What you Need for a Rapé Meditation

List of Supplies for a Rapé Ceremony

To get ready for a deep rapé ceremony, you need to make a sacred place and gather the right tools. This is a complete list of all the things you'll need to have the best rapé experience possible.

Rapé: The Sacred Shamanic Snuff

rapé varieties ready for ceremony

Pick one or more types of rapé that fit your needs and mood. Putting different rapés together can have interesting effects on your energy. Don't be put off by the main ingredient, tobacco. This is natural, ground-up sacred tobacco that was carefully mixed by native tribes with ash, bark, and herbs.

For trusted rapé sources, see my rapeh buying guide.

Kuripe or Tepi: The Rapé Pipe

kuripe rapé pipe

For self-administration, a kuripe is a blow pipe. A tepi, on the other hand, is used to blow rapé into someone else's nose. To keep it from breaking, buy a kuripe that is well-made and strong, with ends that are securely connected.

Online stores like eBay and Etsy have a lot of kuripes and tepis for sale. (The latter is particularly good for this!)

Comfortable Seating: Cushions and Backrests

meditation cushion

Either sit on a comfortable chair with good cushioning, or put your back against a wall and sit up straight, ideally with your legs crossed. This will let energy flow freely through your spine and chakras. During meditation, even small discomforts can play on your mind, so use pillows, cushions and/or maybe folded clothes to find a lovely stable and relaxed position.

Smudging Supplies: Cleansing Your Space

palo santo and sage smudge

Palo Santo wood, also called "holy wood," and rosemary or sage sticks are great for getting rid of bad energy and making a special space. There are also very good smudge sprays (look on, for example, Ebay), such as Palo Santo or frankincense. These are good if you don't want to deal with smoke.

Blindfold: Enhancing Your Inner Journey

meditation blindfold

Wearing a blindfold or dimming the room helps to create nice conditions for meditation. Keep all necessary items in reach of your meditation space.

Tissues or Cloth: Handling Rapé Mucus

tissues or old t-shirt

To clean up the mucus that comes out of using a rapé, you need strong tissues or an old T-shirt. Between meditations, hang the cloth to dry. The mucus will fall off on its own as it dries. If you get rapé marks on clothes, don't worry too much, as they tend to go away once they dry (depending of course on the fabric).

Meditation Sounds or Guided Journeys (Optional)

headphones for meditation music

If complete silence isn't available or preferred, I highly recommend high-vibrational meditation music, healing frequency sounds (like Solfeggio) or guided meditations to enhance the rapé experience and go deeper. You can see my extensive playlist of sounds I use at the following link... Comprehensive list of ceremony sound tracks.

The Holo Vibes Pineal meditations, like the one below, are particularly powerful when combined with rapé.

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Posted by Jane (Besibeautiful@yahoo.co.uk)

I really enjoyed reading all of this great information. I'm very grateful you shared this. I have done 2 sessions alongside Kambo. I will be purchasing Rapi from your link. Thank you for sharing this vital information.

9th February 2024 at 4:28PM