Tarot Readings

Tarot readings

Spiritual Insights for the Future

Welcome to the Tarot Readings page, where we explore Tarot to offer spiritual insights and direction. Regular Tarot readings here provide forecasts and insights for the near future and approaching world events. Should you comment at the bottom of this page, I am open to requests. My Tarot work provides an approach to spiritual inquiry in line with the rich customs of tribal life and sacred medicines. Through the art of Tarot, travel with me to discover deeper truths and connect with ancient knowledge.

How I interpret the cards...

My practice involves my interpretation of the Kachina spread, involving seven cards:

In addition, I often pull three additional clarification cards, one for the querant, one for the situation, and one for the future.

tarot reading about June 2024

Reading on World Events in June 2024

My cards - Change and Victory

The Tower card, which means quick and major changes, says that the world could experience changes or problems in June. Getting past these problems will bring praise and good luck. The Six of Wands suggests this.

Effects of Situations on Emotional Growth and Maturity

If you look at the Page of Cups, it means fresh starts for your emotions and your creativity. June could bring changes in your emotions and chances to grow as a person. It's important to stay calm and wise in these cases, with the King of Cups, who stands for mental maturity and kindness.

Past influences and current energy: facing problems and moving forward

If you see the Devil card, it means that old problems may come up again and need to be fixed. This is because it has to do with links and bad habits. The Five of Cups, which represents sadness and loss, suggests that the main theme might be getting over past emotional mistakes. It's a chance to get over what happened while you think about it and try to make sense of it.

Advice for the Future: Perseverance, Clarity, and Determination

The Seven of Wands tells you to be strong and determined when things get tough. The Seven of Cups tells you to keep your mind on the task at hand even when things get confusing or distracting. The Two of Wands card tells you to plan ahead and think about the future. Last but not least, the Chariot card tells you to keep your mind on the good things and not give up - keep control.

Finding Your Way Through June: Self-Reflection and Growth

From what I've read, June will be the month when we meet some goals as a society and deal with any issues that come up. Be honest about how you feel and be happy with what you have. We need a strong will and to finish up any unfinished work from the past in order to get through this important time.

As June goes on, the world could have some problems and deceptions (or more likely, the seeds of major deceptions). Let's stay strong and make the most of the chances that come our way for the good of everyone. If we pay attention to how our lives are connected and do what the cards seem to indicate, we can get through our problems and be ready for the changes that are coming in June and the months beyond.

tarot reading about world finance for the rest of 2024

A reading on the world financial system for the rest of 2024

Background and Influences from the Past: Strength in the Face of Stress

If you see the Nine of Wands, it means that the financial system has been under a lot of stress and pressure. Still, it shows a strong will and persistence, showing that the system has been strong through these challenges and will continue to do so.

From the People's Point of View: Looking for New Chances and Fairness

The Ace of Wands stands for everyone's desire for fresh starts, new ideas, and growth. People are looking for new ways to make money and better ways to deal with the unstable economy. The Justice card stresses how important it is for the financial system to be fair, balanced, and accountable. This shows that many people want fairness and justice.

The State of the Financial System: Uncertainty and the Chance of Stability

The Fool card means that the financial system is about to go through a big change or enter a new phase that is full of unknowns and confusion. But the Four of Wands shows that even though things are unclear, there may be times when things are stable and reasons to be hopeful. It's possible that the system will find areas of early success that it can build on.

Pressures and Burdens of Current Energy

The Ten of Wands shows how the banking system is under a lot of stress and load right now. It seems to say that the system is stressed and overworked, having to deal with a lot of important tasks and duties.

Advice and thoughts on the future: change and rebuilding

When the Death card is in the future position, it means that the financial system will change in a big way. It means the end of an old way of doing things and the start of a new phase. Even though this change might be hard, it's needed for growth and renewal. The Eight of Pentacles and the Queen of Wands both say that people need to have faith, be bold, and work hard to get through this time of change and rebuild the system.

Possible Results: Stability and Wealth

The King of Pentacles shows that the banking system will do well in the future. It means that there is a chance for a return to safety and financial security after the time of change and hard work. The system can become stronger and more resilient if resources are managed well and long-term success is kept in mind.

As we face the challenges ahead, it is important to stay proactive, flexible, and upbeat, even if there are lies and problems that seem serious. We can get through the tough times and come out stronger on the other side if we look for ways to grow and work together towards a shared goal.

Tarot reading about August 2024

Reading on World Events in August 2024

This tarot reading provides insights on the worldwide events and collective forces that might mould our experiences as during August 2024. The cards promise a rather interesting month ahead for the collective, showing a path from recent upheaval towards optimism and equilibrium.

Recent Past: Upheaval and Transformation

The Tower in the Background suggests that we are moving from a time of disturbance and abrupt change. Indeed, the month of July was very eventful! This can reflect current world events that have made an impact on our minds and made us re-evaluate our accepted wisdom. The dynamism of the Tower tells us that occasionally development and rebuilding call for destruction of that which rests on dodgy foundations.

The present situation of humanity: anxiety and patience

The Nine of Swords and the Seven of Pentacles reflect the collective of humanity. The Nine of Swords points to mental agony, anxiety and stress (but also with the message that many of our worries are unfounded in reality). Many might be feeling overwhelmed by recent events or battling concerns about the future. The Seven of Pentacles, on the other hand, provides a contrast and suggests a period of deliberate investing and patience. This combination implies that even with general uneasiness, there is also cautious hope and a readiness to pursue long-term objectives.

The month ahead: stability and fresh starts

For August, the Four of Wands and the Ace of Wands define the circumstances. This potent combination refers to a month of celebration, fresh chances and strong roots. The Four of Wands suggests a moment of harmony and homecoming, maybe indicating effective solutions to current world problems. The Ace of Wands infuses fresh beginnings, inspiration and promise. These cards taken together show a month in which fresh ideas germinate on a solid foundation.

The connecting Energy: Healing and Hope

Offering a lovely message of optimism, inspiration and spiritual fulfillment, the Star card manifested as the energy between mankind and the events of August. This implies that the month will inspire fresh optimism and faith. The Star reminds us to remain open to the will of the Universe and to trust the healing process.

Future Directions: Seeking Truth and Balance

The Justice card calls for balance, fairness and truth, and acts as a guide into our collective future. This card implies that it will be important to approach events with objectivity and pursue fair answers moving forward. Emphasising the need of responsibility, it might also suggest that the results of past deeds will show themselves.

The clarification cards...

The clarification cards provide still another perspective. The Nine of Cups for Humanity points to a path towards emotional fulfilment and the expression of wishes. The Knight of Cups gives a passionate, idealistic enthusiasm, maybe signifying diplomatic efforts or the search of common goals. The Six of Swords in the future point to a trip towards calm seas, away from disturbance towards tranquility and mental clarity.

In essence, a month of healing and advancement.

This reading for August 2024 shows a world emerging from recent upheavals towards a more steady and bright future (at least for the time being). Although collective fears still exist, there is a lot of patience, fresh starts and potential for positive change. The month can present chances for worldwide and personal healing as well as a means of working towards more equitable solutions. We are urged to be positive, search for justice and truth, and be receptive to the fresh opportunities that are presented to use, as we negotiate these forces.

My intuition tells me that this is most likely a month of pause between world-moving events. I hate to use the term "calm before the storm", and I suspect the "storm" won't be devastating. The future is bright.

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