word for it). They use it for deep spiritual cleansing.

The staple ingredient in the majority of rapehs, and indeed the main active ingredient. Its use shouldn't be confused with the use of tobacco in the West, as it's a sacred plant.

These are leaves from the Toé (Durura) plant, commonly used against respiratory ailments.

These are delicious beans that are actually seeds of the cumaru tree, and have deep healing properties in rapeh.

Trevo Cumaru
A herb highly praised, to bring a deep spiritual connection and spiritual cleansing.

Also known as Pau pereira ash, from the Tsunu tree, it is a common rapeh ingredient and brings grounding and deeper intake of the tobacco.

Vanilla pods
A well-known ingredient but rarely used in rapehs, it's beautifully aromatic. It's actually a fruit of a variety of Varilla orchids, commonly grown in the Americas.

Vashawa Ash
Vashawa ash is one of the many types of ash that can be used in rapé blends. The specific properties and effects of Vashawa ash are difficult to pin down, but it is known to contribute to the overall potency and effectiveness of the rapé. Ash in general is an important component of rapé because it serves as a chemical activator, enhancing the effects of the other ingredients. It represents the fire element and provides strength to the mixture.

Veia de Pajé
A thin vine whose name translates to Shaman's vein. It is used to dispel negative energy and bring positive ones.

Volcanic Ash
An unusual ingredient in rapeh, it's high in sulphur, known to have multiple physical health benefits.

White Roses
A beautiful feminine ingredient, used often in baths to clear the aura. Associated with purity.

White Roses
A well-known symbol and emblem of purity, innocence and loyalty, and a beautiful and quite rare rapeh ingredient, bringing such peace.

Also known as huilka or vilka, it's one of the most sacred traditional plants to the South Africans, thought to cure major illnesses and addictions. It's imbued with female energy, giving the opportunity for rebirth and improving one's life.

A rare herb from Brazil that is very highly praised, thought to cure many illnesses of both the body and mind.

A rare plant that grows parasitically on trees. It has special medicinal qualities, particularly in reducing pain and inflammation.

Very energising and known to enhance the dream space.

Yopo Seeds
These seeds are also often used by themselves as a sort of traditional snuff, as they can bring profound spiritual connection.

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