Katukina US for Sacred Medicines in the USA

Discount Codes!

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As a proud affiliate of Katukina US, I offer you discount codes HapeHour and NEILBUCKLEY for an exclusive 10% discount on your purchase with them.

You can begin on a path of healing and spiritual development with Katukina US's well selected collection of sacred medicines (rapé snuff, sananga, kuripes, tepis and other traditional tools) from the heart of the Amazon basin. It can seriously change your life. This web shop is proud to introduce to the West this indigenous expertise and knowledge, presenting an amazing opportunity to enjoy the life-enhancing benefits of a wide range of quality products.

Two Tribe Tuesday Rapeh  Nawashahu, Rawaputu, Yemanja

Nukini Trevo Cumaru  Rapeh selection

Kuntanawa Capim Santo 

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your spiritual and meditative practice and form a deep relationship with the Amazon's (and Mother Earth's) ancient knowledge. You can apply your discount code to open a universe of transforming opportunities. Of course, to help you decide on which blends to try, you can see a comprehensive list, with reviews, on my rapeh varieties page.

The Ancient Wisdom of Rapeh

Rapé is a sacred shamanic snuff. It's has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon for healing and spiritual growth. It is based on sacred tobacco (non-addictive) and brings a profound connection to the divine. Katukina US bring this incredible medicine to those looking for authentic experiences and deep transformation of themselves and the world around them.

How to purchase rapeh  How to take rapeh

Thanks to Katukina US, getting hold of good quality rapé is straightforward. Their easy-to-use website has a large range of blends respectfully obtained from indigenous communities. If you're in the United States (they might soon expand to other countries), you can get a 10% discount on your purchase using discount code HapeHour.

Taking rapé is a fairly simple process, but should be treated with respect and a sense of ceremony. To blow the snuff into the nostrils using a kuripe (or tepi, if involving a trusted friend). You can find on my own website detailed guides of what you need for a rapeh ceremony and how to do a ceremony.

Effects of rapeh 

Rapé has personal affects on individuals that vary depending on the particular blend. Many users say they have more spiritual awareness, emotional healing and a close relationship with the natural world. It can certainly help with personal development and positive change, help get rid of negative energy and offer mental clarity.

Katukina US's blends are seriously high quality, and in my experience of their blends (from the European branch of Katukina), most of them are potent. They also offer the knowledge and help to ensure your path with this sacred medicine is safe, significant and transforming.

About Katukina.us

Katukina US is an amazing and trustworthy source in the US for real, premium Amazonian ethnobotanicals and ceremonial tools. They provided anybody seeking healing, spiritual growth and a closer connection with nature access to the life-changing possibilities of these age-old sacred medicines, driven especially by preserving indigenous customs and supporting the tribes in the Amazon region.

The name Katukina comes from the tribe known for their botanical knowledge and love of the Kambo frog. By honouring the knowledge of the Katukina and other tribes, including the Apurina, Yawanawa, Kaxinawa, Shanenawa, Shawandawa, Kallawaya, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Shipibo, and Matses, they sell a diverse selection of medicines and tools each with their unique compositions and effects.

Fair trade, sustainability and the interests of all those engaged define Katukina US's basic principles. By developing ties with the tribes of the Amazon basin, they guarantee ethical procurement of these substances and help indigenous people in their attempts to preserve their knowledge and way of life.

Apart from providing the freshest and best rapé, sananga, kuripes, tepis, and other tools, they're dedicated to educate and mentor anyone who want to discover the power of these medicines. Apart from effective and safe administration instructions, the company's website offers a good resource with information on the use, background, and effects of every product.

For those wishing to improve their meditative and spiritual practice, Katukina US offers other carefully selected items, such as insense and ambil (tobacco syrup). Every object is imbued with the spirit and aspirations of the native tribes.

Because of their commitment to provide exceptional customer service and enthusiasm for sharing the knowledge of the Amazon, they have become a go-to source for those seeking authentic, life-changing experiences. Along with having access to the best ethnobotanicals, clients of Katukina US join a worldwide community dedicated to preserving indigenous knowledge. Thus they promote healing and spiritual development.

Discover the ancient knowledge of the Amazon and the healing power of sacred medicines. Using my special discount code HapeHour to save 10% on your purchase.

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