Contact Hapé Hour: I'm Here to Support Your Rapeh Journey

contact about rapeh

How to Make Contact

I value your thoughts, experiences, and questions about Shamanic snuff and sacred plant medicines. Whether you want to share your insights with the community through a public comment or have a private inquiry for me, I're here to listen and support you. Use the convenient contact form at the bottom of this page to make a connection. Simply choose between "Public Comment" to contribute to the conversation and inspire others on their rapeh journey, or "Private Message" for a confidential message. Your private messages will remain securely between us. I look forward to hearing from you and being part of your transformative journey with rapeh.

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Comments left so far on this page

Posted by NeilB (

Feel free to message me about anything, whether it's for help with taking or buying rapeh. I'm very friendly!

6th April 2024 at 1:24PM